King's Business - 1963-07

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you can WILL a guaranteed income for life to loved ones ... and your money continues to work for the Lord! There is no need to wonder if monies left to loved ones will be dissipated, or unwisely spent for purposes contrary to your wishes or their best interests. It is possible to make 'your will in Such A way that your friends or loved ones will be remembered generously. . . providing them with assured incomes as long as they live . . . and at the same time making sure that your money will be used for the furtherance of Christ’s Kingdom. The an sw er is Wheaton Annuities! Through the Wheaton Annuity Pl$n, you can provide regulated sums of money by will for your loved ones . . . knowing beforehand that your gift-annuity will bring them a steady, guaranteed income for life . . . and your money will be working also “for Christ and His Kingdom” . . . helping to train young men and women for lives of Christian service and influence. Please write us concerning your questions about Wheaton Annuities. There is no obligation, of course.

I prize each copy of my KING’S BUSI­ NESS, so when I found out that the moth­ er of our paper boy to whom I had loaned a couple of them, had burned them, it was quite a blow to me. I had loaned them to him because he is a little Christian boy and, as is the case almost everywhere, is getting evolution in his science classes. I have talked with him several times on this, but I wanted him to read some of Dr. Davidheiser’s articles. I also told him to take the magazines to school to show his teacher, as I am sure many of these teachers simply do not know there is any other theory as to origins, much less the truth. But after the boy’s mother read the articles at home, she burned up my treas­ ured magazines! However, it appears that the science teacher had already at least scanned them and I am hoping that some good will have been done. Mrs. Alene Embree, Seattle, Washington MORE THAN A HAIR CUT Recently I went to Joe’s Appointment Barber Shop for a hair cut. I came away with much more than the hair cut, for during the time I waited for “ Joe” to get to my hair, I picked up the January copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS and read the wonderful article by J. Edgar Hoover en­ titled “ Time Is Running Out.” A ll of your wonderful articles touch the heart and mind. Mrs. Russell K. Baker, Vista, California "DEAR FRIENDS OF MISSIONARIES" Thank you for the tremendous, colossal, potent, powerful, article in the January KING’S BUSINESS. The article “ Dear Friend of Missionaries” by Jean Allen is a choice one. Personally I would like to send this article to many on our mailing list. Eoth my wife and I have and do enjoy immensely the KB each month. It is getting “ gooder and gooder” all the time. There’s lots of meat in the many articles. Dave Crane, Caribbean Broadcasting Co., L.A. KB IN NIGERIA W e just received our first copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS. It was the first Chris­ tian publication we had received and we really did enjoy each article. It was like seeing an old friend again. We arrived in Nigeria last October, and we are busy now teaching in one of the secondary schools. W e are with the new two and a half year program of the Sudan Interior Mission, which was instituted because of the extreme need for teachers at the secondary level. W e are grateful for the opportunity to come. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bower, Nigeria, W. Africa

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