LITERATURE ON THE CULTS AND “ ISMS” A selection o f books, booklets and tracts to help you in your witness to those who are being brought under the influence o f the modern Cults and "Isms.”
Catholicism American Freedom and Catholic Power—
Mormonismi What's Wrong with Mormonism—Talbot..............50 Has Mormonism Changed—Smith __________ 1.00 The Book of Mormon—Budvorson .................. 1.00 Is Mormonism Christian— Fraser ................ 39 Mormonism—Anderson .......................................... 35 The Mazo of Mormonism—Martin .....................2.95 Mormonism Under the Searchlight—Biederwolf .50
General Books The Chaos of Cults— Van Baalen.................... 3-95 .Christianity Versus the Cults— Van Baalen ...... 2.00 Theology of the Major Socfs— Gerstner............3.95 Heresies Exposed— Irvine ................................ 1.35 Cults and Isms—Splttler ............ .........2.95 The Rise of the Cults— Martin (paper) ........ 1.00 The Christian and the Culls— Martin (paper) .. 1.50 The Challenge ot the Cults: A symposium........ 1.00 What the Sects Teach— Tannis ...................... 1.00 The Gist of the Cults— Van Baalen . ................... 75 The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error .... .10 The Challenge of the Sects— Davis ................ 1.45 Christian Science What's Wrong with Christian Science—Talbot .. .50 The Christian Sciencè Myth—Martin ................ 1.95 Christian Science— Martin _________.________ 50 Why I Lett Christian Science—Wertheimer...........50 Christian Science and Scripture Compared ...........05 Christian Science—Biederwolf ..............................50 What's Wrong with Jehovah's Witnesses—Talbot .50 Thirty Year's a Watchtower Slave—Schnell .... 2.95 Into the Light of Christianity—Schnell .......... 2.95 Johovah of the Watchtower—Martin ..:......... 2.95 The Watchtower Heresy versus the Bible— Dencher _____________ :;.,4:..............:. 2.95 Christian's Answer to Jehovah's Witnesses ...... .15 Another Gospel ......... ...... ............... .............10 The Theology of Jehovah's Witnesses—McKinney 2.50 How to Deal with Jehovah's Witnesses—StiIson .60 Jehovah's Witnesses Exposed— Lockeyer 3.50 Communism Communism: Its Faith and Fallacies _______3.50 Understanding Communism (paper) ________ 1.00 The Christian Answer to Communism—Kay..... 1.95 A Study of Communism—Hoover ........— 3.95 How to Fight Communism Today—Brose.......... 1.00 You Can Trust The Communist—Schwarz (paper) .50 Jehovah’s Witnesses
Blanshard _______ ._______________ _ 3.95 Crime and Immorality in the Catholic Church— McLaughlin .............. 4.95 American CuHuro and Catholic Schools— McLaughlin ___ 4.95 A Handbook on thePapacy—Kerr...... ................4.95 Roman Catholicism—Boettner...........................5.95 Roman Catholicism in the Light of Scripture— Dreyer and Welle _____________ cloth 3.50 paper .89 Romanism in the Light of Scripture— Penecost 2.50 I Saw the Light—Hegger ......... 3.75 Infallibility of the Church—A Refutation- Salmon ______ ________— ---------------3.95 Fifty Years in the Church of Romo—Chiniquy 3.75 Ins and Outs of Romanism— Zochello ............2.00 Secrets of Romanism—Zochello .......................2.50 The Two Babylons—Hislop — ...................... 3.50 The Other Side of Rome—Wilder (paper) .— 1.50 The Shadow of Romo—Wilder (paper) — — 1.00 The Monk Who Lived Again—Pearson (paper) 1.75 The Priest, The Woman and The Confessional— Chiniquy (paper) --------------------— ...... 1.00 Forgotten Women in the Convents—Sister Ethel (paper) 1.25 I Found the Ancient Way—Vila ................ .39 The Bible and the Roman Church— Macaulay .. .39 Catholicism Made Plain—Contento ......................20 Why I Became a Protestant—Padrosa ..... .39 Roman Catholic Doctrine Examined—Brooks........10 Papal Infallibility: It's Complete Collapse Before A Factual investigation—Rowell .. 3.50 The Soul of a Priest—Lehmann___________ 1.25 Catholicism Judged By the Bible—Viator........ 1.00 The Spin Between Roman Catholicism and Christ .25 Where Are Roman Cahollcs Wrong—Orr ............35 Should Protestants and Roman Catholics Intermarry!— Carrara ------------------------- -35 Sermon from a Catholic Bible— Rice..................... 25 The Truth About the Virgin Mary — .................... 20 The Lonely Road (Marriage and Catholicism).........05
Seventh-Day Adventism
Seventh-Day Adventism and the Bible—Talbot.........50 Seventh-Day Adventism Refuted—Canright ........... 75 Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced—Canright.... 3.50 The Sabbath Day and the Lord's Day—Feinberg .50- Sunday or Sabbath— Rice ________ 25 The Sabbath—Should Christians Keep It! ........... 06 .60 a dozen; 100 for 4.50 The Lord's Day Hot a Sabbath Day—Riddle .... 1.50 Seventh-Day Adventism—Biederwolf ......................50 The Sabbath Day or the Lord's Day—Which!— McGee _______________ 25
Anglo-Israelism What's Wrong wHh Anglo-Israelism—Talbot........ 50 The Delusion of Brltish-lsraellsm—Darms------ 1.25 Real Israel and Anglo-Israelism— Rose -------- 1.25
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Unity Unity School of Christianity and the Bible— Talbot.............................................................50 Unity—Martin __________ I----------------------- -50 THE KING'S BUSINESS
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