(Hourly) 2019 McKibbon Benefit Guide



To utilize your medical and dental coverage prior to receiving your ID card you may simply give your provider your Social Security Number (SSN) as an alternate ID, as opposed to your member ID. Please note you will not receive a physical vision ID card by mail, UHC Vision is paperless. When making a vision appointment let the provider know you are a UHC vison member, they can use your SSN to verify benefits.


You may access your digital card via www.myuhc.com and www.myuhcvision.com as well as Health4Me – UHC’s mobile app . Please note, if you are registering prior to receiving your ID card with member ID, you may register using your SSN.


When you enroll in coverage you become a UHC member. A member of UHC gets access to their network of providers (doctors and facilities) – these are in-network providers. UHC members receive Discounted Rates with these in-network providers. Discounted Rate


Copays are set dollar amounts you pay for specific services. These cost are typically collected at the time of service. EX: you have a $50 copay for a visit to your primary care physician.

Services not subject to a copay are subject to your deductible. You pay first dollar costs for claims subject to your deductible and you receive the Discounted Rate for all covered claims with an in-network provider. Deductible


Coinsurance is a cost share. Once you meet the deductible UHC will share in the cost of your claims. The percent of the cost for the claim you are responsible for. The amounts you pay in coinsurance apply to your out of pocket maximum.


This amount is the maximum amount you will pay towards covered services on the plan for the calendar year. This amount includes the amounts you pay in deductible, coinsurance, copays, and prescription copays.


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