CPTE_Relieving Sciatica and Back Pain Naturally

The Importance of Physical Therapy

WHAT CAUSES SCIATICA? Educate yourself on your symptoms and what they mean.

Inmostcases,sciaticaoccurswhen oneoftheback’sdiscs isherniated. It canalsohappen if thespinenarrows — an effect called spinal stenosis. As we age, our backs undergo a lot of stress. This stress takes a toll, causing inflammation in several areas. If this inflammation reachesa certainpoint, itmaycompress these nerves — resulting in pain. What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica? Sciaticabackpain isnormallynoticed as a pain radiating from the lower back. Often, this pain extends to the buttock, spiraling down the leg. If you’re suffering from sciatica, you might feel the discomfort anywhere along this nerve pathway. The pain can even extend to the calf. The pain itself can be dull, aching or even sharp. In some cases, the compressed nerve may feel like it burns,causingconsiderablepain. In other cases, the compressed nerve maysimply issueasharp joltofpain.

Some people experiencing sciatica may even have leg numbness, tingling or weakness. If sciatica isn’t treated, it can hinder mobility altogether. How Physical Therapy Can Help with Sciatica If you’re experiencing sciatica, contact a physician immediately. Medical News Today asserts that over-the-counter painkillers may alleviate pain, but in-depth physical therapy is often needed. Physical therapy can reduce sciatica compressionbycarefully introducing exercises and relaxing treatments. These treatments, hand picked by medical professionals, can completely eliminate sciatica over time. If you’re experiencing back pain, don’t wait. Call one of our professionals today, and ask about physical therapy options. Your mobility is important, and your back can absolutely be healed.

The therapists at CPTE are health care professionals who diagnose and treat people of all ages, from newborns to theelderly,whohave medicalproblemsorotherhealth- related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives. We examine you and develop a plan of care using treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. We work with you to prevent the lossofmobilitybefore itoccursby developing fitness- and wellness- oriented programs for healthier and more active lifestyles. CPTE can help improve your walking and balance abilities. Our therapists determine what areas of the body you are having difficulty moving. We perform

neurological, vestibular, balance, and orthopedic evaluations. We then put together a comprehensive plan to get you back to walking confidently and without limitations. It is never too late to improve gait and balance, even if people use a cane or walker to get around. Whenyourconfidence is restored, exercise can be increased and incorporated more into your daily life, which improves your cardiac and mental health. Furthermore, there are many types of pain and inflammation thatcanbe reduced by physical therapy. For example, chronicpain in theback,shoulder, or knee, or pain associated with certain degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, can be reduced by our team of skilled therapists. We can help you manage your health, including cardiachealth,over the long term.


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