King's Business - 1921-07

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S other believer informed us that his mother, who was«a devout Catholic, was coming into the light. Reunion of Converts The last Sunday of April we inaug­ urated a sort of reunion of all the con­ verts of the different camps and colonies. Although the attendance was not large, we had representatives from eight dif­ ferent localities where we give thè Word. We had a most precious time of fellow­ ship and we trust that, as we come to­ gether from month to month, all the con­ verts will be able to gather. Later we hope to form some kind of association to bind these believers together. Will you not continue to pray that helpers may be raised up and also the support for them for we are overwhelmed with demands and opportunities for minister­ ing to a benighted beople in our midst? After the closing talk of an all-day meeting of some Bible classes, while the speaker was hesitating as to whether she would give an invitation for the unsaved or not, some one in the audience said, “I think an invitation should be given for unsaved people. I feel the Spirit is speaking to some one here.” So the call was given and one lady, a visitor, raised her hand, and afterward as a worker talked with her, she said, as she had gone about as a nurse, the lives of Chris­ tian people in their homes had always been a stumbling block to her, but today she had, for the first time, seen herself as a sinner in need of a Saviour and she was ready to receive Him into her heart. As the light came in she exclaimed, “O! I wish my husband would come too.”. The next Sunday she confessed her Lord and united, with a little church near her home. - Power of the Word! The little woman who dropped into Bible Class because some one had invited her did not seem much interested and when near the beginning of the lesson a •reference was made to the deity of Jesus Christ, she said, “You surely don’t be­ lieve that!” The Word was openfed to her, showing her it wasn’t a question of what any one thought but what God said in His Word. The power of the Word is seen here. She hasn’t missed a lesson since and no one is more eager to learn what the Word itself teaches. BIBLE WOMENS WORK Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Supt.


Feeling and Faith A Bible woman never loses sight of the fact that the end in view is always the salvation of the soul, whether it be by means of teaching or by personal touch. There came into the Bible Class a- woman who was a nominal Christian. The book of Daniel was being taught, and after the lesson was presented and the dispensational setting given, the ap­ plication was made that the Word of God stands and God will ultimately bring all His Word to pass. In answer to a final invitation to any who were ready to receive Jesus the woman responded. She said she was always hoping that she was saved, but since she had been coming to the class and studying the Word, she knew she was not. She had always sup­ posed that feeling was the basis of the knowledge of salvation, but she was shown that it was not a matter of feeling but of believing. “He that believeth on the. Son hath eternal life.” She laid hold on this promise and after a season of prayer by the class especially for her she received the assurance and her face beamed with joy as she'arose and said, “Now I know I am saved.” Since then she has been feeding upon the Word and is a regular attendant at the Bible class. A Catholic Liberated She was leaving the city for ,a trip Bast, but came to the Bible class as us­ ual. The lesson was a review of the first chapters of John. In speaking on the third chapter the teacher spoke of the blood relationship; Jesus Christ shedding His life blood on the cross, the sinner’s acceptance of it by faith, as the result, “becoming a child of God,” and God writing the name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. This Bible class member, raised a Roman Catholic, saw the light clearly for the first time and out of the fullness of her heart she exclaimed, "Hal­ lelujah, Praise His name,” as she re­ ceived the full assurance of her ssalva­ tion. Changing the Signals The Bible woman making house-to- house calls is taught by many signals the spiritual condition of the household. Sometimes, signals point more truly than the expression of the lips. Pictures, books, magazines, music, phonograph rec­ ords are all eloquent signs. One sweet little home went through a thorough change when the husband and wife were converted. The change was first seen in the magazines and then the phono­ graph records. The wife said, “Those

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