Storage & Handling
Handling Care should be taken when handling pipe and fittings. Excessive scratching or scoring harms the appearance and can also affect the joint sealing. Take extra care when handling pipe and fittings in wintry conditions. Cold weather reduces the impact strength of plastics. Use nylon belt slings, or forklifts with smooth forks, for mechanical unloading of block bundles. Metal slings, hooks or chains must not come into contact with pipes (see Figure A). Load and unload loose pipe by hand. Avoid using skids. When loose pipes have been transported one inside the other, always remove the inner pipe first.
Storage Always store pipe on a reasonably flat surface free from sharp projections.
Block Bundles Block bundles can be stored up to 3m high without extra side supports or bearers. Block bundles will remain free-standing when cut. Take care when releasing bundles as the straps are under considerable tension and may flail when cut. Loose Pipes Loose pipe requires side supports at least every 2m. These supports should consist of battens at least 75mm wide. Ideally, support loose gutter or pipe uniformly throughout its entire length. If this is not possible, place timber supports at least 75mm wide at 1m maximum centers beneath the pipe (see Figure B) Stack different size pipe separately, or, if not possible, stack with larger diameters at the bottom. Maximum stack size 7 layers or 2m high (see Figure C). Stack Socketed Pipe with sockets protruding and placed at alternate ends to ensure pipe is evenly supported.
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