
The Path of Humanity, by Julie Gross On The Cover

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7KLV DUWZRUN LV DERXW WKH HYROXWLRQ RI KXPDQLW\ 7KH SDWK LO - lustrates how humans are moving together from the darkness into WKH OLJKW $V ZH SURJUHVV GRZQ WKH SDWK ZH HPHUJH IURP RXU FR - FRRQVWREHFRPHWKH³EXWWHUÀ\´DQGVWHSLQWRKLJKHUFRQVFLRXVQHVV 7KHPHVLQP\DUWDUHWKHLGHDRISODFH LQGUHDPVRULQUHDOLW\ DQG the exploration of color in those landscapes. The interplay of color re- lationships is an interesting dynamic that I explore frequently. Color interaction is something I have always connected with, and KDYHDOZD\VH[SHULPHQWHGZLWK5HFHQWO\,KDYHEHHQIRFXVHGRQWKH healing properties of color combinations and the presence of these in dream states. For example, pink is a healing and compassionate color, while purple enhances higher consciousness. When painting I intuitively connect with healing energy, and place that intention in the work through color interactions, especially in the natural landscape. “Place,” is about communicating the essence of a place, not a pho- to-representation of a place, but through the use of linear qualities and color. 0\ LQVSLUDWLRQ DQG ZRUN LV FRQVWDQWO\ HYROYLQJ , KDYH PRVW UH - cently explored printing my paintings on clothing (available on my ZHEVLWH 0\DUFKLWHFWXUDOODQGVFDSHDUWZRUNVDUHDYDLODEOHDW'LVWULFW $UWV&RQWHPSRUDU\*DOOHU\LQ)UHGHULFN0DU\ODQG,IUHTXHQWO\VKRZ P\ ZRUN DW WKH 2OQH\ )DUPHUV DQG $UWLVWV 0DUNHW DV ZHOO DV RWKHU IHVWLYDOVLQWKH'093ULQWVFORWKLQJDQGSDLQWLQJVDUHDOODYDLODEOH on my website. Follow me on Instagram to learn about new work and upcoming events! Instagram : @juliegrossartist Website:

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PATHWAYS—Fall 22—85

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