King's Business - 1921-07

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 639 He occupies a pulpit in a supposedly evangelical church: but has been caught in the “ Eddy” and been swept into the arms of the Eddyites. His pamphlet is entitled “ How Did Mrs. Eddy Discover Christian Sci­ ence?’’ and is surely full of gush for the old lady. He divides her life into two periods,—the first forty years searching for a particular truth, and the second forty years in building up a Christian church. Yes, yes. We had thought that she spent the first forty years in try­ ing out husbands and the second forty years in gathering in the shekels, for she certainly succeeded in both these efforts and left a brilliant record, along these lines. If she searched for a particular truth she certainly got lost, for she found some old fables and dressed them up for the weak minds of mortals. We did not know that anyone still believed that her propaganda had any element of the new in it. We have not space for all of the Eddyitish emanation's from our friend, Dr. Gordon, but just a few will show how the human mind is susceptible to the influence of the vague sentences which are without meaning to the average normal mind. Here is the way in which his brain storm worked: He says: “ What is Christian Science? I answer, it is the “science by which the real, vital, substantial, eternal, spiritual and invisible nature within us becomes a channel for the inflowing and outgoing of the divine principle of life, love and truth which we call God.” Look that sentence over several times; isn’t it some science? He says: “ Mrs. Eddy was a genius and she had her own way of put­ ting things. ’’ She had, indeed, and her own way of putting it over the feeble-minded. Take her spoon proposition, for instance. She put that proposition over good' and strong. She was some genius for getting the gold. He says: “ Christian Science is idealism enthroned.” He does not say where the throne 'is, but' we have an inkling. Again he says: “ Christian Science is expressed in one sentence, ‘You are on the inside of God.’ ” We suppose he means on the ground floor but his is a more scientific way of expressing it. Again : “ I like a Christian Scientist because he looks like a Christian.” What kind'of a Christian, doctor? Your kind? Again: “ I like the Christian Scientist because he has the glow, fervor and enthusiasm of a deep religious experience.” Sure, he has. Hear him as the dentist handles his teeth, or when you accidentally or on purpose step on' his pet corn; you will be conscious of his fervor, all right. Again: “ I like the Christian Scientist because he ignores the fact of death and emphasizes the fact of life.” When the flu was on, however, the physicians had their hands full in looking after these same Christian Scientists. They were not ignoring any fact then except the fact that they had played, a losing hand and wanted a real'doctor. And, finally: “ I like the Christian Scientist. If this be heterodoxy, make the most of it,” Well, doctor, what’s your little pamphlet for, anyway? Are you tired of the little flock that you minister to and is this tract your bid for a posi­ tion as lecturer on the Christian Science staff? If so, we recommend you

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