

Massage by Mary Kay

WKHLUGULQNVDQGZHQWVWUDLJKWEDFNWRPRWRUL]LQJWKHSODQHW'XULQJ WKH GHFDGHV WKDW IROORZHG WKH )RUG 0RWRU &RPSDQ\ PDQXIDFWXUHG and sold more than three hundred million motor vehicles that burned XSZDUGRIWHQELOOLRQEDUUHOVRIRLODQGUHTXLUHGDPLQLPXPRIELO - lion tires, also partially made from oil.” Jahren is a highly regarded scientist and a wonderful writer who cares deeply about the human condition. She refers to insights from $PHULFDQHFRQRPLVW+HQU\*HRUJHZKRDWWULEXWHGSRYHUW\DQGVXI - IHULQJWRVHO¿VKQHVVDQGDUHIXVDOWRVKDUHWKHDEXQGDQFHWKH(DUWK KDV SURYLGHG )RU H[DPSOH UDLVLQJ RQH SRXQG RI VDOPRQ LQ WRGD\¶V DTXDFXOWXUHFDJHV³FRVWV´¿IWHHQSRXQGVRI¿VKIURPWKHRFHDQWKDW dolphins, sea lions, and humpback whales also rely on to survive. ³0RUHVPDOO¿VKGLYHUWHGWRDTXDFXOWXUHWRIHHGXVPHDQVOHVVIRRG left in the ocean to feed them.” E.O. Wilson — respectfully referred to as “the father of biodiversity” — is advocating for the “half-earth” LGHDOZKLFKZRXOGDOORFDWH³DIXOOSHUFHQWRIWKHHDUWK¶VODQGDVD human-free natural reserve.” Jahren maintains that only “a serious shift toward energy conser- vation addresses the root of the problem.” She argues that if enough countries — including and especially the United States — conserved more and used less, there would be enough to go around. The per cap- ita energy usage in the United States “is the highest in the world.” To XVHOHVV$PHULFDQVZRXOGKDYHWRIRUJRIRXURXWRIHYHU\¿YHSODQH ULGHVDQGWUDYHOXVLQJPDVVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ³DWOHDVW¿IW\WLPHVIDUWKHU each year than they do now.” That would mean the United States as a ZKROHZRXOGKDYHWRJHWULGRIDWOHDVWSHUFHQWRILWVPRWRUYHKLFOHV $VDVROXWLRQHQHUJ\FRQVHUYDWLRQE\GH¿QLWLRQ³UHTXLUHVWKHOHDVWHI - fort of any approach to redirect our reliance on fossil fuels.” It could pull us “back into alignment with a future our grandchildren might VXUYLYH´ &RQVHUYLQJ UHVRXUFHV GLUHFWO\ FRQÀLFWV ZLWK WKH LQGXVWULHV WKDWKHOSHGWRZULWHRXU6WRU\RI0RUH$QLQFUHDVHLQFRQVXPSWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH SDVW ¿IW\ \HDUV LV ³WLJKWO\ FRXSOHG WR WKH SXUVXLW RI PRUH SUR¿WVPRUHLQFRPHPRUHZHDOWK,W¶VWLPHWRORRNDURXQGDQGDVN RXUVHOYHVZKHWKHUWKLVLVWUXO\WKHRQO\ZD\WREXLOGDFLYLOL]DWLRQ´7KH assumption that it is “may represent the greatest threat of all.” Other problems that Jahren highlights include too many people still without access to safe drinking water and too many people facing hun- ger amidst an enormous amount of wasted and discarded edible food. This book is so well written, readers are made to feel that they are at a small round table engaged in a soul-searching and personal conver- VDWLRQZLWK+RSH-DKUHQDVSDUWRIKHUH̆ RUWVWREXLOGDZRUOGZLWK better outcomes for every inhabitant — animals, plants, and people. $O\FH2UWX]DULVDIUHHODQFHPHGLFDODQGVRFLDOVFLHQFHUHVHDUFK - HUZULWHUDQGHGLWRUOLYLQJLQ0RQWJRPHU\&RXQW\0DU\ODQG6KH UXQV WKH :HOO 0LQG $VVRFLDWLRQ RI *UHDWHU :DVKLQJWRQ D KROLVWLF medicine information clearinghouse that focuses on environmental DQG QXWULWLRQDO LQÀXHQFHV RQ RXU PHQWDO DQG SK\VLFDO ZHOOEHLQJ )RU ¿YH \HDUV VKH HGLWHG WKH 86 6XUJHRQ *HQHUDO¶V VPRNLQJ DQG KHDOWKUHSRUWV6KHFDQEHUHDFKHGDW  DQGE\HPDLODW DO\FHRUWX]DU#JPDLOFRP

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PATHWAYS—Fall 22—79

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