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T h e K i n g s B u e i n e B B E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman JULY, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 54, No. 7 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home Antitk IN THE WAY H E SHOU LD GO —Proverbs 22.6
THE FAITH TO BE FREE — J. Edgar Hoover......................................... 8 ARE WE A SINFUL NATION — William Reeder .................................. 10 A GREAT WOMAN OF GOD GOES HOME .................... .......................... 11 MARXISM, MORALITY AND OUR YOUTH — James D. Bales ...... 12 THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE — Ralph L. Keiper .......................... 14 WHO IS BOSS — Jeannette Aerea ............................... ........................... 15 GOD'S PLAN FOR YOUR HAPPY HOME — Wesley Gustafson ...... 16 LET YOUR FREEDOM RING ................... ........................................... 17 A SEX-CRAZY WORLD — Kenneth L. Loge ....................................... 19 A '5 AND '10 EXECUTIVE LOOKS AT LIFE — Stanley Kresge .... 20 COLLEGE OF EXPERIENCE — Stan Best ................................................. 22 THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT — Glenn O'Neal .............. 23 NOT ALWAYS RED, WHITE AND BLUE ............................................... 39 , THE DRAGONFLY AND THE BULLFROG — Walter L. Wilson .... 40 I AM A SICK AMERICAN ............................. ............................................ 42 HOPE FOR HUNGRY HEARTS — Mae Tanksley ............................... 44 Fedu/iw MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................... 6 FOR WOMEN ONLY — Dick Hillis 1........................ ........................... 18 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 26 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ........ .......................... 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 29 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ......................................................... 30 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James 0 . Henry ............................. ............ 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................................. 33 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .......................... ........................... 35 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 37 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ........................................................... 43 Coiumita READER REACTION ............. ........... ....................... 4 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE \ ............................................ ......................... 27 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .......................................................... ................... 46
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S. H . SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor B ET T Y BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
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V IR G IN IA SCHW EPKER: Production Manager ED ITO RIAL BOARD: W illiam Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith
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I prize each copy of my KING’S BUSI NESS, so when I found out that the moth er of our paper boy to whom I had loaned a couple of them, had burned them, it was quite a blow to me. I had loaned them to him because he is a little Christian boy and, as is the case almost everywhere, is getting evolution in his science classes. I have talked with him several times on this, but I wanted him to read some of Dr. Davidheiser’s articles. I also told him to take the magazines to school to show his teacher, as I am sure many of these teachers simply do not know there is any other theory as to origins, much less the truth. But after the boy’s mother read the articles at home, she burned up my treas ured magazines! However, it appears that the science teacher had already at least scanned them and I am hoping that some good will have been done. Mrs. Alene Embree, Seattle, Washington MORE THAN A HAIR CUT Recently I went to Joe’s Appointment Barber Shop for a hair cut. I came away with much more than the hair cut, for during the time I waited for “ Joe” to get to my hair, I picked up the January copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS and read the wonderful article by J. Edgar Hoover en titled “ Time Is Running Out.” A ll of your wonderful articles touch the heart and mind. Mrs. Russell K. Baker, Vista, California "DEAR FRIENDS OF MISSIONARIES" Thank you for the tremendous, colossal, potent, powerful, article in the January KING’S BUSINESS. The article “ Dear Friend of Missionaries” by Jean Allen is a choice one. Personally I would like to send this article to many on our mailing list. Eoth my wife and I have and do enjoy immensely the KB each month. It is getting “ gooder and gooder” all the time. There’s lots of meat in the many articles. Dave Crane, Caribbean Broadcasting Co., L.A. KB IN NIGERIA W e just received our first copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS. It was the first Chris tian publication we had received and we really did enjoy each article. It was like seeing an old friend again. We arrived in Nigeria last October, and we are busy now teaching in one of the secondary schools. W e are with the new two and a half year program of the Sudan Interior Mission, which was instituted because of the extreme need for teachers at the secondary level. W e are grateful for the opportunity to come. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bower, Nigeria, W. Africa
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JU L Y , 1963
amessage from
the editor Ä
m m
CHRISTIAN SCHOOL TEACHERS W A N T E D Qualified teachers, interested in teaching in Christian Schools should write to CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS SERVICE, Inc. 10119 Lafayette Avenue, Chicago 28, III. Teacher Agency Service is Free STUDY AT HOME Recommended by evangelicals as America's finest training school for ministers and church workers. Extension courses approved by* the Association of Home Study Schools. Endorsed by the American Evangelical Christian Churches for pastoral train ing. W rite for catalog. AMERICAN BIBLE SCHOOL 192 North Clark Street Chicago 1, Illinois
Appalling Moral Conditions One o f the great problems confronting us as a nation today is that we have lost the sense o f the heinousness o f sin. The world is reeling, rocking, wallowing in the very arms o f sin itself and plunging at a sickening pace toward oblivion in its mad effort to indulge itself in all o f the orgies that the sinful heart can conjure up. Too many ministers o f the Protestant church today no longer preach on the sinfulness o f sin. When the subject is presented, there is the tendency to gloss over it, to give it a sugar-coating, to make it as palatable as possible for “ positive-thinking” people o f power and persuasion in the padded pews who come to listen to the ponderous, polysyllabic pronouncements o f these faithless shepherds. Somewhere, through the years, there has been lost in large measure the consciousness o f the utter wickedness and reprehensi bleness o f sin which is to be found in the human mind and heart and which is being expressed in so many hellish ways all about us today. There is practically nothing o f a wicked nature that anyone can do today which will shock us. We have been educated to the point where even the vilest form o f sinfulness is accepted as being merely the product o f a sick mind. It is admitted that the condition o f the world as it existed just pior to the days o f the flood resembles strikingly the depraved state which exists in our day. And, alas, so many o f our clergy are apparently not willing to speak out against these frightful conditions because that would be “ negative preaching” ! The unspeakably filthy behaviour which characterized the cities o f Sodom and Gomorrah during the days o f Lot, is accepted these days and the only effort being made is merely to regulate this sin and to try to keep it concealed. All too few were shocked when recently there appeared in one o f the Southern California metropolitan newspapers a series o f six articles dealing with the subject. The transgressors were referred to as “ S.D.s.” — sex deviates. These articles appeared in the Hollywood Citizen News exposing this hellish practice as it is becoming more and more prevalent in Southern California. This newspaper is certainly to be congratulated and commended for bringing this sordid situation to the attention o f the community. According to the Los Angeles Police Department and the City and County Health Departments, as reported by Carol Collins in these articles, “ One out o f every fifteen men you pass on the streets
"Bibje Foundation Course" ..........................................3.00 "Chapter Summary" .....— ...............................r— 5.00 "Child Evangelism" ----- -----------------......... 5.50 "Christ in The Tabernacle" (Talbot) .......... 6.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" (Torrey) .................. 6.50 "God's Plan of the Ages" (Talbot) .......... 5.00 "M inor Prophets" (5 Units) Feinberg ...... 16.50 "Practical Bible Training" ..............'..............2.50 •"Prophecies of Daniel" (Talbot) ....------- 6.50 • "Studies for New Christians" ....................... 1.00 "Studies in Romans" (Talbot) 5.50 "Studies in the Gospels" ---- ------ ----------- 6.50 "Th e Book of Acts'/ ............................................. 3.50 "The Books of Ephesians" (Talbot) .............. . 5.50 "Th e Book of Revelation" (Talbot) .s..-.-vii. 6.50 "Th e C ults" (Talbot) ............. 6.50
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o f Hollywood is a sex deviate . . . sex deviates ate responsible for 60% o f the crime in Hollywood . . . sex deviates are all potential killers . . . sex deviates range from teen-agers to men in their seven ties; they know little fear, little shame and they are almost immune from prosecution . . . these individuals span every economic bracket and walk o f life. . . . The Hollywood Vice Detail arrests for sex deviation within the last two months have netted a high school English teacher, an acting principal o f an elementary school, an associate professor o f a college, a minister, a municipal court clerk, two state employees . . . sex deviates pose a greater threat to the community than do narcotic addicts in terms o f moral implications and total impact and the tragedy is that the greatest rise in the incidence o f venereal diseases in recent years has occurred in the fifteen-to-nineteen-year age bracket with records o f the Los An geles County Health Department indicating that nearly 70% is attributable to homosexual contacts. . . . It is the outspoken ob jective o f some groups in this field to secure legislation 'legalizing homosexual relationships, permitting homosexual marriages and es tablishing the same rights o f property which exist between man and wife’ .” What is happening in Hollywood is being duplicated to a greater or less degree in every metropolitan area o f the country today. And what is being done about it? It is encouraging to note that when these articles appeared in the Hollywood Citizen News, the Hollywood Chamber o f Commerce became greatly concerned over the situation and alerted their Citizens Committee on Public Decen cy. This organizaion has begun an active campaign to seek legisla tion which will give the forces o f law and order a far greater regulatory control over these sex perverts and their activities and influences. Congratulations to a great metropolitan newspaper and the local Chamber o f Commerce for taking a positive stand against this sin in their community! But where are the clergy o f Hollywood and Los Angeles? Are they raising their voices in protest and warning against the spread o f this hellish habit? Not one, to our knowledge, has voiced any concern regarding this condition. But, alas, this job has apparently been left for these secular organizations to try to alert people to this condition and to try to arouse them to the dangers that con front them at the very doorsteps o f their own homes. What is the matter with so many o f the clergy today? Have they become such weaklings that they are afraid o f offending the "finer sensibili ties” o f their parishioners? Could it be that all too many o f the ministers in Protestant pulpits today are themselves so imbued with worldliness that they dare not speak out against the sins that are to be found on every hand? Is it possible that there is so much sin o f various types found among church members that if the clergy lashed out too vigorously they would lose both their support and their audiences? Has this devilish notion o f "positive thinking” so permeated the pulpit that men are afraid to preach against sin in general and sins in particular because that is negative thinking and preaching? Perhaps we should remind ourselves that eight o f the (continued on page 46)
i i I appreciate STONY BROOK’S Full Athletic Program” says John Morris d a rk Stony BrOok, '62— Winchester (England), '63 Stony Brook offers excellent opportunities for outdoor sports. Teams in football, cross country, basketball, wrestling, baseball, tennis, golf, and track are maintained at varsity, junior varsity and freshman levels. There is a nine-school Ivy League athletic schedule as well as a regular program of intra-mural sports. The gymnasium and two field houses are used for indoor sports. Twelve acres of athletic fields include three gridirons, two baseball diamonds, and a new quarter-mile cinder track. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli gious, academic, and recreational activities,
the School aims at a harmony of purpose. By intelligent applica tion of this Christian program, in both administration and teach ing, Stony Brook is makings dis tinctive contribution to American education. D b . F rank E. G aebelein _ Headmaster For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Dept. 80
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JU L Y , 1963
by i . Edgar Hoover Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
d a y , w e a r e facing a crime problem of such magnitude that it represents an acute danger to our national survival. There is a serious weakening of moral and spiritual fibers in our society. W e must never forget that a vitiated state of morals, a cor rupted public conscience, is incompatible with true freedom. During the past decade, crime has nearly doubled across the United States, outpacing the growth of our population at the rate of four to one. A murder is committed every 58 minutes. There is a vicious as sault every four minutes; a forcible rape every 34 minutes; a robbery every six minutes; a burglary every 39 seconds. Crime is no respecter of age, race, or creed. Each year, the cost of crime climbs higher and higher until it now has reached an alarming total of more than sixty million dollars each day. Year after year, we find that nearly half of the persons arrested for burglaries and larcenies, and almost two thirds of those arrested for automobile thefts, are less than 18 years of age. America’s juvenile criminality is directly trace able to the failure of adults to meet their moral obli gations. In all too many cases, the primary respon sibility rests with the parents. If respect for law and order and for the rights of others were instilled in children at an early age and if parents set a proper example for their children, we might keep juvenile delinquency from becoming the door to crime. I can see no difference between the responsibility of a 17- or 18-year-old who wilfully robs, assaults, or murders and that of an adult who commits the same crime. Each should be held strictly accountable for his act against society. These are not juvenile de linquents. They are vicious young thugs. They should be treated accordingly. I share with Blackstone the premise that the main strength and force of a law consists in the penalty annexed to it. The most deeply entrenched forces of the under world in our nation today are the professionals who comprise the jealously guarded ranks of organized crime. These are the criminal elite, assuming an air of legitimacy, who buy high-priced legal advisers, better termed “ lawyers criminal,” and “ front men” to shield them from proper punishment. These underworld characters with their criminal scum flout the sacrifices— the blood, the sweat, and the toil of six generations of dedicated Americans— which secured the freedoms they enjoy. These per sons wear our constitutional guarantees as a cloak of protective armor. They are unrestrained by those moral considerations which constitute the lifeblood of a democracy. In their eyes, the United States is a haven of rights without responsibilities — of privi leges free from obligation to the society which has made them possible. Theirs is a virulent, parasitic existence consuming the lifeblood of the freedom which they would enjoy. Unfortunately, they are assisted all too often by public lethargy, and by some jurists obsessed with the virtues of legal technicalities, as well as by theore ticians with the soft approach who purport to be experts in the field of law enforcement and penology.
Justice is not impartially meted out when the victim and society suffer while the criminal goes free. In this Nation, disrespect for law and order is a tragic moral sickness which attacks and destroys the American traditions of honesty, integrity and fair play. Directly or indirectly, its victims include every man, woman and child in the United States. It is a national scandal that the streets of many of our cities are as fraught with danger as the jungle trail. Each of us to his fullest capacity must help shoulder the burden of this growth of lawlessness and strive to end it. Our Nation’s moral strength has slipped alarmingly. One cannot preach morality and practice immorality. National corruption is the sum total of individual corruption. We must follow the teachers of God if we hope to heal this moral illness. At another hour of grim challenge a full cen tury ago, Abraham Lincoln urged the American people, “ Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it.” We are living in an age of uncertainty— an age of awesome national peril — an age when the strug gle between freedom and totalitarian enslavement is drawing toward a climax. We now have need of faith as never before in our Nation’s history. W e must revive within ourselves the faith of our forefathers, which enabled them to meet and overcome adversity. Our Nation holds in trust the last hope of a free civilization. Our dedication to truth, justice and in dividual dignity must not be compromised. If we are strong enough, and care enough, and maintain our national integrity, this Nation will survive the terrible threat that presents itself today. With God’s help, we will meet the challenge/ of survival. This is the heritage of America. In the face of the menace of materialism — father of both crime and communism — we must seek divine help if we are to accomplish our task. The power of prayer does not lend itself to measure any more than does the strength of faith, but of this I am sure: the man who is lacking in faith and who has never sought help beyond himself is limiting his capacity to live, to create, and to be happy. Who can explain the power of prayer? For some, it lends the strength to span the gap between that which we are and that which we might be. For some, it is the clarifying medium which separates truth from falsehood. For some, it is the force which dis perses fear and confusion. For some, it is the current through which the soul receives surcease from sorrow and despair. For me, it is a kind of bridge. Our engi neering miracles — the bridges of America — soar out across great barriers, uniting men, enabling us to reach out to each other tying us to our fellow men in commerce and communication. Prayer, whether it be a hymn of praise or a simple plea for mercy, is the bridge which unites mankind to God. Surely, as we move into that realm where His laws are precise and immutable— the realm of science —we need nothing so much as unity with Him. W e need the power of prayer to guide us.
JU LY. 1963
by William Reeder
Moderator, Grace Brethren Church, Vandalia, Ohio
A g r e a t p r o b l e m troubled Habakkuk, a problem which has bothered many of God’s people in various peri ods of history The condition came from the fact that to all outward appearances wickedness seemed to be having a “ field day” and was apparently winning out over right eousness. Flagrant, shameful sin was apparently going unpunished, while nothing appeared to indicate that God’s justice was in control in even the slightest degree. Habakkuk knew that God was of “purer eyes than to behold evil” (1:3); yet all around there was terrible evil, and God did not seem to be judging it. I This is similar to the situation in the world today. Much of the great sin against God appears to go un punished. There is violence, strife, and wrongdoing on every hand. World powers which have had unequalled opportunities to live by the truth have turned their backs on God and live in falsehood. We are beset with the terri ble curse of communism and other less important isms; yet God’s hand of judgment does not seem to be upon them. What is true of nations is likewise true today of individuals. One need only read the daily newspapers to get some glimpse of this. Murders, attacks, robbing, cheat ing, lying are all rampant in the world about us, and the observer might say it goes unpunished. But God’s judgment does not always come immediately. He has great patience. He quite often waits and chooses to suffer evil for a long time. When the believer sees that evil is unpunished, he is to realize that as a believer he lives by faith. God’s Word is sure. He has promised to punish the evildoer and cut off the unrighteous. Therefore, this promise will not fail. We must realize that true faith determines a thing true by the fact that God has said it in His Word, the .Bible. Habakkuk wrote his prophecy upon the eve of Judah’s captivity. This captivity took place under Nebuchad nezzar’s invasion, which left Jehoiakim subject to the king of Babylon. The Chaldeans were the instrument brought into power by God for the chastening of sinning Judah. In verse 3 of chapter 1 the prophet asks: “Why dost thou show me iniquity, and cause me to behold griev ance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.” The people were so bold and impudent in their sinful ways that they didn’t even care who saw them in their sins. All of it was openly committed. And then as we might suppose, there was hatred and strife which led to bitterness and moral and spiritual disorder among them. Even worse, the prophet relates in verse 4: “Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth.” The law was given to Israel for their direction and guid ance; it taught them how to live, what to do and what not to do. But this law was weak in that the magistrates, those who were to administer the law, were so corrupted
themselves that there was no appeal against injustice. So it became very easy for the people to disregard and disobey the laws. Yes; the moral and spiritual state of Judah was in a very bad way, and it is easy to under stand why Habakkuk cried out “O Lord, how long shall I cry out,- and thou will not hear?” Eventually we see that God did answer the prophet’s cry, assuring him that He would do a work, and that further He would do it during “his time” — Habakkuk’s time. The work that God promised to do was nigh at hand. This work would be a wondrous work producing surprise and alarm. It would be unlike anything that had befallen a nation heretofore. It would be a stupendous work. “Ye will not believe, though it be told you” (1:5). A description of the calamities which would be in flicted upon Judah are related in verses 6 through 11. God would raise up a mighty nation, the Chaldeans, whom He would use as His instrument of judgment. Habakkuk was aware that he would not receive an immediate answer to his plea and so, like a watchman looking forth from his watchtower, he waited to see what answer he would receive from heaven. In verse 1, chapter 2 he says: “ I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch.” Habakkuk waited to be divinely enlightened. He eagerly looked for a word or vision. Today man depends on his own ability. If only men would look to God for light as they stagger in the darkness of the world. Wis dom from God is to be had for the asking, for James 1:5 tells us: “ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” Finally in verse 4 of chapter 2 we become aware of the importance of faith. The believer lives by faith. His faith supports him in deep sorrow, brings comfort in darkest times. It provides life with meaning. Faith in spires us to consistent living in the midst of apostasy and sin, and in the midst of this apostasy and sin “ the just shall live by His faith.” We as God’s people look about us in the world today, and we can cry out as did the prophet Habakkuk that to all outward appearances wickedness seems to be hav ing a “field day.” Yet if we have learned anything from the prophet Habakkuk, we will not question whether evil and sin are going unpunished. For this ought not to be our concern. We have God’s assurance that He is in charge, and He will care for these things in due time as it pleases Him. The world is in the darkness of sin. As we stand on the watchtower and look about, each one of us needs to reaffirm our faith, which is our strength. If our faith isn’t sufficient to face the darkness of the hour, if we don’t have that peace that passeth all understanding, then we need to heed the prophet’s message.
A Great Woman of God Goes • S 1 ■ >v O n t h e 18th of May, 1963, Mrs. Lyman Stewart, the former Lula
Class” in the Sunday school. She had great influence upon its members and kept in personal touch with many of them until the time of her last ill ness. Always deeply interested in for eign missions, she gave generously to the support of missionaries as well as to many other worthwhile Chris tian enterprises. After the death of Mrs. Thomas Horton, who had founded the Bible Women’s organization, Mrs. Stewart became the head of that work, and under her direction it grew, reach ing girls and young women for Christ throughout the Southern California area. Literally hundreds of mission aries, pastors’ wives, Child Evange lism leaders, Bible teachers and Sun day school workers were the fruit of her consecrated efforts. For years these classes brought young women into the Bible Institute for training. Not only was Mrs. Stewart devoted to this service but she was also con cerned about the personal welfare of those who served with her. Her home was always open for happy social oc casions for the Bible Women and students of the Institute. Her giving was generous but without display. Only intimate friends knew of her numerous gifts to individuals, such as the payment of a hospital bill, the purchase of a suit of clothes, money furnished for groceries or tuition* in addition to her large gifts for great needs. Mrs. Lyman Stewart had the dis tinction of being the only woman to
May Crowell, went to be with the Lord after a long illness. Although she will be greatly missed in Chris tian circles, her homegoing brought blessed release into the presence of her Saviour where “ there is fulness of joy and pleasures forevermore.” Mrs. Stewart was bom in Memphis, Tenn., May 5, 1882. The Crowell fam ily moved to California when she was very young and she received her ed ucation in the Los Angeles schools. Among the schools she attended was the then “new” Bible 'Institute of Los Angeles, from which she was graduated in 1915. In the providence of God, her life was henceforth to be linked with Biola. In the course of time she became the personal secre tary to the outstanding Christian lay man and oil executive, Mr. Lyman Stewart, whose funds had made possi ble the erection of the original Bible Institute buildings at Sixth and Hope Streets. Some time later she and Mr. Stewart were married. Her business ability was of great value to her husband and after his death she car ried out his wishes in the fields of Christian service in which he had been active. Mrs. Stewart’s greatest interests were the work of the Lord in general and in particular the ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and of her church. A charter member of the Church of the Open Door, she taught for many years the “Doers
.Mrs. Lyman Stewart serve on the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, where she commanded great respect for her wise counsel and understand ing heart. Her generous gifts to the Bible Institute, in accordance with her late husband’s wishes, were a life saver for the school, particularly in the days of serious financial crisis during the depression years. She de lighted in any advance hat Biola made and was, ever ready to assist in the school’s progress. Mrs. Stewart is survived by her sister, Miss Alice G. Crowell, and by her nephews Frank and Warren Crowell, both of whom are prominent business men. A quietly dignified funeral service was held on May 21st at the Church of the Recessional, Forest Lawn, with interment in Rosedale Cemetery, Los Angeles. The closing message was given by Dr. Louis T. Talbot, chancellor of Biola, and long-time friend of Mrs. Stewart’s. He declared that Mrs. Stewart — outstanding person that she was — still had not trusted in her own righteousness, but for her sal vation had relied wholly upon the atoning work of Christ on Calvary. He spoke of her complete dedication to Christ and His service and describ ed the joy she now experiences in Heaven, the believer’s eternal home, where without doubt she received a glorious welcome. In II Kings 4:8, the Word of God mentions “ a great woman.” . Mrs. Stewart was such a woman. Living without ostentation when she might have found her place in the highest social circles, she literally invested her life and her means in the service of the Lord. In Revelation 14:13 we read: “ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord . . . their works do fol low them.” Only in heaven shall be known the full extent of the blessing which flowed from the life of this great and good woman of God. it
Mrs. Lyman Stewart is here pictured with the Bible women. Back row (left to right): Anita Fletcher, Kathryn Oestreich, Hazel Collins, Natalie Romans. Front row: May Cole, Josephine Nelson, Lula M. Stewart, and Mabel Hope. (Miss Myrtle Scott not pictured.)
Marxism, Morality and Our Youth by James D. Bales
I T is A c o m m o n human tendency to judge other peo ple by ourselves. If we can be bought, we tend to think that everyone has a price. In dealing with Com munism we have overlooked the fact that we tend to judge people not only by our weaknesses but also by our strong points. If we would not stoop to certain deeds, we find it difficult to believe anyone else would. We do not want to conquer the world; so we find it difficult to believe that other people are at work con quering the world and that they intend to conquer us. We do not have the conspiratorial mind, so we find it difficult to believe that others do. However, if we stop and think we should realize that we cannot draw a valid conclusion concerning another person simply by observing the fact that he possesses all the physical features which we possess and that he, too, can smile. How many of the “ ten most wanted men” by the FBI look like criminals? We cannot understand the Communist unless we
understand his view of morality. Decent people will find it almost impossible to believe the truth about the Communists unless they know their code of conduct. The Communist Manifesto maintains that morality is but a means whereby a class protects, justifies and perpetuates its selfish class interests. Morality is a mask behind which lurks in ambush the interests of the ruling class.1 This concept of morality was emphasized by Lenin in a speech before the Young Communist Leagues of Russia, October 2, 1920: In what sense do we repudiate ethics and moral ity? In the sense in which it is preached by the bourgeoisie, who derived. ethics from God’s com mandments. We, of course, say that we do not believe in God, and that we know perfectly well that the clergy, the landlords and the bourgeoisie spoke in the name of God in pursuit o f their own
interests and exploiters. Or instead of deriving ethics from the commandments of morality, from the commandments of God, they derived it from the idealist or semi-idealist phrases, which always amounted to something very similar to God’s com mandments. We repudiate all morality taken apart from hu man society and classes. We say that it is a decep tion, a fraud, a befogging of the minds of the workers and peasants in the interests of the land lords and capitalists. We say that our morality is entirely subordinated to the interests o f the class struggle of the proletar iat. Our morality is derived from the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat^ What does this class struggle mean? It means overthrowing the tsar, overthrowing the capitalists, abolishing the capitalist class.2 This means that Communism utterly repudiates moral law. It further means that the Communists be lieve that anything — absolutely anything — is right if it carries out the will of the Party and overthrows those who oppose them. Their view of morality means that their moral system or scale of values will not only be different from ours but in opposition to ours, since they maintain that their class interests are in opposition to ours —: and morality must further class interests. To illustrate what this means with reference to morality we can take four moral laws. First, “ thou shalt not steal.” The Communists maintain that this is but the law of the ruling, property-holding class which enables it to protect its property. Of course, if theft is wrong, the institution of private property cannot be wrong. But the Communists deny the Biblical right of private property. And they maintain that their interests are opposed to ours; therefore, it is right to steal if it will help the Party. Second, “ thou shalt not commit adultery.” Com munists maintain that this is based on the idea that the wife is the private property o f the man. Thus this law is a means of protecting his private property. Since they deny this right they maintain that it is right to commit adultery if it will advance the interests of the Party. Third, “ honor thy father and thy mother.” Com munists maintain that this is based on the idea that the child is the private property of the parents and therefore should obey and honor them. The Communist Manifesto indicates that the family is based on the idea of private ownership and that when Communism finally arrives the family will be abolished. They be lieve that children should dishonor their parents if so commanded by the Party. Thus children in Com munist countries are taught to tell the authorities if their parents have and express any ideas contrary to Communism or for religion. In some countries, such as Red China, this has led to the death of the parents, and the child has been held up in the classroom as a hero. In Red China today in some of the “ People’s Communies” they are trying to destroy the family. Fourth, the law of love or good will is also repudi ated by Communists, and in .its place class hatred is instilled. These illustrations make crystal clear what the Communists mean when they say that morality is but a means of furthering class interest, and that since they represent a different and opposing class in society their moral system is not only different from but in opposition to our moral system.
Who determines the interests of the proletariat whom the Communists claim to represent? The inter ests of the proletariat are determined by the Com munist Party in the U.S.S.R. What is good for the Party is good for the working man all over the world! Anyone who understands their view of morality knows that negotiation, as we conceive of negotiation, is impossible with the Communist. To them the con ference table is but another battle line, and if we think otherwise we lose another battle. They are duty bound, according to their viewpoint, to make treaties which will give them some advantage; and they are also duty bound to break them when it is to their advantage. They are duty bound to make treaties which they never intend to keep — if and when they can thus deceive their opposition.3 As they signed on No vember 16, 1933, the pledge of non-interference in the internal affairs of the United States they were violat ing the agreement.4 Ambassador Bullitt well understood the Communist perversion — we may even say, inversion — of moral ity when April 20, 1936, he wrote: “Dimitrov . . . warned his communist comrades that they were not good communists if they felt that it was indecent or unduly hypocritical to become the collaborators and pretended friends of democrats in order the better eventually to lead those democrats to the firing squad. “ The problem of relations with the Government of the Soviet Union is, therefore, a subordinate part of the problem presented by communism as a militant faith determined to produce world revolution and the ‘liquidation’ (that is to say, murder) of all non-be lievers. “ There is no doubt whatsoever that all orthodox communist parties in all countries, including the Unit ed States, believe in mass murder. Moreover, the loyalty of a believing communist is not to the nation of which he is technically a citizen but to his faith and to the Caliph of that faith. To such men the most traitorous betrayals are the highest virtues.” 5 “ Yet it must be recognized that communists are agents of a foreign power whose aim is not only to destroy the institutions and liberties of our country, but also to kill millions of Americans.” 6 How can we be honest if we refuse to believe the truth about the Communists ? To believe the truth about them, and their repudiation of morality, must lead us to conclude with Bullitt: “We should not cherish for a moment the illusion that it is possible to establish really friendly relations with the Soviet Government or with any communist party or communist individ ual,” 7 How many times must this illusion be tried be fore we learn ? How many more times can we follow this illusion and survive as free men? Footnotes 1. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957, pp. 67, 78, 79. 2. Lenin, The Tasks of the Youth Leagues, Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953, pp. 20-21, 22. 3. For examples of broken treaties see Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Soviet Political Treaties and Vio lations, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955. 4. For a protest by Ambassador Bullitt against their repudiation of their pledge see Foreign Relations of the United States, The Soviet Union, 1938-1989. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1952, pp. 257-258.
5. Ibid., p. 291. 6. Ibid., p. 292. Z. Ibid., p. 294.
James D. Bales is author of the book, “ Understanding Com munism” published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, from which this chapter is taken.
JU LY, 1963
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