RNSH Green Matters - Issue #1



e are pleased to introduce you to the first-ever edition of


our hospital's newsletter dedicated entirely to the vital and

timely topic of environmental sustainability.


At RNSH we recognise our responsibility not only to heal

and care for our patients but also to ensure the well-being

of our planet, which sustains us all. In an era where the

world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, our

commitment to eco-conscious practices has never been

more critical.

This newsletter is a space where we will share our

achievements, goals, and initiatives in the realm of

sustainability, as well as provide valuable insights into

how each of us can contribute to a more eco- friendly


Our journey toward environmental sustainability is not a

solitary endeavour, but a collective responsibility. We

invite you to explore the pages of RNSH Green Matters to

hear more about the progress we are making.

Together, we can make a meaningful impact, not only on

the lives of our patients but also on our broader

community and our shared environment.

Amanda Harriss, Chair – RNSH Sustainability Committee


The RNSH Sustainability committee is made up of

passionate and dedicated staff that responded to the

expression of interest sent out last year to come together

and create our hospital committee.




The removal of plastic cutlery and

Did you know that RNSH

polystyrene cups has recently been

has approximately 40,000

achieved with the

lights across all the

introduction of a

hospital buildings and car

wooden single use

parks. Our team of hard-

option and paper

working facility staff have

been busy replacing the

cups. Ordering these

downlights with new

items via WINC and



LEDs. Over time all of our



lights will transition to

have both been removed.


The benefit of moving to LED and away from

Thanks to our HealthShare colleagues with

incandescent and fluorescent is the power

the reintroduction of reusable metal cutlery

requirement per light is half of the old style and

for our ward’s pa tient kitchenette areas

the life of an LED is approximately 50,000 hours

also. It makes you wonder why we ever

compared to 30,000 hours. Changing lights at


RNS is a constant job, much like painting the

harbour bridge!



Ever wondered what we do with old

The hospital’s introduction of brown paper bags

furniture, equipment, and visitor chairs?

for patient’s belongings

Well, we’re glad you asked. Now that we



have been in the (not so new) RNS buildings

approximately 33,000

since November 2012, a lot of items are

pink plastic bags per

coming to an end-of-life period. This




includes many of our chairs. The RNS

environment. This is a

Corporate Services team is working with

fantastic reduction in

Ventia in turning over these chairs and



replacing them with new ones. Old chairs

biodegradable plastic

will be stripped apart and the frames will be

which would have

repurposed into new chairs. Where possible

inevitably ended in landfill. Thanks to our Clinical

the fabric and foam will be stripped off and

Products team for sourcing the paper alternative

recycled. RNS is also involved with our other

product and managing the change.

District sites and facilities to share and

repurpose surplus equipment and

furniture. Another initiative to reduce

unnecessary waste and help each other.

HAVE YOUR SAY If you have a sustainability story or idea to share, feel free to write to us at NSLHD-PlanetaryHealth@health.nsw.gov.au




The buildings of RNS are controlled by a




Building Management system which we

installed on the rooftop of

ordinarily refer to as the BMS. This BMS is

the Douglas Building in late

software based and allows for large

2022. This green energy

machinery, for example, air conditioning

option has enabled a

chillers and other plant equipment including

reduction in mains power

consumption . Public Private colleagues

lights to be altered to on and off via a


computer. We recently reviewed our heavy


plant machinery and reduced their power



consumption by approximately 15%. In

addition, we have been reviewing our

recently conducted a review of solar options for

nighttime light usage. Thanks to our teams

the Acute Services Building, Clinical Services

in the RNS Community Health Building, we

Building, Community Health Building and the

have altered the time when the lights are

Kolling. To install solar across RNS and retrofit

automatically turned off. Many of the

the power systems would require a funding

corporate areas had all lights on until 10pm,

solution to be found. Our District Corporate

7 nights per week. This has now been

Services team are currently reviewing

reduced significantly. If you think your area

Government grants and incentives. We are also

could have the lights automatically turned

exploring options for our heritage buildings on

off earlier in the night, contact the RNS

the southern campus. We will keep you posted

Corporate Services team.

with any updates as they come to light.



Did you know that we have a process for battery

disposal? All you need to do is:

1. Collect and store them in a suitable container.

2. Log a call with our Helpdesk team


3. Our waste team will be on their way to help you

discard them.

HAVE YOUR SAY If you have a sustainability story or idea to share, feel free to write to us at NSLHD-PlanetaryHealth@health.nsw.gov.au


Meet our youngest Sustainability Committee member-

Elise Kerle. Elise is an occupational therapist at RNS and

her primary role is in acute care. She decided to join the

Sustainability Committee as she is committed to building

a sustainable environment and is driven by her passion

for change.

What she finds most exhilarating is the enormous opportunities at RNSH waiting to

be explored that will ultimately contribute to a healthier and more resilient

community – a dream of all healthcare workers! In her spare time, she loves going

to the theatre and live music concerts.


Waste and how we deal with it at RNS is an area that we could certainly improve. According

to the ARUP report, commissioned by the District to baseline our health service, waste is a

major contributor to our carbon footprint. So, what are we doing and what can we do to


Our ICT Team have an e-Waste service. Anytime, you have e-Waste that needs

collecting, call the ICT helpdesk and log a job. They will come and collect,

destroy all hardrives for cyber security reasons and send our e-Waste to a

registered waste provider to manage. So, please remember don’t just leave e-

Waste hanging around, make sure you access our secure e-Waste service.

In our clinical areas please orientate yourselves to what constitutes clinical

waste. Most items that you would assume are clinical waste should actually be

directed to general waste. Used gloves and other PPE are not clinical waste,

neither are adult and paediatric pads. Dressings with a small amount of bodily

fluids are also general waste. It can be quite confusing. If you are unsure ask

your Nurse Unit Manager and segregate wisely!

A new initiative by our food services team and our retailer Zouki is improving

the separation of organic waste (food scraps) from the general waste. Thanks

to our food services teams at RNS, separating food waste from patient's meal

trays will commence with the introduction of a dedicated organic waste

stream. Zouki will also be introducing waste segregation in their kitchens. Our

indicator of success will be the number of food waste bins doubling and then

tripling over time. Good luck team!

HAVE YOUR SAY If you have a sustainability story or idea to share, feel free to write to us at NSLHD-PlanetaryHealth@health.nsw.gov.au


Get Involved

We will have more news and initiatives on waste in future newsletters for you

to learn about and get involved. Speaking of getting involved, you can now

access a brand-new SharePoint site that provides an oversight of what is

happening across the District with news and upcoming events. Please follow

the link to find out more NSLHD Planetary Health - Home.

If you have an idea for a planetary health or sustainability project you would

like to champion, there is now a pitch page you can go to Project Pitch

Page.docx. So, please get involved and together we will reach our targets.

Our Net Zero Lead Projects at RNSH

✓ Reducing calf compressor use in ICU – Louise Hansell

✓ Inhaler recycling project – Mellissa Batger, Dr Katrina Tonga and

Dr Sophie Timmins

✓ Reducing nitrous oxide – Dr Penny Hodges, Dr Andrew Lindberg

(RNSH, Ryde & HKH)

✓ Study of single use insulin pens – Dr Lyndal Tacon

✓ Avoiding general anaesthetic for paediatric imaging – Dr Carola

Wittekind & Dr Shabeena Mazhar

✓ Steel Got It! Metal hollowware project to reduce waste in theatres –

Erin Foulsham

HAVE YOUR SAY If you have a sustainability story or idea to share, feel free to write to us at NSLHD-PlanetaryHealth@health.nsw.gov.au

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