King's Business - 1921-07

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


sage relating to present and future events. “Teachers” were not inspired men, but under the direction of the Holy Spirit they expounded the Word of God. While they vwere ministering the Word to the church, or perhaps gathered around the table of the Lord remembering Him, the voice of the Holy Spirit called for the separation of Barnabas and Saul. It is sixteen year.s since the Pente­ costal coming of the Spirit and during that period God has chiseled a channel for the course of the Gospel—overcom­ ing the power of Jewish prejudice—and its outward and onward flow is now to­ ward the great Gentile world. th e Holy Spirit has been the Leader, but now He asserts in a more manifest way His sovereignty in the Church. Three words will suggest to us His man­ ifestation: His Presence. —He was personally pres­ ent and spoke, to them. His Presidency. He takes charge of the assembly and gives His orders. His Power. He fills the apostles and works miracles through them. The scene is supernatural. The Church is a supernatural body. The Gospel is a supernatural message, and the results from its preaching will be supernatural lives. Note the order of His control: The Command, “The Holy Ghost said.” The Call, “Separate me.” The calling, “The work whereunto I have called them.” The Charge. “Sent forth by the Holy . Ghost”. The Control, “Then Saul filled with the Holy Ghost.” The Church recognized the sovereignty of the Holy Ghost and..submitted to His will. His mandate was obeyed without question. There was no vain talk about the “loss of thé popular Paul and ben­ eficent Barnabas” but a sweet submission to His will. What blessings we miss by our failure to recognize the right of the Holy Spirit to administer the affairs of the Church. He may be ignored, insult­ ed, but He -is still the vicegerent , of

first missionary enterprise. Heretofore the movements of the disciples had been independent. They had been “scattered abroad”. Now the work assumes a more definite shape. We »have here revealed the purpose of God concerning the heath­ en world and His plan for giving the Gos­ pel to it. We come to a new epoch in the history of the Church and every de­ tail should be studied. Saul’s Jewish name is dropped and His Hellenic name, Paul, substituted. Bar­ nabas slips into second place and Paul becomes the leader. 1. SEPARATED BY THE HOLY SPIR­ IT^ vs. 1 I 3 . “Separate me Barnabas and Saul.” Peter passes from the stage. Jerusa­ lem fades from view.* Henceforth we shall hear but little of either- Jewish soil .is not favorable for the propagation of the Gospel for the Gentiles. Jewish disciples are to be used, but only, such as had the vision and voice-for the vo- ¡ation. The church at Antioch was a rich •hurch in the truest sense for it had within it a number of godly men. This is the best heritage of any church. It is lot quantity but quality that counts with Sod. A church that will produce and properly train men to be sent to the needy fields may outweigh another ten times as large numerically. Here are five men from different local­ ities; prophets and teachers. T f f l H g been busily engaged in the work of the Lord. Their hearts are no doubt exer cised by the thought of the perishing ones in the regions beyond. Among other characteristics of these men are three of special significance: (1) De­ votion to God, “Ministered to the Lord. (2) Dependence upon God, “they pray­ ed». (3) Denial of Self, “they fasted. A few words throw wonderful light upon the character of the church of which they were'a part. “Prophets” were in­ spired teachers who delivered God s mes­

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