**A College o f Distinction a ^ Spacious Campus ★ Sports ★ ★ Consecrated Faculty Choir '¿r Clubs Majors • Bible • Missions • Pastorology • Evangelism • Greek • Music • Christian Education Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President, for Catalog PILLSBURY C O N S E R V A T IV E B A P T IS T B IB L E COLLEGE Dept. KB Ow atonna, M innesota When writing advertisers— please mention THE KING’S BUSINESS T R A I N I N G with P U R P O S E d i v e r s i f i e d a c c e l e r a t e d a c e r e NURSING
R e c e n t l y o n a Lord’s Day I was “grounded” by the flu and un able to serve in my church and Sun day school. As I lay in bed, I tuned in on the radio religious programs. In the interest of this column, I passed up the good Gospel messages which I should have enjoyed, to listen to the cult programs. They ran the gamut from the saccharine sermons of the “know thyself” misty meta physical groups to the thunderous- toned “kingdom here-and-now,” anti organized religion rabble-rousers. I noted a number of things about these purveyors of error (1) Not one of them presented Christ as the atoning Saviour, cruci fied, buried and risen again, accord ing to I Cor. 15:3-4. Their messages centered about something besides Him who is “ the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). (2) Without exception, all offered a “do-it-yourself” plan of salvation, by-passing Calvary. I was astonished to hear again that old term “ the di vine spark” which I thought had gone out with the horse and buggy! (3) Each speaker presented the most innocuous views of his cult, not airing to the public the deadly here sies which lurk beneath the surface. This is characteristic of all false re ligions: to bait the hook with some thing alluring until the poor victim is caught beyond hope of escape. (4) Nearly all appealed for finan cial support, either directly with some plea about a great “crisis” in the work or indirectly in the offer of literature, the implication of which was that one would not accept a gift without some form of remuneration. Thus these systems secure that which is more priceless than gold: a mailing list! Christians should investigate every organization — its teachings and its leaders — before investing one cent of the Lord's money in anything! Gullibility is not spirituality. (5) The speakers were competent, interesting and even eloquent. In most instances, the harsh, uncul tivated “hard sell” has been replaced by the bland, persuasive “ soft sell” which Paul called “ speaking lies in hypocrisy” (I Tim. 4:2). Suffice to say, I was impressed with the need to pray and to witness for Christ as never before.
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B(0LA $C„ 0 0 L M IS S IO N A R Y M E D IC IN E 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
JU LY, 1963
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