NAWIC Today Sept.-Oct.

Welcome to the 2022-2023 NAWIC year!

If you were unable to join us at Annual Conference in Minneapolis, you missed a FANTASTIC conference. My hat goes off to Immediate Past President Bartoldus, the National Staff and, of course, Conference Direct Representative Debbie Draper. They worked hard to bring us engaging educational speakers and unique experiences. Thank you, too, to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Chapter #164 who gave us countless creative suggestions and arranged for buses and jobsite tours! AC is proof that we can accomplish great things when we all work together.

I know this year’s board is excited to continue the trajectory established by last year’s board, while carving out new paths for future boards. We’re looking forward to starting work on our goals. Not only have I established three big picture goals, each of us individually are charting the course we’d like to pursue. Not that I don’t have faith that we can make our goals, but even if we don’t hit 100% on every goal, whatever we accomplish will be a success because we will learn in the process and make use of that information to inform and envision a better future. I hope that all of you took the time to convene and pass the torch to your new boards. Providing feedback to the next generation of leaders will help make their transition easier. Be sure to pass along any key emails, calendar reminders or current issues to ensure continuity. As well, encourage them to consider succession planning– yep, it’s never too early to consider that. Keep an eye out for those you encounter during your tenure who are smart, passionate and willing to lend a hand when needed. Encourage their growth and give them opportunities to build on their knowledge. Don’t forget to bring a colleague to every meeting. One of my big hairy audacious goals is for us to hit 10,000 members by next AC. In order to do that, I need your help. If each of us recruits just one member this year we can easily do that. There’s that working together theme again. Seriously, it is that simple. So, when I see you at an event this year, please don’t be disappointed if I don’t remember your name, but do ask if you have gotten your one recruit yet. We all have to ask to hit the goal. Let’s carve new paths and enlarge our presence by adding to our membership. Think of the impact we can have on our industry if we do! Please do not hesitate to reach out and connect with your leadership teams. Without member input we cannot find the paths that will have the greatest impact. Remember that whatever you do today will help set the course for tomorrow, so think strategically and plan for success. Thank you for allowing me to lead us this year as President. I am looking forward to making the most of the next 350 days!


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