Stop Fighting Illness... ...continued from page 71
5HWXUQ WR VHOI GLVFRYHU\ When confronted with illness, either DVWKHD̆ HFWHGRQHRUWKHFDUHJLYHURIDORYHGRQHWKHH[SHULHQFHFDQ EHDOOFRQVXPLQJ:HPD\¿QGZHIRUJHWWKHWKLQJVWKDWWUXO\PDNH RXUKHDUWVVLQJ7KLVLVWKHWLPHWRH[SHULPHQWKDYHIXQ'RPRUHRI the things you want to do and less of the things you have to do. Or rediscover the hobbies, habits and rituals that bring you joy. 7DNH FDUH RI \RXU ERG\ <RXDUHWKHKHDGRI\RXUPHGLFDOWHDP — rebalance your body. Work with people who will listen to your con- cerns and respect your decisions. Eat fresh foods and less processed IRRG$QGUHVW\RXUERG\LW¶VRNWRWDNHDQDSZKHQWKHQHHGDULVHV 0RYH \RXU ERG\ ,W¶V QRW VR FRPSOLFDWHG *R GDQFLQJ 7DNH D walk in the park. Or play in the dirt and do some gardening. One of WKHPRVWGDQJHURXVVLGHH̆ HFWVRILOOQHVVLVWKDWLWIRUFHVXVWREHVHG - entary against our will. Our bodies were made to move, so move them. ,I\RX¶UHOLPLWHGE\LOOQHVV¿QGVRPHIRUPRIPRYHPHQWDVDSODFHWR VWDUWDQGEXLOGIURPWKHUH$QGLI\RX¶UHUHFRYHUHGRUOLYLQJZHOOLQ - corporate more movement into your daily routine to nurture a healthy OLIHVW\OH$+DUYDUGVWXG\VWDWHV\RXFDQLQFUHDVH\RXUOLIHVSDQXSWR \HDUVLI\RXVLPSO\ZDONPLQXWHVDGD\ /LYH LQ WKH QRZ <HVWHUGD\¶VJRQHWRPRUURZLVQRWSURPLVHG$OO ZHKDYHLVWRGD\VRHQMR\HYHU\PRPHQW:HDUHKHUH12:«<($+ There is no right or wrong way to live in wellness, there is only your way. I remember working with a woman who was told her cancer KDG UHWXUQHG DIWHU EHLQJ LQ UHPLVVLRQ IRU D \HDU $W ¿UVW VKH VSHQW GD\VIHHOLQJVRUU\IRUKHUVHOIVKHIHOWOLNHVKHKDGSXWXSDJRRG¿JKW and the cancer returned anyway. Eventually, she began to ask herself KRZ RU ZKDW VKH FRXOG GR GL̆ HUHQWO\ WKLV WLPH DURXQG 6KH VWDUWHG surrounding herself with people who were living wellness. Initially she felt weird and awkward when experimenting with the activities LQYROYHGLQWKH¿YHVXJJHVWLRQV+RZHYHUDVVKHSUDFWLFHGPRUHDQG consistently, her outlook on life began to burn brighter.She told me that while doing meditation she lost track of time and sat in one posi- tion for two hours. She has been in remission for 3 years now, doing things she only dreamed of like painting and sharing her works at ex- hibits, and motivating others to live in wellness as well. Now, she al- ways comes to exercise class ready to go, taking life one day at a time. 6KHJDYHXSWKH¿JKWDQGEHFDPHWKHKHDGRIKHUPHGLFDOWHDPWDNLQJ responsibility for her body and mind. 7KH¿YHVXJJHVWLRQVDERYHDUHDJXLGHOLQHWRKHOS\RXOLYHEHWWHU <RXGRQ¶WKDYHWRZDLWXQWLOLOOQHVVVWULNHVWRGRWKHP²\RXFDQVWDUW right now! Even if you only do one step, you will improve your life. %XWLI\RXGRHYHU¿QG\RXUVHOIIDFLQJWKLVVLWXDWLRQDQGVRPHRQHDVNV \RXWR¿JKWDJDLQVWDQLOOQHVVGRQ¶WIRUJHWWKHGDPDJH¿JKWLQJGRHVRQ \RXUERG\DQGPLQG<RXFDQSROLWHO\UHSO\EDFNZLWKDVPLOHDQGVD\ ³1RWKDQNV,GRQ¶W¿JKWLOOQHVV,OLYHZHOOQHVV´ -RKQQHWWH$UPVWURQJLVD:HOOQHVV$GYLVRUDW.QRZOHV$SRWKH - FDU\ 6KH LV D &HUWL¿HG +HDOWK &RDFK +HUEDOLVW 5HLNL 3UDFWLWLRQHU and personal trainer who believes there is no right or wrong way to ZHOOQHVVRQO\\RXUZD\6KHORYHVKHOSLQJSHRSOHGLVFRYHUWKHLUZD\ WRZHOOQHVVE\WDNLQJDKROLVWLFDSSURDFK
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