This 36" x 60" four-color Wall Chart contains . .
Here’s a helpful tool you can use in your Sunday School for three full years! These two Sunday School workers are smiling their approval of Scripture Press’ new 36" x 60" Wall Chart. . . a colorful combination attendance record, encyclopedia of useful Sunday School information, and prospectus for Scripture Press’ courses and themes for 1963, 1964, and 1965. This four-color chart, hanging in your Sunday School office or church foyer, provides genuine help for superin tendents and teachers . . . and interesting information for everyone in your church. You may obtain a free copy of this beautiful new Wall Chart through your local Christian Bookstore or by mailing this coupon to Scripture Press.
A three-year, Sunday-by-Sunday attendance chart for atl departments for 1963, 1964, and 1965. 21-year graph of annual attendance . . . with national Sunday School attendance and national population increase lines printed on the chart. A brief history of the Sunday School movement. A description of the basic needs and characteristics of each age-group. A description of SP's exclusive Total Hour Teaching plan which makes the most of every precious second of the Sunday School hour. f t » ” outline of Scripture Press lesson themes and Bible coverage for 1963, 1964, and 1965 for all age-groups. An explanation of four important terms . . . Bible-based, Christ-centered, departmentally graded, and pupil-related and what Scripture Press means by them. A description of the exclusive Scripture Press Total Church Program . . . and the SP courses for four other church agencies— Church-time, Training Hour, Vacation Bible School, and Camp. brief description of Scripture Press’ five take-home papers which link church and home. Charts giving national statistics on Sunday School growth, Iroups. percentages of attendance in various age-g
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