NATURAL LIVING EXPO • FALL 2022 EXHIBITORS Exploration • Enlightenment • Education • Engagement
and absorption technology — an iron-free Patent Pending 'LVUXSWLYHQXWUDFHXWLFDOWHFK - nology — resets circulatory and metabolic systems, and restores the cellular ability to use and transport oxygen, water and nutrients. It also helps shift me- WDEROLVPWRVDIHO\DFWLYDWH)$7 %851,1*WRHPSRZHU\RXU journey. Xina Allen LLP ;LQD$OOHQ//3R̆ HUVH[WUD - terrestrial energy attunements WKDW¿QHWXQH\RXUHQHUJ\1R purchase required; simply come by and experience them for yourself. ZZZ;LQD$OOHQFRP Yoga • Meditation • Spir- ituality • Vegetarianism • Ayurveda ,6.&21LVDQLQWHUQDWLRQ - DORUJDQL]DWLRQGHGLFDWHGWR spreading spiritual knowledge and culture. It is based on the ancient texts of India such as the %KDJDYDG*LWD and Srimad %KDJDYDWDP , and chanting of WKHKRO\QDPHVRI*RGWREH - come pure and bring peace and prosperity. Zoetic Workshops Our courses provide a gentle, innovative and experiential training through which you will be a living expression of Harmo- Q\*UDFHDQG3HDFH7KURXJK our curriculum you will have a dynamic capacity to access and implement Inner Wisdom. SoulConX
clairs, angels, astrology, Tarot, numerology, spirit guides, and GUHDPLQWHUSUHWDWLRQ$YDLODEOH IRUUHDGLQJVFRQVXOWDWLRQV&'V and other gift items for sale. Takoma Metaphysical Chapel 7KH7DNRPD0HWDSK\VLFDO Chapel is an Interfaith Spiritual Community of love. We support your spiritual growth and devel- opment with classes, meditation and prayer calls, workshops and an uplifting, powerful Sunday celebration service. Tarot Card Reader Sonia Subaran Sonia Subaran, Tarot reader ZLWKRYHU\HDU¶VH[SHULHQFHLQ Jamaica and the United States. Intuitive with clear messages from Spirit. The Clendinning Technique of Energy Healing Internationally renowned heal- HU*HR̆ UH\0RUHOOZLOOGHPRQ - strate his healing techniques and provide books and materials on the subject of energy healing. The Lightworkers Sanctu- ary .D\ODSURYLGHV,QWXLWLYH &RDFKLQJZLWK$NDVKLF5HFRUG 5HDGLQJV5HLNL6RXQG%DWK 0HGLWDWLRQV&HUHPRQLHVIRU 0DQLIHVWLQJ 5HOHDVLQJZLWK WKH0RRQDORQJZLWK6KDPDQLF Healing. These modalities are a beautiful blend to heal the mind & body. www.thelightworkerssanctuary. com The Reconnection: Heal Others Heal Yourself Explore dynamic healing with a whole new level of freedom! Stop by for a demonstration, sign up for your personal session, and learn how you can access greater levels of harmony and balance for yourself and others! Third Eye Candles 5HLNLLQIXVHGFDQGOHVDQGJLIWV for healing and meditation, in- cluding Chakra Healing candles, 0RWKHU%OHVVLQJFDQGOHVDQG energy clearing sprays. Hand- crafted with love and intention
to bring you healing whenever you need it, wherever you are. “Thrive This Time…No Matter What” with the The Work of Byron Katie Struggling with anxiety, guilt RULVVXHVZLWKKHDOWK¿QDQFHV UHODWLRQVKLSV"'LVFRYHUWKH healing inherent in your greatest challenges and how to harness this “Symmetry” to EVOLVE <2856(/)VR\RXKDYHPRUH clarity, freedom, fun and con- nection in your life. Tibet Sky Emporium Tibet Sky Emporium is a social HQWUHSUHQHXUVKLS,GRQDWH RIWKHSUR¿WVWRWKHYLOODJH region in Tibet I left so long ago. ,R̆ HUXQLTXHPRVWO\KDQG - crafted clothes, jewelry, scarves, bags, and various accessories and cultural items from Tibet, 1HSDODQG,QGLD0\ORQJWHUP JRDOLVWRH[SDQGP\1*2DFWLY - ities in Tibet and make all of the products eco-friendly and fair trade. To Thine Own Light Be True $QLQWURGXFWLRQWRWKH3KDVHV RI+HDOLQJ([SORULQJ<RXU7UXH Purpose. Health and wellness specialist Lindsey Van Wagner R̆ HUVVROXWLRQIRFXVHGSUDFWLFHV SHUVRQDOL]HGWR\RXUWUXHQDWXUH using the principles of health psychology and theory-based EHKDYLRUPRGL¿FDWLRQV Total U &RSSHU-HZHOU\&U\VWDOV*HPV DQG0LQHUDOV Valley of Gems We sell: gems, crystals, pyra- PLGVDQGVSKHUHVRITXDUW]FU\V - tal and amethyst. Large pieces of polished moonstone, labradorite and lapis. Our own handmade jewelry is made with unusual, beautiful, natural stones, such DVSHURQLWHGUX]\GHQGULWH opal, labradorite, moonstone, DQGUDUH7LEHWDQWXUTXRLVH$QG PXFKPRUH« Victory Nutrition Interna- tional Interested in trimming down and losing weight in a way WKDWVXSSRUWVRSWLPDOKHDOWK" %UHDNWKURXJKQXWULHQWGHOLYHU\
2̆ HULQJDRQHVWRSVKRSIRU authentic holistic practitioners DQGSURJUDPV:HR̆ HUHPSRZ - erment coaching, psychic medi- umship, Tarot, energy healing, past-life regression, and more to help you live your purpose. Souls Talisman Crystals Our creations include high qual- ity gemstones in each handmade hanging crystal, hand knotted 0DODQHFNODFHJHPEUDFHOHW *HPHOL[LUDQG&U\VWDO*ULGV Each beautifully balanced item is assembled using Intuition, positive intention, deep soul listening, creative attention and love.. Squared Away Feng Shui $VD0DVWHU)HQJ6KXL&RQVXO - WDQWDQGDFHUWL¿HG7HDFKHURI 3V\FKLF'HYHORSPHQW,SURYLGH intuitive readings, Feng Shui enhancements, and yearly fore- FDVWVWRDVVLVWSHRSOHLQ¿QGLQJ their authentic selves. Stacey Gayer, PT Stacey is a PT who does one-on- one hands-on sessions. She uti- OL]HVKHU\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFH VFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFKDQGKHUJLIWRI intuition to treat the root causes of dysfunction and pain. 6XN\R0DKLNDULSURYLGHVIUHH PLQXWHHQHUJ\VHVVLRQV0DQ\ ¿QGWKHHQHUJ\WREHUHOD[LQJ and rejuvenating for the soul, mind, and body. Some achieve better clarity and sense of pur- pose in their lives. SunPsychic Jean SunPsychic Jean is a Psychic 0HGLXPZKRIDFLOLWDWHVFRQQHF - tion with your loved ones and pets who have transitioned, with \RXU6SLULW*XLGHV$QJHOVDQG RWKHU+LJK9LEUDWLRQDO%HLQJV to assist you with your personal DQGVSLULWXDOJURZWK5HDGLQJV RQ<RX7XEH Susan Lynne’s Mediumlink Susan Lynne is a gifted psychic PHGLXPZLWKRYHU\HDUV of experience. She uses all the Sukyo Mahikari
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