The TOVP Story 1971-2024 ~ From Kutir to Mandir

Fulfillment of the Mission

A day will come when the fortunate Russians, Prussians, English, French, Americans and all other nations shall come together in Sri Mayapur under the banner of Sri Caitanya and raise kirtan throughout the land of Nadia !

- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, 1896

This prediction was fulfilled less than a hundred years after its utterance. For more than 50 years now, devotees, pilgrims and spiritual seekers of all paths have come together in Sridham Mayapur through kirtan. All differences become insignificant, all designations disappear. By this joyful process, envy, anger and greed are cleansed from the heart, and our desire to serve the Supreme Lord and all living beings blossoms. But so many more could benefit.

The final purpose of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium is to effect a worldwide change in consciousness that will bring about the eternal welfare of all humanity. Krishna consciousness is the pure and original state of being of all souls, after attaining which we can enter into our eternal life of knowledge and bliss. To bring this immensely important opportunity and message to all peoples of the world is the sacred task we are charged with. Please join us in this endeavor and be forever blessed for your service to Godhead and humanity.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

1975 Gaura Purnima Festival in Sridham Mayapur attended by hundreds of devotees from around the world, fulfilling the prediction of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur

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