King's Business - 1963-07

by Rev. Wesley Gustafson, Pastor Evangelical Tree Church, Fullerton, California T h e C h r is t ia n home is the most important institution in the world. That does not minimize the position of the church and state; they also have been ordained of God. But He places the home first — in time as well as in importance. It is the foundation upon which all other institutions are built; upon it the church and state will either stand or fall. What the homes are, the churches and schools are— the government will be. Every place where there has been a neglect of home responsibility, there eventually has been a crumbling of the nation. It is imperative, therefore, that utmost care be taken in establishing and maintaining our Christian homes. And for this tremendous responsibility God has given us a perfect plan, which is a most beautiful picture. Two who know Him meet, they gradually learn to know each other, take time to seek die plan of God foi their lives, exchange vows, establish a Christian home. Then a baby comes. Prayer is offered for the child before and after it is bom. The parents trust God for it, but they know that its destiny is influenced by them. Not Accepting Responsibility Unfortunately, some parents do not accept that re­ sponsibility. They shirk it or shift it to someone else. Parents who know the Lord Jesus Christ, who have the Word, and yet who blame the church for the downfall of their child, deserve little sympathy. The church has a real part in his training, but the home has the first responsibility; its influencé is the greatest force in the life of the child. Neither are the mother and father ex­ cused who blame the school for their boy’s or girl’s de­ linquency. A child can be sent through a “pack of wolves” without becoming harmed, if he has been properly trained in his home. But think of the joy that comes to parents who do accept the challenge of guiding aright the destiny of their children. To see their child respond to the teaching of the Word of God, accept Jesus Christ as Saviour, take his responsibility in the home and community, develop a burden for the people around him, for the world, and desire to do the will of God (though there be a great deal of fumbling) — to see that spiritual development brings complete satisfaction to the Christian parents. Results of Neglect On the other hand, consider the great anguish re­ sulting when mother and father are careless and prayer­ less — slothful in training the one entrusted to them. The child is disrespectful to his home — and oft times a disgrace to the nation. For the many thousands whom this child represents, twenty billion dollars a year is spent in penal institutions. Orphanages, jails and reformatories are filled! There is little spiritual hope for any home until the father takes his place as the spiritual leader. Many Chris­ tians fail in this important matter. They have been so taken up with their Christian service — with the work of the church, evangelization of the community, of the world — that they have not had time to evangelize their own children. If it is to be done, they must do it. The re­ sponsibility is heavy, but it is also very rewarding. Remember the Word of God: “ Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from if” (Proverbs 22:6). This promise to other genera-



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