King's Business - 1921-07

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 641 not fanatical, but it is soul-inspiring. It gives buoyancy to the saints; it promotes soul winning; and we challenge these critics to prove the asser­ tion that it cuts the nerve of Christian endeavor, of missionary activity, of sacrificial service of life and gifts. One may be a devoted minister of ■Christ,—one may be a devoted member of the b(5dy of Christ and be a post millennialist. We know such and love them, but it is a devilish denial of the truth to malign the multitude of believers whose lives have given evi­ dence of their faith in the whole Word of God and whose ,devotion to 'Christ and His service has resulted in' great achievements for their Lord, to make this uncalled for assault upon a doctrine dear to the Lord, dear to the waiting saints in heaven and dear to hundreds of thousands of the best people now living and laboring for His return. Why not bring us some facts instead of fanciful insinuations? Take the names and records of these great soul inspiring, soul saving pastors, preachers, evangelists and workers and ask these fault finders ■“ how come” that these outstanding premillennialists could have been so graciously owned of God and blessed, if this doctrine is. such a dangerous doctrine. Don’t be afraid. You can tackle any one of them with the proof in your handstand put them to silence. When you have done this, pray that their eyes may be open to the truth and remember also that some of them are with you in heart, but the overseer has the lash and is compelling them to stifle their convictions and to do as they are commanded by the authorities. It takes God-given strength for a minister to contend for the faith when domineering, ecclesiastical rulers insist that he must accept their interpretation of the teaching of the Word of God. Strange, is it not, that men are free to air their doubts and disseminate doctrines of denial of the Scripture without stint, but are not permitted to proclaim a “ Thus saith the Lord.” Great days, these, brethren. T. C. H. The Missionary Menace. Last year Dr. Griffith Thomas and Mr. Charles Trumbull, editor of the. Sunday School Times, visited China under the auspices of the.Milton Ste­ wart Fund for Foreign Missions. They attended the missionary confer­ ences arranged for them in different sections of that country, and gathered ■some important facts concerning the position of the missionaries regarding the fundamentals of the Bible. We have known from reliable sources for a long time that many mis­ sionaries of the various evangelical Boards were no longer holding the •evangelical view of the inspiration of God’s Word. Several years ago when ■the late Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, Ex-Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, returned from a world-wide evangelistic tour by the way of China, he advised the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presby­ terian Church to recall those missionaries who were not loyal to the Word. Nothing, however, was done. In China, Japan, Korea and other countries there are many Union Seminaries in which representatives of the different denominations are teaching the Bible, some of them from the standpoint of what is now termed

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