NRG: Helping Aches & Pains

“Discover How To Treat The Most Common Form Of Pain!” WHY DO YOUR MUSCLES ACHE?

Muscle pain is one of the most common forms of pain. It frequently develops as a result of injury or overuse and can develop almost anywhere in the body. It is most common in the arms, shoulders, legs, and back and neck. Sometimes, muscle pain will come and go, developing and then quickly subsiding before becoming a long-term issue. But this is not always the case. A sprain or strain of a ligament, which are the fibrous tissues that connect bones and joints, can cause long-term pain if correct healing does not occur. The most common issues of muscle pain are related to injuries, especially: • Neck and back injury • Shoulder injury • Sprain or strain injury • Stress from overuse or tension In some situations, muscle pain can also be caused by: • Certain medication usage • Fibromyalgia

In situations like these your pain may need to be addressed by a medical professional. Physiotherapists are able to address the underlying cause of pain in many chronic conditions, such as in the cases of certain autoimmune diseases and fibromyalgia. Most aches and pains are temporary and generally last 1-3 days. However, once muscle pain begins to go past 3 days without changing, or you feel the same aches and pains repeatedly, it’s time to give us a call as there may be an underlying problem such as muscle imbalance, or stiff tissues and joints. YOU HELP US HELP OTHERS Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? Care enough to share how we have helped you? Who do you know that could benefit from therapy? If you know someone suffering with aches and pains, then give the gift of health. Refer them to NRG Athletes Therapy Fitness today! Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly for a Free Athletic Therapy Screen. They will thank you, and so will we!

• Autoimmune disease • Other chronic concerns

Exercises to help reduce hip pain Try this movement if you are experiencing hip pain.

HIP HIKES While standing up on a step, lower one leg downward towards the floor by tilting your pelvis to the side. Then return the pelvis/leg back to a leveled position. Loosens Tight Hips

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