Sister and j 4Brothers •fnneedof JP ¡¡¡jp lj ¡¡¡¡É I Sponsors j
Answer the eager prayers o f one o f these lovely children. Bepome a sponsor, a “ Mommy,” “Daddy,” “ Big Brother” or “ Big Sister.” For only $10 a month you provide food, shelter, clothing and education. Perhaps your Sunday school class, ladies group or some other organization would like to sponsor an orphan as a missionary project. Dedicated Korean Christians will care for them fo r you in a wholesome Christian environment. The orphan you choose will know that it is your love and compassion which make it possible. Thousands o f little ones, still un sponsored, await your answer. F A M IL Y O F 5 O R P H A N S Each child represents a tragic story—loss of parents, abandonment, hunger, beggary. Early this year, Sung Shim, a waif of 14 years, walked wearily into our Mokpo Hope Orphanage, followed by 4 younger broth ers. Their mother died of disease in 1959. The father struggled to care for them until he was killed in a traffic accident in 1962. Bravely Sung Shim tried to carry on, but eventually all were forced to beg until they found refuge in one of our homes. Each one needs a sponsor, and it is hoped that because of Sung Shim’s strong family spirit they may be kept together in the same orphanage.
Scripture: Judges 2:11-18. Text. vs. 14, “ The anger of the Lord was hot against Israel.” Object: To know the real cause of Israel’s problems. Definition: Anger — a strong passion or emotion of displeasure. Introduction: Recurring Apostasy. 1. Israel’s History. 2. Israel’s Humbling. 3. Israel Heard. I. The Reason— “Did evil,” vs. 11, 12. A. Evil. 1. Sin’s consequences. 1. Residue of people. 2. Ridicule of people. 3. Recurrent relapse. C. Heart—Ezekiel 14:3-8. 1. Condition of heart, vs. 3, 4, 7, cf. Ezek. 8:5-11. 2. Inclusion of heart, vs. 3, 4, 7. 3. Estranged from Jehovah, v. 5. 4. Jehovah against that man, vs. 8. II. The Retribution—“provoked anger,” B. A Just God. C. A jilted God. D. A Judging God. III. The Result—“ delivered them,” v. 14. A. Anger of the Lord. B. Delivered to spoilers. C. Sold to enemies. D. Conquered by others. Conclusion: Recurring Grace, vs. 16-18. 1. Conquest determined by faith fulness to God. 2. Cleaving to God means forsaking all others. 3. Continuance during the life of the judge. 4. Compassion manifest in recur rent judges. THE NATIONS SHAKEN Haggcn 2:7 I. “ I W ill Shake All Nations” Refers to the period when Jesus was manifested. II. This Refers to Our Own Day 1. He is shaking many nations by awful judgments. a. These things are from God. 2. Sin’s conclusion. 3. Sin’s conquest. B. Idolatry. vs. 12, 13; (2:14, 20; 3:8) A. A Jealous God, Ex. 20:5.
Sung Shim (M -l)
Sung Oh (M-2)
Sung Kil (M-3)
Sung Sam (M-4)
Sung Chul (M-5)
Jung Soon (M-7)
Kang Kook (M-8)
Hui Ja (M-9) So Am (M-10) N E E D IS U R G E N T
Cares for more than 19,000 Korean or phans, including children of lepers; deaf, dumb and blind children. Maintains 175 orphanages, supervised by Bible-believing staff and board of directors. Serves more than 24,000,000 meals each year. A w arded highest recognition by the Korean government. CUP IN I MAIL TODAY« □ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number__________ If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl □ Age. With God's help I will send $10 a month to Chicago office. Please send my child's name, picture, address and F U LL PARTICU LA RS. I under« stand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. D I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ □ Please send folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans."
Will you help bring joy to an orphan child’s heart? That child will bring joy to your own heart. Y ou will be given the name, photo and life story, and the child, if old enough, will write to you. If the child is too young to write, a staff member will do so. Spon sors tell us o f the blessing this ministry has been to them. It can be yours, and because o f the pressing need we invite you to act n o w . LA RGEST WORK OF ITS KIND IN KOREA EVERETT SWANSON, Founder and D irector Name ____________ ________________ Address l City _ Zone _ State _ Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. C OM P A S S I O N (Tin Everett SwansonEvangelisticAssn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation—Eat. 1952 Dept K73 7774IrvingParkRd„Chicago34,III. Phone4564116
b. Their effect will be either re pentance and reformation, or ut ter ruin and destruction. 2. The final issue will be the triumph • of the Redeemer’s Kingdom and His Gospel. — Andrew honor
JU LY, 1963
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