King's Business - 1963-07

Do you have

$ 300 , * 500 , * 1000 , ü 1 I / or more, to invest : —

I \

A m o v in g v a n pulled up across the street. Immediately curiosity was aroused in the neighborhood. Several women showed their neighborly in­ terest by calling on the new arrivals. One of the women, Frances, a Christian interested in the lives of others, continued her friendly attitude by occasionally repeating the call. She became deeply concerned be­ cause the new neighbors did not at­ tend church, and made them a special object of prayer. Margaret and her husband were a very likeable couple. They had sev­ eral children but had not taken them to Sunday school. They lived the typical life of families who have no interest in God or spiritual things. Frances felt that it was her respon­ sibility to witness to Margaret. She prayed earnestly for guidance and soon felt that she should do something about it. She decided to invite Mar­ garet over for coffee. To her surprise, Margaret began asking questions about God and spiritual things. Margaret presented a serious prob­ lem. She did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, only that He was a great leader who was cruci­ fied by the people who did not accept His teachings. Frances showed her from the Bible God’s plan of salva­ tion and the way to receive Christ as her personal Saviour. Finally, the Word took root and Margaret became aroused about her spiritual condition. Frances invited her to attend church and she went, but without her husband. One of the church workers called at her home several times and on one of these visits Margaret accepted Christ as her personal Saviour. Margaret continued to attend Sun­ day school and church regularly for nearly a year without her husband. Finally he, too, started attending the services. They made some intimate friends at church and eventually he also received Christ. This was all due to the concern of a friendly Christian Moving vans are daily pulling up at residences and new people arrive in neighborhoods. People are curious about new neighbors, and Christians are concerned. Take a new look at moving vans which may bring an opportunity to introduce someone to the Saviour. JU L Y , 1963

• . . and would you like to put these funds into effective and profitable use? Then,

you should know about MOODY ANNUITIES Christian men and women are often concerned about the matter of in­ vesting their funds. Some do not wish to become involved in stocks and bonds because of the fluctu­ ation and uncertainty of economic conditions. But they are interested in security and an assured in com e. Moody Annuities meet both of these requirements. This is what you should know about Moody Annu­ ities:. (1) |. . they assure an income up to

8 Y 2 percent (depending on your age) and this for as long as you live. To support this guarantee are the re­ sources of Moody Bible Institute, fix more than 55 years, the Institute has never missed an annuity dividend payment. And in addition, this extra dividend . . . (2) your annuity funds are carefully put to work in the great program of Moody Bible Institute, and thus you share directly in the blessings of this world-wide gospel ministry.

WO U L D Y O U L I K E TO R E C E I V E D O U B L E D I V I D E N D S ON Y O U R M O N E Y ? We’ll be happy to send you the f r e e booklet, d o u b l e d iv id e n d s , which explains the Moody Annuity Plan in detail. It contains a chart showing income rate for all ages, explains tax benefits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you’ll have a share.

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