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ance Mission. In 1928 Brother Bach became General Director of the mis sion, and upon his retiring from ac tive duty he became General Direc tor Emeritus of the mission which is now known as The Evangelical Alli ance Mission. Brother Bach’s home-going came a few days after his return from the yearly meeting of his beloved TEAM in Chicago where he celebrated his 82nd birthday. It was as Brother Bach was visiting among friends in his home, that he collapsed, and went to be with the Lord. Mr. George M. Wilson, managing edi tor of Decision magazine, the month ly publication of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, h a s an nounced that the magazine is now being published in French and Ger man. The new publishing venture coincides with the beginning of two great Crusades in France and Ger many conducted by Dr. Billy Graham, and his Team. The new editions will be circulated in France and Germany by subscription and through news stand sales. The Association hopes to begin publication of a Spanish-lan- guage edition of Decision before the end of this year. Rev. Archie A. MacKinney, president of American Messianic Fellowship, has announced a Summer Institute for Jewish Evangelism to be held in August at the Berkshire Christian College, Lenox, Massachusetts. A brochure and further information may be obtained by writing Rev. Mackinney, 7448 North Damen Ave., Chicago 45, Illinois. Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, secretary of pub lic affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals, warned that strict en forcement of the “Missionary Societies Act” which was passed by the Sudan Government in Africa is one of the “most repressive laws against Chris tianity outside the Iron Curtain.” Dr. Taylor said that the act states that “no missionary society or member thereof shall do any ‘missionary act’ in the Sudan except in accordance with the act.” The law restricts mis sionary work to the specific area stated on the required license and only among those of his own religion. It also forbids a missionary from bringing up any youth under 18 years of age in his own religion without the consent of the youth’s lawful guardian.
Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., has announced three ma
jor staff app o i n t ments. Dr. Paul S. Rees, Vice-President -at-Large, has been elected to the Board of Directors and as Editor-In-Chief of World Vision mag azine. Dr. Rees be gins his fifth year with t h e mission- ary service organi
Dr. Rees
zation and remains its Vice-President- at-Large. He is often called a “min ister to ministers” in pastors’ confer ences around the globe. Dr. Ted Engstrom was named Execu tive Vice-President of the organiza
tion, a n d also a m e m b e r of the Board of Directors. Dr. Engstrom was for six years the president of Youth for Christ Interna tional. Senator Frank Carlson, Republican Senator from Kan sas, was elected to
Send te Prayer tine, The King’s Business mege- line, 551 So. Hepe, Los Angeles 17. CeUtocnie. (see advertisement, inside front cover)
Dr. Engstrom
Dr. Frank E. Gaebelein, noted educa tor and Christian scholar, has been appointed Co-Editor of Christianity Today. Dr. Gaebelein is retiring as headmaster of the widely - known Stony Brook School in Long Island, New York. Mr. Don Gaebelein, has been appointed new headmaster of the school. Dr. Thomas John Bach, commonly known as T.J. and lovingly known as Brother Bach, went to be with the the Board of Direc tors. The Honorable Mr. Carlson be came a United States Senator in 1951. He was recently commended by Time magazine as “ one of the six most influential senators in the United States.”
BIOLA COLLEGE Stewardship Department 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif.
□ I am interested in training at Biola. □ I would like to know how I can help to train young people at Biola. Name ;----------§1—:---------------------------- ;---- Address ----------------------------- - ---------------- City & State ------------------- -------- ----------- ED ITOR IAL (eon», from page 7) ten commandments are expressed in negative form. That ought to be a pretty fair example for the minister of Jesus Christ to follow! Shame upon those individuals who have so prosti tuted the pulpit that they remain relatively silent on the subject of the terribleness oi sin as it is expressing itself throughout our beloved land. On the other hand, we do thank God for the many ministers of Jesus Christ who are proclaiming the whole counsel of God, who fearlessly expose sin in all of its hideousness and who point sinners to the Lamb of God who alone can save men from sin and its appalling consequences. These are the ones who should be encouraged and supported in their stand for the truth as it is found in God’s Holy Word. “Stand up, speak out bravely in God’s name. Be strong!”
Lord on June 12th, at Yucaipa, Cali fornia w h e r e he had made his home for the past several years. Brother Bach was bom in Copenha gen, Denmark, on May 22, 1881. He came to America at the age of 17, and
Dr. Bach.
after his schooling he sailed to South America where he labored for over 22 years under the Scandinavian Alli-
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