King's Business - 1921-07

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 645 Our friend, who says he deplores the “ fanciful interpretations” put upon portions of the Scriptures by premillennial teachers, then proceeds to give us some of the best specimens of “ fanciful interpretation” we have ever come across. We are sure he would not apply such methods to any other doctrine in the Bible than the Second Coming. When, one starts out with the statement, as Mr. Stanfield does, that- “ the wording of prophecy cannot always be taken to mean exactly what it says,” they are almost sure to get themselves into a pack of trouble with the Bible.

K. L. B.


LIBERALISM—A LEMON We quote here a remarkable statement by Dean Fenn, of the Divinity School, Harvard University, a Unitarian minis­ ter. He says: We must seriously raise the question whether (religious) liberalism can bear the weight of the tragedies of human experience. Does not its amiable faith in inherent goodness appear but ghastly mockery when confronted by the facts of life? A religious doctrine which can­ not bear the weight of the heart-break­ ing disasters of life will prove a broken reed piercing the hand of him who leans upon it. Every fall is a fall upward—tell that to 'a man who by his own sin has fallen from a position of honor and pow­ er into deep and damning disgrace. While the message of religious liberal­ ism, with its impotent God of law and natural force, is but “ghastly mockery” to him who seeks salvation from sin and divine power to uphold him in the crush­ ing experiences of life, the acceptance of the Christian message, on the other hand, (resulting in Christian exeprience)

is fully adequate to his needs. The act­ ual realization of the living God and of â blessed personal relation to Him neces­ sarily brings the conviction that He is doing the very best for His child even in the disappointments which He may per­ mit to befall him; and that trials will in the end result in great blessing, if they are borne as- they ought to be. BLOOD-BOUGHT BLESSINGS I dare assert, without fear of success­ ful contradiction, that the inspired writ­ ers attribute all the blessings of salva­ tion to the precious blood of Jesus Christ. If we have redemption, it is through His blood; if we are justified, it is by His blood; if washed from our moral stains, it is by His blood, which cleanseth us from all sin; if we have victory over the last enemy, we obtain it not only by the word of the divine testimony, but through the blood of the Lamb; and, if we gain admittance into heaven, it is because, we “have washed our robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, and therefore are we before the throne of God.” Everything depends on the blood of Christ; and “without shedding of blood is no remis­ sion.”—Dr. R. Newton.

Give It Up Brother—It Wasn’t Made To Fit

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