
NATURAL LIVING EXPO • FALL 2022 EXHIBITORS Exploration • Enlightenment • Education • Engagement

to learn more about upcoming 3DWKZD\V5HWUHDWVWR¿QGRXW how you can submit articles for future issues; and to pick XS\RXUFRPSOLPHQWDU\(;32 727(%$* OLPLWHGTXDQWLW\ ZKLOHVXSSOLHVODVW  ZZZSDWKZD\VPDJD]LQHRQOLQH com Peace & Laughter &KHU\O*LDQQHOOLLVD&U\VWDO ,QWXLWLYH6SLULW0HVVHQJHUDQG Energy Healer. She uses her intuition to craft intention-based Crystal Energy Wands in glass vials designed to insert into your drinking vessel, held for insight, placed in your surroundings, or laid on the body to infuse and aspire with the energy and vibration of the crystals. Crystal spheres, points, and other spe- FLDOW\LWHPV*HPVWRQHEUDFHOHWV DQGJLIWVHWVRIFU\VWDOV&KHU\O¶V VHUYLFHVLQFOXGH6SLULW0HVVDJ - LQJ&U\VWDO5HDGLQJV0HGLXP - ship, or Soul-to-Soul guidance; (QHUJ\+HDOLQJ5HLNLKRPH blessings or clearings; and Crys- tal Sessions for recommended crystals for your day-to-day life. Phoenix Rising Apothecary +HUEV7LQFWXUHV*O\FHULWHV Incense, Natural and Holistic +HDOWKIRU3HRSOHDQG$QLPDOV 0HWDSK\VLFDO KWWSVSKRHQL[ULVLQJDSRWKH - Pink Moon Wellness We are a local small-batch pro- GXFHURI&%'KHPSSURGXFWV Our gummies are made with all natural ingredients and plant- based. Power Essentials - Catlin Power Helping you improve the ease DQGÀRZLQ\RXUOLIHWKURXJK coaching, energy healing, and oils. Purpose Health 385326(LVDPHQWDOZHOOQHVV company building new tools to measure and manage the im- pacts of stress on the body. Our mission is to bring a mixture of science and compassion to the nexus of body and mind. Reflexology and Beyond %ULJLWWH:LVV&ODLUYR\DQW  *LIWHG&HUWL¿HG+ROLVWLF5HÀH[ -

LVWGHVLJQHG<RJDEUDQGR̆ HULQJ non-toxic and biodegradable <RJDPDWVDQGDFFHVVRULHV Shelly’s Traveling Rock Shop I sell some of the most beautiful tumbled stones you will ever see! I work with a master geolo- gist who hand selects rough rock from around the world. ZZZIDFHERRNFRPVKHOO\VURFN - shop Skydin Zeal Skydin Zeal began as a Visu- DO$UWLVWPRVWNQRZQIRUKLV FUHDWLYHZRUNLQ6LOYHUDQG*ROG wearable spiritual artworks! He also designs clothing, acces- sories,& is an architect and hand-forges Sound Healing instruments. He is a Profession- al Teacher of ancient spiritu- al practices, predominantly Scandinavian as well as Egyp- tian Numerological principles. +LV3V\FKLF5HDGLQJVLQFOXGH reading the future via the Norse 5XQHV(J\SWLDQ7DURW+HOHDGV large meditation groups on 'UHDP:RUN$VWUDO7UDYHO+H has also used similar techniques to lead guests through Past Life recollection beyond Sumer and to the distant future. He teaches shamanic practices and remote viewing which lead to an im- mersive and fun extraterrestrial experience. SNS Wellness, Alchemizing Wellness 0HUJLQJZHOOQHVVFRDFKLQJ energy healing, hypnosis & oils to bring harmony back into your body and life. Solar Energy World Information and a visual demonstration of solar replace- ment for home energy sources. 5HGXFH\RXUGHSHQGHQFHRQ GLUW\HQHUJ\DQGIRVWHU¿QDQFLDO and environmental security for years to come with solar panel and other solar energy products. Sole Healing 3URYLGLQJUHÀH[RORJ\DQG massage for shows, conferences, PHHWLQJVRUVHPLQDUV$JUHDW opportunity to have a sponsored area of relaxation and rejuve- nation at your event. On site Corporate Wellness programs,

business and private events, and JLUOV¶QLJKWRXWSDUWLHV Soul Alchemy 6WHSLQWRDQRWKHUZRUOG$ ZRUOGRIV\PEROLVP$ZRUOG WKDWQHHGVQRZRUGV0HWWDD visual artist of sacred symbols, a FUHDWLYH5HLNL0DVWHU7HDFKHU Intuitive Holistic Nutritionist &HUWL¿HG,QWHJUDWLYH&RDFK 5'16KHLQWHUSUHWVFKDQQHOHG DXWRPDWLFGUDZLQJVZULWLQJV of sacred symbols and light language with the intention of assisting humanity with an integration and activation to a KLJKHUIUHTXHQF\$VDQLQWXLWLYH visual artist and channel, she FDQLQWXLWSHUVRQDOL]HGV\PEROV pet symbols, and symbols for VSHFL¿FSXUSRVHV$VDQLQWXLWLYH channel, she has been able to FRQQHFWWR$UFKDQJHOV$VFHQG - HG0DVWHUV6DLQWV*RGVDQG *RGGHVVHVDQFHVWRUVFRVPLF relatives, past lives; whomever needs or wants to come through for the highest good and growth of the individual at the time. Soul Mind Body Alignment LLC 5HLNL0DVWHUDQG7DR3UDFWL - WLRQHUR̆ HUVZHOOQHVVDQGWUDQV - formation with blessings, life guidance, and meditation in the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field. 3ULYDWHFRQVXOWDWLRQVR̆ HUHG IRURYHUDOOZHOOQHVVRUDVSHFL¿F condition, and can include soul communication for guidance. 6SHFLDOSDFNDJHVR̆ HUHGZLWK online classes. www.soulmindbodyalignment. org Soul Source 2̆HULQJV3DVWOLIH /LIH%H - WZHHQ/LYHV5HJUHVVLRQŠVSLULW releasement, and Soul School with Joanne Selinske; and heal- LQJWKURXJKWKH$NDVKLF5HFRUGV ZLWK%LOO6DQGD Soul Tudes with Pawsitive Angels ,SURYLGH0DJQHWXGH-HZHOU\ bio-magnetic interchangeable jewelry that counteracts the H̆ HFWVRI(0),DOVRKDYH7KH )RRG+HDOLQJ2UDFOH'HFNŠ SURYLGLQJPLQL,QWXLWLYH5HDG - ings, nourishing understanding of food as a spiritual messenger for emotional, mental, physical &amp;amp; spiritual wellness.

RORJLVWVLQFHZLOOUHMXYH - nate you physically, emotionally & spiritually through her unique SUDFWLFH6KHZLOOFXVWRPL]H your session to your personal needs. Not a foot massage! Not \RXUW\SLFDO5HÀH[RORJ\%HVW IRU675(66DQGPRUH6HHP\ website for the list. ZZZUHÀH[RORJ\DQGEH\RQGFRP Rekindling Intimacy &RQVFLRXV5HODWLRQVKLSV&RDFK - LQJDQG+XPDQ'HVLJQ5HDGLQJ ZZZ5HNLQGOLQJ,QWLPDF\FRP Relax Saunas 5HOD[6DXQDVGLVWULEXWHVIDU LQIUDUHGUD\ ),5 SRUWDEOHVDX - QDVDQG),5PHGLFDOODPSVWR dental & medical professionals ZKRUHFRJQL]HWKDW5HOD[6DXQDV help improve and maintain KHDOWK5HOD[6DXQDVHPLWSXUH ),5DWOHYHOVVWURQJHQRXJKWR penetrate tissue. 5HPQDQWVRI0DJLFFUHDWHVWKH highest quality in handcrafted one-of-a-kind wire wrapped jewelry in sterling silver and NJROG¿OOHGZLUH3RZHUEHDG bracelets, Crystal wands and much more. Power bead brace- lets can help attain love, money, health and more. Every item VROGWKURXJK5HPQDQWVRI0DJLF is chosen for its beauty and metaphysical properties thus en- suring you get a piece as magical Remnants of Magic as the person who wears it. RHaw Creations $OOWKLQJVKDQGPDGHQDWXUDO and organic. Organic Essential Oil Sprays, Natural Tea Soaps, Ceramics, and Hemp Jewelry. Salt On Main Wellness Center 'LVFRYHUZK\HYHU\RQHLVWDONLQJ about dry salt therapy! Halo- therapy or dry salt therapy is a relaxing experience that de- WR[L¿HVWKHUHVSLUDWRU\V\VWHP soothes skin conditions, calms stress, and promotes an overall feeling of wellness. Visit our booth to sign up for a “Salty 3UHYLHZ´DQGHQMR\DPLQXWH session! Shakti Warrior Shakti Warrior is a wom- en-owned, eco-friendly and art-

52—PATHWAYS—Fall 22

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