King's Business - 1921-07



WHAT WE BELIEVE ‘Take not tke word of truth utterly out of my mouth.” Psali ,m 119*43

No man could take His life from | Him, but He had power to lay | down His life and power to take j it again (John 10.18). By His j offering of Himself on the tree He | bare the sins of His people (1 Pet. j 2.24) ,-and was made the Lamb of | God Who took on Himself the | sin of the world (John 1.29).- By this death He paid the pen- j alty that justly should have been | paid by sinners, in order that God | might justly forgive sinners who | believed in Jesus (Rom. 3.26). He rose from the dead with the j actual body that had died (Luke | 24.39), and was seen by numbers | of His disciples, once by more | than 500 at the same time (1 Cor. j 15.6). He was taken up to heav- § en (Acts 1,9), and now is able to | save to the uttermost all who | come to God through Him (Heb. | 7.25) , and is reigning till all en- j emies are brought under His feet | (1 Cor. 15.25). He shall come again with glory | (Mark 13.26), and all His people, | whether .they have died or are § still living, shall be caught up to j meet their Lord and shall be ever j with Him. Those who have not been saved | through Him (Acts 4.12) shall | have no share in the everlasting j life, which is God’s gift through | Him (Rom. 6.23), but the judg- j ment on sin will come on them | (Rev. 21.27). |

T HE Lord Jesus Christ was God (John 1.1; Phil. 2.6; Is. | 9.6). Before the world existed He | was God (Jn. 17.5). He always | existed, and He always will exist | (Rev. 1.8). He is the Word | through Whom, all things were | made (John 1.3). He became | flesh and lived on earth (John. 1. | 14). He was made as to His hu- | man body from a woman (Gen. 3. | 15, and Gal. 4.4), through the | power of God (Luke 1.35), and is | the Only-Begotten Son of God | (John 3.16). In Him all the ful- 1 ness of the Godhead dwells (Col. 1 2.9). | He was made in the likeness of | man (Phil. 2.7), and called Him- ! self the Son of Man (Matt. 8.20). | Though he was in the. likeness of- | sinful man (Rom. 8.3), and was [ tempted, or rather tested, in all | points, yet He was without sin j (Heb. 4.15). He lived as a man | among men, yet He knew all that | was in the hearts of men (John 2. | 25), never made any mistakes I (Matt. 7.24, and John 14.24). | Though in human body He ex- ! perienced hunger (Matt. 21:18), | and thirst (John 19.28), and weari- | iness (John 4.6), yet He had pow- | er to heal all kinds of diseases | (Luke 4.40), and we never read of | His suffering from sickness, or 1 being overcome by any bodily 1 weakness.


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