

2Q:RUOG)RRG'D\ 2FW  'DYLHV8QLWDULDQ8QLYHUVDOLVW Congregation in Camp Springs, 0'ZLOOKROGD3RHWU\RI+XQ - ger Service. Several poets from around the world will present their hunger-focused poetry. $OODUHZHOFRPHWRMRLQ'DYLHV Unitarian Universalist Congre- gation,  KWWSVGDYLHVXXRUJ

KWWSVTIRUJVDPKDLQ Four Quarters Interfaith, Of- ¿FH#4)RUJ ZZZ4)RUJ

education, and of course a calm, resting pose at the end. Classes are designed for any level of ex- SHULHQFHDQGWULPHVWHU'H$QQD +RXVWRQ<RJDLQIR#GHDQQD - KRXVWRQFRP ZZZGHDQQDKRXVWRQFRPYLU - tual-prenatal-yoga

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$UP %DODQFH DQG ,QYHU VLRQ :RUNVKRS SP SP([SHULHQFHG<RJD WHDFKHU0HUHGLWK%URWKHUWRQ breaks down some of the arm EDODQFHV\RX¶OOHQFRXQWHULQDQ asana class, such as handstand, forearm stand, crow, side crow, ¿UHÀ\KXUGOHU¶VSRVHDQGPRUH This workshop will provide a IXQH[SORUDWLRQHYHQLI\RX¶UH newer to the idea of arm bal- DQFHV'LVWULFW)ORZ<RJDZZZ GLVWULFWÀRZ\RJDFRP 6DPKDLQ DW )RXU 4XDUWHUV , 9am - 11pm, Four Quarters )DUP$UWHPDV3$$WUDGL - WLRQDOWLPHRIUHPHPEHULQJ$OO 7KRVH:KR+DYH*RQH%HIRUH and honoring their lives. Join us as we solemnly observe 6DPKDLQDQG¿QGZD\VWRH[ - press our sorrow together, while also celebrating Life, Fellowship and Community in turn. Friday 2FWREHU6XQGD\2FWREHU


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&RQQHFWLQJ ZLWK WKH $Q FHVWRUV :RUNVKRS , 1pm - 3pm. Join Irene and Caine of %ODFNIHDWKHU0\VWHU\6FKRRO for an in-person workshop RQ$QFHVWUDOYHQHUDWLRQDQG FRQQHFWLRQZLWKDERRNVLJQLQJ chat time afterwards. How does one begin connecting with their $QFHVWRUV":KDWLIWKHEORRG relatives of recent memory were DZIXO"/HDUQDERXWGL̆ HUHQW W\SHVRI$QFHVWRUV \HV\RX have options other than blood UHODWLRQV KRZWRFRQQHFW with them, ways to cultivate a relationship, and how they FDQKHOS\RX'RQDWLRQ:RUN - VKRS0DVNV6WURQJO\ 5HFRPPHQGHG7KH&U\VWDO

,OOXPLQDWH )UHGHULFN 0LQG %RG\6SLULW$UWV )HVWLYDO , DPSP-RLQXVIRUDZRQ - GHU¿OOHGGD\([KLELWRUVPD\ include aura photography, ener- gy work, original art, vetted in- tuitive readers, crystals, essen- tial oils, handmade jewelry and gifts, luxurious spa products, and more! Free admission, free workshops, low-cost services. 8QGHUPXVWEHDFFRPSDQLHG by an adult. Illuminate Festi- vals, connect@illuminatefesti- YDOVFRPZZZ

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3UHQDWDO <RJD 6HULHV , 7pm - SP¿YHZHHNRQOLQHVHULHV 2FWREHU1RYHPEHU:H EHJLQHDFKSUHQDWDO<RJDFODVV with checking-in. This creates community and ensures the FODVVLVFXUDWHGWR¿WHDFKLQGL - YLGXDO¶VQHHGV7KHFODVVDOVR includes poses to assist with aches and pain, breath-work for \RXUODERUGHOLYHU\³WRROER[´ DEGRPLQDODQGSHOYLFÀRRUZRUN for childbirth and postpartum recovery, elements of childbirth

Explore the Universes Within You!

Sunday, October 9, 2022, 11 am – 12 pm Please join us for a spiritual discussion at the Northern Virginia ECK Center! October’s book – The Loving Heart – demonstrates how to use the lessons of life to enhance our ability to give and receive love, and recognize Divine Love in its many forms. Join us and share with like- minded Souls. Guests will receive a free copy of the book while supplies last. 2 nd Sunday Spiritual Discussion

ECK Light and Sound Service via Zoom Sunday, November 6, 2022, 11 am – 12 pm

)XO¿OOLQJ\RXU+LJKHVW3RWHQWLDO For the Zoom link, or more info:

For more information about Eckankar events, please call 703-916-0515 or visit our website at Events are free and open to the public

Sponsored by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom 1RUWKHUQ9LUJLQLD(&.&HQWHU 0HUULÀHOG 2OG/HH+LJKZD\6XLWH)DLUID[9$

66—PATHWAYS—Fall 22

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