

A new book by Pathways contributor Patricia Ullman Entering the Mainstream: Cultivating Mindfulness in Everyday Life (A Manual for Practitioners, Teachers, and the Simply Curious) Communities throughout the world are adopting these economically viable solutions. If deployed collectively on a global scale within the next thirty years, they represent a path forward not just to slow the warming but to achieve drawdown — “a point in time when green- house gases begin to dissipate and decline. These measures promise FDVFDGLQJ EHQH¿WV WR KXPDQ KHDOWK VHFXULW\ DQG SURVSHULW\ 7KH\ give us every reason to see this planetary crisis as an opportunity to create a just and livable world.” *OREDOZDUPLQJUHIHUVWRWKHVXUIDFHWHPSHUDWXUHRIWKHHDUWK&OL - mate change encompasses the many changes spurred by increases in that temperature. The solutions highlighted in this book are ranked on the basis of “the total amount of greenhouse gases that can potential- ly be avoided or removed from the atmosphere.” The accompanying summaries compare outcomes, net costs, and savings; most solutions have a relatively short payback period. For more detailed descriptions of the sources that were used, the basis of assumptions that were in- corporated, and how all of the data were generated, go to www.draw- The authors of the informative and concisely written essays in this ERRNEHOLHYHGWKDWE\³SHUFHQWRIUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\JHQHUD - WLRQFRXOGEHDJOREDOUHDOLW\´PDGHSRVVLEOHZLWKDÀH[LEOHHOHFWULFLW\ grid. “China currently leads the world in installed renewable ener- J\ FDSDFLW\ DQG KDV FDQFHOHG SODQV IRU GR]HQV RI FRDO¿UHG SODQWV´ $XVWULD &DQDGD )LQODQG )UDQFH *HUPDQ\ DQG WKH 1HWKHUODQGV KDYHEDQQHGFRDO¿UHGSODQWV,Q6SDLQWHQPLOOLRQKRPHVDUHQRZ powered by the wind. ³7KHHDUOLHVWUHFRUGHGZLQGPLOOVZHUHFUHDWHGDURXQGWR $'LQ3HUVLDDQGUHDFKHG(XURSHGXULQJWKH0LGGOH$JHV)RUFHQWX - ULHVWKH'XWFKIRVWHUHGPRVWZLQGPLOOLQQRYDWLRQV%\WKHODWHV inventors had successfully converted “the kinetic energy from wind


DRAWDOWN: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming Edited by Paul Hawken 2017; Penguin Books: New York 240pp; $22.00 (PB) ISBN 978-0-14-313044-4

The 100 Most Substantive Solutions to Reverse Glob- al Warming Based on Meticulous Research by Scien- tists and Policymakers from Around the World Faced with widespread fear and apathy, an international coalition RIVFLHQWLVWVSURIHVVLRQDOVDQGUHVHDUFKHUVJDWKHUHGWRJHWKHUWRR̆ HU realistic yet bold solutions to mitigate climate change. One hundred techniques and practices are clearly described in this informative and engaging book of essays compiled by Paul Hawken. Only some of the suggested options are well known. They range from identifying and accessing clean energy to educating girls in lower-income countries about land use practices that remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Lauded by critics as “brave,” “authoritative,” and “highly readable,” Entering the Mainstream features stories and guided meditations that are as stimulating to the seasoned practitioner as they are accessible to the novice. It is equally valuable for mindfulness teachers, offering guidance and a range of tools to help lead individuals and groups in urban settings. This new book and Patricia’s first book, Eight Steps to an Authentic Life: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times , are available on

76—PATHWAYS—Fall 22

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