promised his two brothers in the mud that he would come back and tell them about the new world if he found it. He did not sleep well that night. He rolled and tossed and could hardly wait for the sun to rise so that he could go back, and tell Jimmy and Cecil all about it. As soon as the sun was up, Percy flew into the air, folded his wings, and dived headfirst into the pond to tell his brothers what had happened to him. But do you know, when his head hit the water, the blow knocked him unconscious and he lay helpless on the water. After a while he revived and exclaimed, “ I don’t know what happened!” He thought he did not go high enough when he dived, and so he went higher and dived again. This time he was nearly killed when he hit the water. Again, quivering and faint, he lay on the water until he recovered. Then off he flew, saying to himself, “ I tried to go back and I wanted to keep my prom ise, but I am changed and I cannot go back. I do hope they won’t think I did not tell them the truth. I did try to go back, but I just could not.” Cecil and Jimmy waited a long time for Percy to return. Finally they said, “We knew there was not an other world out there because if there had been, Percy would surely have come back and told us. He promised he would.” So they concluded that the life they lived in the mud was the only life. Some people are just as foolish as these dragonflies. They do not believe that there is another life after death simple because they haven’t been there, or because nobody has come back to tell them about it. They do not believe what God says about it in His Word, the Bible. Jesus said, “Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life” (John 5:40). Don’t be like that. Come to Him and He will give you eternal life, for “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (I John 5:12). B IO L A Q U A R T E T Partial July Schedule July 2 Raton, New Mexico area July 3 Washington Avenue Church Enid, Oklahoma July 6 Youth for Christ Topeka, Kansas July 7 Centropolis Baptist Church A.M. Kansas City, Missouri P.M. Seward Baptist Church Topeka, Kansas July 9 Highland Crest Baptist Topeka, Kansas July 4 Tulsa, Oklahoma area July 5 Welch, Oklahoma or Dequeen, Arkansas area
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Minneapolis, Minnesota area
July 21 A.M.
July 10 Emmanuel Baptist Church Des Moines, Iowa July 11 First Evangelical Free Church Boone, Iowa July 15 Gull Lake Bible Conference Hickory Comers, Michigan July 16 Dearborn or Detroit, Michigan area July 17 Dearborn, Detroit area July 18 Minneapolis, Minnesota area July 19 Edgewater Baptist Church Minneapolis, Minnesota July 23 Ralston, Nebraska area July 24 Fremont or Lincoln, Nebraska area
P.M. Suburban Baptist Church Minneapolis, Minnesota July 25 Evangelical Free Church Oakland, Nebraska July 26 United Presbyterian Church Auburn, Iowa July 27 Youth for Christ Denver, Colorado July 28 A.M. Judson Memorial Baptist Church Denver, Colorado P.M. Fruitdale Baptist Church Wheatridge, Cobrado July 30 First Covenant Church Billings, Montana
JU LY, 1963
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