F A M I L Y R E C O R D C L invites you to accept
6 4 . K o rean O rp h an C h o ir—with Ralph Car michael’s Orchestra: The Lord's Prayer, Beyond the Sunset, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, Amaz ing Grace, 11 others.
6 8 . G re a t S to rie s F ro m th e B ib le — Wendell Loveless relates familiar Bible stories for children. Inspiring, en tertaining, enlightening. Realistic sound effects.
3 8 . O ver th e S u n s e t M o u n ta in —Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony: Over the Sunset Moun tains, The Old Rugged Cross, God Is Love, Be yond the Sunset, 6 more.
6 5 . D ecad e of D eci sion-M usic from Billy Graham’s film classics featuring Georgia Lee, Redd H arp er, Eth el Waters, Frank Boggs. 12 more favorites.
of these 22 inspirational albums f a s
4 6 . A n c h o r e d — Haven of Rest Quartet: The Haven of R est, Farther Along, Have Thine Own Way Lord, Just a Little Talk with Jesus, Rose of Sharon, 8 others.
3 3 . H is E y e Is on th e S p arro w — Ethel Waters sings: His Eye is on the Sparrow, Deep River, In His Care, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Stand By Me, 6 more.
6 3 . Y e s t e r d a y ’ s V o ic e s —Paul Harvey narrates. Actual voices, sermonsof Dwight Moody, Ira Sankey, Billy Sunday, W. B. R iley, George Truett, etc.
2 8 . H ym n s of F an n y C ro sb y — Les Barnett, organ: Tell Me the Story of Jesus, Blessed Assur ance, Near The Cross, All The Way My Savior Leads Me, 13 others.
Select any five albums on this page— regular high fidelity or stereo—for only $2.67! Yes! Now, at sub stantial savings, you can enjoy many wonderful hours of listening pleasure and spiritual refreshment. Think what these albums of praise, prayer, faith and inspira tion can mean to your entire family! Your choice of inspirational hymns, gospel songs, spirituals and other well-loved sacred music. Recordings by your favorite vocalists and singing groups. Beautiful organ music and full orchestrations. A visit, in your own home, with such dedicated Christian artists as The White Sisters, Ethel Waters, Paul Mickelson, The Haven of Rest Quartet, Frank Boggs, Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony, The Korean Orphan Choir, and many more! This special offer also entitles you to membership in Word Records’ Family Record Club, with all its wonderful advantages. By joining, you get your choice of inspira tional records announced in the FREE monthly Club digest. There are more FREE bonus albums coming, too. But you must act now! Mail the money-saving coupon, today! SEND NOMONEY. Just tell us which 5 albums you want, by number. When they arrive, you’ll be billed for only $2.67 (plus a small handling and postage charge). If you’re not delighted with your recordings, return them within 10 days and you owe us nothing!
66. Wer e You T h e re ?—Fague Spring- man and the Concert Or chestra of London: Were You There?, Steal Away, Ride On King Jesu s, Swing Low, 7 more.
4 8 . A C a rm ic h a e l C o n c e rt—Ralph Car michael and his orches tra: Jesus Name I Love, In the Garden, This I Know, What a Friend, Wonderful Peace, 7 more.
3 1 . M e d ita tio n At D aw n , V ol. II — Lew Charles and Charles Mag- nuson (organ and piano): When Morning Dawns, Tell Methe Story ofJesus, At the Cross, 10 others.
2 7 . C o u n t Y o u r B le s s in g s—The White S iste rs: Count Your Blessings, There’s No Disappointment in Jesus, I'm Not Alone, Above All Else, 10 more.
i Ntiftar (taw ,■>* 1
3 2 . Son g s From T h e W ord—Bill Carle with Kurt Kaiser’s Orchestra: How Great Thou Art, How Big Is God, Nazareth, Day By Day, The Ninety ana Nine, 6 more.
3 5 . Son g s From th e H e art — Frank Boggs: The Old Rugged Cross, Then Jesus Came, It Is No Secret, Blessed Re deemer, How Great Thou Art, plus 7.
6 9 . S e v e n L a s t W o rd s—The Oratorio Singers. One of the great est of Christian classics. Three famed solo artists, backed by a truly out standing vocal group.
5 1 . B e y o n d t h e R ive r — Melody Four Quartet: I’ve a Home Be yond the River. Coming Again, Still of the Night, Peace in the Valley, When I’m With Him, 7 others.
FILL IN, DETACH AND MAIL THIS MONEY SAVING COUPON! FAMILY RECORD CLUB / WACO, TEXAS Please enroll me in the Family Record Club and send me the 5 albums listed below. I understand I will be billed $2.67 plus a small handling and postage charge for these records (retail value up to $24.90!). I’ll buy an additional 5 albums of my choice (more than one hundred to choose from) during the next 12 months at the regular low retail price. ($3 98 for High Fidelity, $4.98 for Stereo, plus handling and postage charge.) I know that after I buy the 5 selections, I am entitled to a free album for each two that I purchase through the Club.
7 7 . H ym n s of C om fo rtin g P e a ce —Lew Charles at the Robert- Morton Pipe Organ: Lead On 0 King Eternal, Just When I Need Him Most, I Know a Name, plus 7.
4 1 . A Jo y fu l Sound —Children's Choir. De lightful songs for chil dren. Includes Sunday School favorites ana songs for Christm as, Palm Sunday and Easter.
Chorale: Motet, Prayer to Jesus, Blessed Assurance, Jesu Priceless Treasure, He’s Got the Whole World, 6 others.
(please print)
4 0 . M om ents of In« s p ira tio n —Bill Mann, Lyric Tenor: Above the Hills of Time, Stranger of Galilee, Only a Touch, Just for Today, Blessed Assurance, 7 more.
2 9 . C a v a lc a d e of Word A rtis ts —17 of your all-time favorite Christian artists and mu sical groups with musical messages of faith, taken from recent albums.
3 0 . G lo r y ! G lo r y ! H a lle lu ja h ! — Paul Mickelson and Cathedral Symphony of London: Battle Hymn, Lead On 0 King Eternal, Onward Christian Soldiers, etc.
Enroll me in the: STEREO DIVISION Regular long playing (33 1/3 RPM) players use High Fidelity albums. Stereo players use either. C a n a d ia n A d d re s s : B o x 2 2 2 8 f V an co u ver, B .C . (Canadian prices are slightly higher.) REGULAR High Fidelity
JU L Y , 1963
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