King's Business - 1921-07

SCHOOL PINS ♦ SEND FOR BOOK OF DESIGNS * J .Á . MEYERS & CO. A J E W E L R V F A C T O R Y METROPOLITAN BLDG.. LOS ANGELES A Great Bible Tool \ It Indexes, by topic and Bible text, the best you read in books, and files clippings almost automatically. THE KING’S BUSINESS—May, 1919, pp. 424 “It is In advance of any other system we know of tor enabling one to locate the material he wants when ha wants It.” REV. KEITH L. BROOKS, of the Bible Institute “I am using this index and would not know how to- get along without It. There Is nothing to compare with it.” DR. GRIFFITH THOMAS “During thirty-five years I have tried all sorts of plans without success. I now use Wilson's Index with such satisfaction that I bid others to ‘go and do likewise.' '* We send the Index on approval. Send for circulars. W ILSON INDEX COMPANY Box X E a s t H a d d a m . C o n n . See review In The King's Business, May, 1919, P. 424 MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO. M ISSIONARY BUREAU CHICAGO, U . S . A h a s m ad e a s p e c ia lty o f se rv ic e to M is­ sio n a rie s in fo re ig n la n d s fo r o v e r 2& y e a rs. O u r M ISSIONARY B U R EA U w ill g la d ly fu rn is h in fo rm a tio n , a n d a s s is t y o u in a sse m b lin g , p a c k in g , a n d sh ip p in g y o u r o v e rse a s e q u ip m e n t. Y ou sa v e m o n ey b y ta k in g a d v a n ta g e o f o u r low c a rlo a d f r e ig h t ra te s . W rite fo r o u r M ISSIONARY C IRCU LAR a n d la r g e CATALOGUE o f g e n e ra l m e r ­ c h a n d ise , s e n t free , b e fo re p la n n in g y o u r o v e rse a s o u tfittin g . Our. c a ta lo g u e w ill g iv e y o u th e lo w e s t p ric e s o b ta in a b le on h ig h q u a lity m e rc h a n d ise . W E G U A R A N T E E S A F E D E L IV E R Y O F OUR M ER CH AN D ISE A N YW H E R E IN T H E W O R LD .

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