Since Barth refuses to portray his Christ from the Scripturs as the di rect revelation of God, his Christ in the final analysis is a projection “ from his own self sufficient self-con sciousness” (p. 135). This work digs beneath the preach ing language of Bathianism to its bedrock structure, revealing that it is in the ultimate sense “ still man-cen tered, a higher humanism” (p. 437). 446 pages; cloth; The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Phila delphia, Pa.; $6.95. — Reviewed by Dr. Robert Saucy, Professor, Talbot Theological Seminary. HAPPY MOMENTS WITH GOD by Margaret Anderson. 186 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish ing House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. A book of de votions for fam ilies with small children. A short .story is followed by "Something to think about," a Bible verse, and a short prayer. They run from one to two pages each. LIFE IS FOR LIVING by Betty Carlson. 136 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Inspirational devotions for women, organized under seven major heads with forty- four messages. Each is preceded by "Small ta lk ," a brief statement, which sets the theme of the message. A "Spiritual exercise" follows: practical suggestions for reading, meditation, or action. THE CRYING HEART by Clara M iller. 239 pages; cloth; Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa.; $3.50. This book serves a double purpose — to tell a story of life in a fictional manner, yet at the same time to portray life in the Am ish com munity of Buchanan County, Iowa, where the setting is laid, and where the author lived during her childhood. There is a warm testimony to salvation and the Christian life involved in the book. HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE by R. A . Torrey. 121 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N .J.; $2.50. A re-issue o f the 1906 edition. Designed for beginners in the Christian life, and in fact a manual for them, dealing with confession, assurance, Bible read ing, prayer, missions, etc. THE GLORIES OF OUR LORD by H. C . Hewlett. 128 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $2.50. An accurate and deeply spiritual exposition of the attributes of Jesus Christ — His Sonship, theophanies, eternity, deity, humanity, holiness, priesthood, and various aspects of His redemptive death. The author is a New Zealand editor of a Christian magazine, The Treasury. The book was formerly published in England. THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE STORY BOOK: OLD TESTAMENT; stories by Peter Palmer, illustrated by Manning De V . Lee. 297 pages; cloth; McGraw- Hill Book Co., New Yo rk; $3.95. Set of pic tures in color designed to be included in the Children's King James Bible (Old Testament) now published here separately. There are 100 stories, 400 illustrations, over half of which are in four colors. A series of full-page portraits is added. SERMONS FOR SPECIAL DAYS AND OCCASIONS by G. Hall Todd. 157 pages; cloth,*1 Baker Book House. Grand Rapids; $2.50. The author is pas tor or Arch Street Presbyterian Church in Phila delphia. Each is designed for use on one of the major days of the church year — fifteen in all. Old and New Testament texts are used. GOD'S GUIDING HAND by George T . B. Davis. 254 pages; paper; M illion Testaments Campaign, Philadelphia; price not listed. One of the "elder statesmen" of the Christian world is not an in accurate label for this man, who here writes his memoirs. As founder of the M illion Testa ments Campaign, Dr. Davis has preached around the world and been used long and effectively by the Lord in promoting missions. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus . Handy mail order service is also available. Free descrip tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request. BOOK ENDS_________ (A Review of Currant Publications)
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