Converter Outlook: Part I (CONT’D FROM PAGE 18)
stuff temporarily into warehouses to hedge our bets? This messed with my predictions and moved it out a bit into the second quarter of next year. I have to explain what has
taken place in our world and in our domestic economy to help justify my thoughts. “We have switched from a stuff economy back to a services econ- omy a few years back. The words stocking, restocking and destocking came into vogue. I thought stocking was a description of a creep hang-
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Greg Tucker
ing around dark corners at night following people. But no, today it’s filling and refilling boxes from inventory chang- es. Hey, at least we got a new word in the box vocabu- lary, kind of like regular slotted container. The US stocked up on stuff because we had a ton of stimulus given out during Covid and as we sat home with not much to do, we bought up everything we could to make life more pleasur- able at home. Supply chains got way out of control then Joe Biden declared Covid was over, and we immediately transitioned from stuff to services. Thus, the Golden Years of Boxes came to a halt and our box business went into its recession. We lead economies into recessions, and we drive them out of recession. “Soon after, Biden got Congress to pass the Infrastruc- ture Bill and of course the Chips and Dips Act again stim- ulating an overheated economy for the cause of a new all electric US and bringing chip manufacturing back to the states. Let’s recall a few days after his inauguration Biden stepped on the neck of the oil industry and Mr. Putin with his 70,000 troops on the border of Ukraine invaded that country thinking that if Russia is supplying Europe with oil and gas there would be no one to stop this invasion. Iran flush with fresh cash from Biden lifting all of the prior sanc- tions armed all of its proxies across the middle east name- ly Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis all being distributed right through Syria. Funny how all of Iran’s proxies start with the letter H! “At the same time inflation in the US became uncontrol- lable. The Fed thought inflation was transitory and finally woke up and raised the heck out of interest rates fast and furious. This run up in inflation clobbered the lower and middle class of America. Groceries, gas and rent prices flew off the Richter scale. Our box industry entered its re- cession during that time. People making over $100,000 a year in America were doing fine. They were able to prop up the economy by buying goods and services at the same time their stock portfolio jumped up around 25 percent in the last two years. All of this escalation in our broader economy took place while the lower- and middle-income people in the US were hurting. “America started waking up to what was really taking place in the economy (the real economy) and Biden was CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
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January 6, 2025
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