King's Business - 1921-07

T h e p ro p e rty is w o rth m ore th a n a m illion a n d a half do llars, is free from d eb t, a n d used en ­ tirely fo r th e definite w ork of th e In stitu te.

"D edicated u n to H im th a t loved u s a n d w ashed u s from o u r sin s in H is ow n blood." (R ev. 1:5.) (O u r C orner Stone)

T here is no com ­ m ercialism in co n ­ nection w ith o u r w ork, a n d n ever can be.

Located in the Center of a Great City SOUND IN DOCTRINE—SANE IN DEPORTMENT-SINCERE IN DEVOTION—SUCCESSFUL IN BUSINESS FOR GOD. The deed to the property upon which the building stands, is based upon a DOCTRINAL STATEMENT of which the following is a synopsis: T h e T rin ity of th e G odhead. T h e D eity of th e C hrist. T h e P erso n ality of th e H oly G host. T h e N ecessity of th e New B irth. T he M aintenance of Good W orks. T he Second Com ing of C hrist. T he R eality a n d P erso n ality o f S atan . W e hold to th e H isto ric F a ith o f th e C hurch a s expressed in th e Comm on Creed o f E vangelical C hristendom : No one can ever preach or teach in this Institute who does not subscribe to this statement. DEPARTMENTS OF WORK In addition to the training of young men and women to know and use the Bible in any form of Christian work to which the Lord may call them, the Institute carries on active evangelistic work in th e .following in Hunan Province, China; (Nine boats **Floating Bible Schools** with 117 native workers; over 187,000 homes visited in 1920.) Bible Institute LYMAN STEW ART, P resid en t R. A. TORREY, D.D., D ean T . C. HORTON, S u p erintendent W R ITE US FOR FURTH ER INFORMATION departments: Bible Women (seventeen paid and five volunteer workers) ; Seamen*s Work in Pacific Coast harbors; Jewish Work; Shop Work; Spanish Work; Biola Hall (O ur City Mission for M en); Colportage'Work T he S u p ern atu ral a n d Plenary a u th o rity T he U n ity in D iversity of th e C hurch, th e B ody a n d B ride of C hrist. T he S u b stitu tio n a ry A tonem ent. of th e H oly S crip tu res. T he E v erlastin g E xistence o f th e Spirit. T h e R esu rrectio n of th e Body. T he Life E v erlastin g of B elievers. T h e E ndless P u n ishm en t of th e Im peni­ te n t.

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