Hepworth Above Ground Drainage System

Specification as per standard

Pipes are normally available and supplied with integral joints and solvent socket in 6m or 4m length.

1,4 g/cm 3

Specific gravity

Inflammability Specific heat


1,00 Kj/kg 60 0 C long term, 100 deg C short term Coefficient of heat conduction = 0, 16 W/m 0 K (or 0 C)

Thermal conductivity

Co-efficient of linear expansion

0, 08mm/m K (or C)

Vicat softening point

79 0 C

Impact strength

2-5 mJ/mm 2

Modulus of elasticity

Emod=3000 N/mm 2

Poisson’s ratio Tensile strength


45 N/mm 2

Elongation at break


Corrosion resistance

The major finding of a recent study is that PVC Pipes have the lowest overall failure rate when compared to cast iron, ductile iron, concrete and steel pipes. PVC pipes won’t rush or corrode over time because it does not react with air and water the way metal does which results in a significantly longer lifetime the pipe.

Chemical resistance

PVC pipes exhibit excellent resistance to a wide range of chemical reagents in temperatures up to 50 0 C. PVC pipes can be used indoors or to transport chemicals or waste products without risk of materials eating through the pipe.

Operating temperature Up to 60 o C


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