The TOVP Story 1971-2024 ~ From Kutir to Mandir

A Temple for the Millennium At the foundation of every civilization lies its world-view, which inspires its art and culture. This shared perspective shapes the values and sets the direction of a society. The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium will give visitors a unique insight into the Vedic world-view which is not only spiritual, but scientific and practical as well. Modern scientific thought asserts that creation is essentially mechanistic, impersonal, and without basis in a higher intelligence. Societies which adopt this viewpoint seek to benefit from an increased standard of living on the material level. Unfortunately, a tendency then follows to minimize or criticize religion as an impediment to progress. The results can be seen in societies both developed and developing: disintegration of the family, substance abuse, mental illness, and the general degradation of morality and culture. In a rapidly changing world that is as bewildered as it is bewildering, the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium will re-orient us to our place in the universe, and show us how to arrive at our heart’s true spiritual destination through the practice of Krishna consciousness. The mission of the Sri Mayapur Project, in establishing the Temple of the Vedic

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