King's Business - 1921-07


Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students


GREAT JULY BIBLE CONFERENCE A t the Bible Institute of Los Angeles List of Speakers and Partial Program

ers. They will disetiss such timely top­ ics as “The Career of Satan” ; “Bible vs. Evolution” ; “Zechariah on Final Things” ; “Prayer and Power” ; “The Intolerance of the Gospel” ; “The World System; Its Head, Course, Scope, Destiny”, etc. Sessions will be held Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, of each week during July,—two sessions in the morning, two in the afternoon, and one at night. The speakers named abovewill be heard in the afternoon and at night. The morn­ ing hours will be devoted to a BIBLE WOMEN’S CONFERENCE, under the au­ spices of the Bible Women’s Department of the Institute, of which the following is a detailed program: 10:45 A.M.— T h e O bligation of th e B eliever to a L o st W orld. T. C. H o rto n Wednesday, July 6 10:00 A.M.— T ypical S tories of th e Old T estam en t. (1) Joseph, th e P a tie n t S ufferer: O ur L o rd in R ejection. (Gen. Chap. 38-40 Cf. Phil. 2:5-8.) M rs. D ennis 10:45 A M .— S tu d ies in L eviticus. M iss Rouzee Thursday, July 7 10:00 A .M glgp! D o c trin a l L esso n s. (1) In sp iratio n of th e S cripture. M iss Gleason, 10:45 A.M.— S tudies in I P eter. M iss M e rritt Friday, July 8 10:00 A.M.-Ai T ypical S tories of th e Old T estam en t. (2) Joseph, th e R uling P rin ce: O ur L ord, E x alted . (Gen. Chap. ’ 41-49 Cf. P h il 2:9-11.) M rs. D en n is 10:45 A.M.— T he P ra ctice of P erso n al W ork (1) T he W o rk er an d H er E q u ipm en t M rs. H olm es F IR S T W E E K Tuesday, July 9 10:00 A.M.— D eeper L ife Series. ' (1) T he C h ristian 's Position. M iss Rouzee

Dr. Cortland' Myers, Pastor Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. (The.largest Baptist Church in America) Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, of Bast Orange, . N. J. (Noted Bible Teacher and Author) Assisted hy the following well-known Ministers and Bible Teachers of Southern California: Rev. J. Harvey Deere, First Baptist Church, Pomona; Rev. George A. Francis, First Baptisi Church, Orange; Rev. H. C. Buell, Second Presbyterian Church, Long Beach; W. E. Blackstone, Los Angeles; Rev. J. G. Kennedy, United Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana; Rev. Milton Fish, First Baptist Church, San Bernardino; Rev. Geo. M. Rourke, First Presbyterian Church, Long Beach; Rev. Howard N. Bunce, Church of the Redeemer, Los An­ geles; Rev. J. R. Pratt, Lincoln Ave. Pres­ byterian Church, Pasadena; Dr, Elwood P. Lyon, Evangelist and Bible Teacher; Rev. Campbell Coyle, Highland Park Presbyterian Church; Dr. George W. Davis, Gospel Tabernacle, Los Angeles; Rev. W. W. Catherwood, First Baptist Church, Santa Barbara; Rev. Louis S. Bauman, First Brethren Church, Long Beach; Rev. W. E. Edmonds, Glendale Presbyterian Church; Rev. Stewart P. MacLennan, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, San Pedro; Rev. Robert Shuler, Trinity Methodist Church, Los Angeles; Rev. W. E. McCulloch, First United Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles; Dr. F. W. Farr, Calvary Baptist Church, Los An­ geles; Dr. A. B. Prichard, Vermont Ave­ nue Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles; Dr. Ralph Atkinson, Associate Dean Bible Institute; Rev. John A. Hubbard, Rev. John H. Hunter and Rev. W. H. Pike, Members of Faculty, Bible Insti­ tute. These men are all strong, virile speak­

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