King's Business - 1921-07


either in his sin or as a forgiven, par­ doned sinner. He fought a hard battle with self and finally said, “If it is right to do it some time, I reckon it’a. the saf­ est to do it now.” He gave us his hand and said, “I will.” Prayer is needed foT him as no one else is a Christian on that vessel as far as we know, and he will need much strength. God often leads so wonderfully! The part of the ship where this young fellow was found was “swept clean” as every one else was busy or away except this young fellow. He could not work as he had been injured from a fall while the steamer was at sea, so he sat alone in a state of depression, but God had a purpose-and soon this in­ jury proved the factor in his salvation, for as he was suffering pain he was ap­ proached on the question of his soul’s salvation, and confessed he was not saved. As the Book was opened to him. and he read what God had done for him, he became interested, then convicted, and finally accepted Christ as his per­ sonal Saviour. Pray for these two men and for all the work of the Gospel, among the men of the sea. It is very interesting, in- a work of this character, to watch the course of events which follow the distribution of the Word, given out under the direction of the Holy Spirit and backed by prayer to God for His blessing upon it. Some time ago the writer was called to hold a special service in one of the neighboring churches located in a dif­ ficult field. Taking with him a party of five young men, the meeting was com­ menced, and at the glose a number took their stand for the Lord Jesus, among them a young man of the Navy. He had heard of the meeting from some of the men in the harbor. The young man’s name was given to the pastor of the church who visited him on the ship, and invited him to his home. The gratifying news has just reached us SHOP WORK M. H. Reynolds, Supt.

HARBOR WORK Oscar Zimmerman, Supt.

The past month has been one of much ■blessing and answer to prayer as well as a month of much seed sowing among' many people. Some requests have come in for lighthouse banks and others are •expected, as He lays this need upon His people. Results have been seen of the work done and we rejoice in that token •of His grace, calling us to more prayer and more faithful service. More ships bave come in than ever before and with the plan to train students for other ports, •our hands have been full. Nevertheless i t is our prayer always that it may please Him “to enlarge our coasts.” Be­ cause of the calling away from San Fran­ cisco of our Brother Goyette who felt led to enter a special work for French •people in Los Angeles, San Francisco Harbor has been much on our hearts and in our prayers,- and we trust He will Taise up some one to preach the Gospel ■in this needy port. In a later issue we hope to be able to Teport that the Lord has sent someone, if He tarries. Among the cases which cheered our hearts this past month was the professed conversion of a Japanese, a young, well •educated wireless operator who came to ■see the truth, “as it is in Christ.” There •were difficulties and questions in his mind, but one after another the clouds disappeared, he saw that he could be saved then and there without having to wait for anything to he done on his part, —all was finishe'd by Christ and he ac­ cepted Him. Safest Time Is Now Another case was that of a colored fel­ low, who was at first rather antagonistic, ■seeing no reason why he should read the Gospel or acquaint himself with the plan of salvation. He wanted to ignore all these questions, but as the need of Christ in life’s uncertainties was laid be­ fore him, he became interested and thought more seriously on this matter than ever before. He knew he had to appear before God some time and that he could‘not get away from facing Him

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