ent day, and will until the end of this age. It is always well for us to examine again and again the origin of things. A new look at the origin of the Christian church can do many things for the church and the in dividual Christian today. The author uses 66 chapters to tell the story of the Acts. He pays ade quate attention to the significant doc trinal matters involved. A great many modem aberrations in the church grew out of poor understanding of the teachings of the Acts. A look at some of the intriguing chapter head ings will influence one to read the book: “The New Way of Life” ; “How Long is a Full Life?” ; “Christianity’s Most Remarkable Conversion” ; “The Yielded Value of Little Things” ; “Re ligious Controversy in the Church” ; and “Christianity’s Conflict With Re ligion.” — 407 pages; cloth; Dunham Publishing Co., Findlay, Ohio; $4.50. Christianity and Barthianism By Cornelius Van Til Professor Van Til has not moved from his view of Barthian Theology expressed in the title of his earlier work, The New Modernism. Limiting himself in this work to a more intri cate analysis of Barth alone, the con clusion is the same. It is “ a religion of man’s own devising” (p. 446). After setting forth Barth’s basic concepts. Van Til challenges them through the criticism of contemporary Reformed theologians and philoso phers. He then views Barth through the eyes of modem Roman scholars, concluding that there is more com panionship between Barth’s dialecti cal theology and Romanism than be tween Barth and the Reformers, de spite his insistence that he is follow ing in the trade of Calvin and Luther. Van Til recognizes that a true the ology of grace does at times find ex pression in Barth’s system (p. 386), and that Barth does seek “ to apply the brakes when his view is carried through to its inevitable destructive consequences” (p. 431). Nevertheless, he rightly concludes that “ the great divide is between those who do and those who do not assume that God has actually acted for and spoken to man in Jesus Christ, and through Him in the Scriptures . . .” (p. 203).
Exposition of Philipplans By William Hendriksen
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This is the fourth in the series by this author under the title New. Testa ment Commentary. Previously issued were John, Thessalonians, and Timo- thy-Titus. The volumes are appearing about a year apart. There is a 40-page introduction, in which geographic, historical, and literary aspects of the Epistle are examined. The arguments against the Pauline authorship put forth by the German scholars, Paulus and Holstein, are answered. The date is placed 'between A.D. 61-63. At the head of each section dis cussed is the author’s own translation of the text, and, when repeated in the discussion, is in bold letters. This means that when he finishes we shall have another full translation of the New Testament hidden away in these commentaries. In these days of re newed interest in translations, this is often forgotten. A number of com mentators do the same. The comments are keenly analyti cal and not stilted. Outlines and dia grams interspersed help to highlight the truths presented. The original Greek is taken into account carefully, but in such a maimer that a layman, or one who cannot handle the Greek, will receive maximal profit from it. Considerable attention is given to oth er Scripture references which throw light on a passage. On page 142, for instance, there is a list of references filling over thirteen lines of text. Poetry is inserted where it illumi nates. All in all, this is a satisfying piece of work. Dr. Hendriksen is a Reformed theologian, having taught at Calvin Theological Seminary as Professor of New Testament litera ture, and is now in the pastorate. He has thus the homiletics of the book in mind as well. A good bibliography is included.—218 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $5.95.
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The Acts of the Apostles is the only unfinished book in the Bible, as the author points out in his Introduction. This means that it is not unfinished so far as revelation is concerned, but that the action continues to the pres
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