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CHRISTIAN SCHOOL TEACHERS W A N T E D Qualified teachers, interested in teaching in Christian Schools should write to CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS SERVICE, Inc. 10119 Lafayette Avenue, Chicago 28, III. Teacher Agency Service is Free STUDY AT HOME Recommended by evangelicals as America's finest training school for ministers and church workers. Extension courses approved by* the Association of Home Study Schools. Endorsed by the American Evangelical Christian Churches for pastoral train ing. W rite for catalog. AMERICAN BIBLE SCHOOL 192 North Clark Street Chicago 1, Illinois
Appalling Moral Conditions One o f the great problems confronting us as a nation today is that we have lost the sense o f the heinousness o f sin. The world is reeling, rocking, wallowing in the very arms o f sin itself and plunging at a sickening pace toward oblivion in its mad effort to indulge itself in all o f the orgies that the sinful heart can conjure up. Too many ministers o f the Protestant church today no longer preach on the sinfulness o f sin. When the subject is presented, there is the tendency to gloss over it, to give it a sugar-coating, to make it as palatable as possible for “ positive-thinking” people o f power and persuasion in the padded pews who come to listen to the ponderous, polysyllabic pronouncements o f these faithless shepherds. Somewhere, through the years, there has been lost in large measure the consciousness o f the utter wickedness and reprehensi bleness o f sin which is to be found in the human mind and heart and which is being expressed in so many hellish ways all about us today. There is practically nothing o f a wicked nature that anyone can do today which will shock us. We have been educated to the point where even the vilest form o f sinfulness is accepted as being merely the product o f a sick mind. It is admitted that the condition o f the world as it existed just pior to the days o f the flood resembles strikingly the depraved state which exists in our day. And, alas, so many o f our clergy are apparently not willing to speak out against these frightful conditions because that would be “ negative preaching” ! The unspeakably filthy behaviour which characterized the cities o f Sodom and Gomorrah during the days o f Lot, is accepted these days and the only effort being made is merely to regulate this sin and to try to keep it concealed. All too few were shocked when recently there appeared in one o f the Southern California metropolitan newspapers a series o f six articles dealing with the subject. The transgressors were referred to as “ S.D.s.” — sex deviates. These articles appeared in the Hollywood Citizen News exposing this hellish practice as it is becoming more and more prevalent in Southern California. This newspaper is certainly to be congratulated and commended for bringing this sordid situation to the attention o f the community. According to the Los Angeles Police Department and the City and County Health Departments, as reported by Carol Collins in these articles, “ One out o f every fifteen men you pass on the streets
"Bibje Foundation Course" ..........................................3.00 "Chapter Summary" .....— ...............................r— 5.00 "Child Evangelism" ----- -----------------......... 5.50 "Christ in The Tabernacle" (Talbot) .......... 6.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" (Torrey) .................. 6.50 "God's Plan of the Ages" (Talbot) .......... 5.00 "M inor Prophets" (5 Units) Feinberg ...... 16.50 "Practical Bible Training" ..............'..............2.50 •"Prophecies of Daniel" (Talbot) ....------- 6.50 • "Studies for New Christians" ....................... 1.00 "Studies in Romans" (Talbot) 5.50 "Studies in the Gospels" ---- ------ ----------- 6.50 "Th e Book of Acts'/ ............................................. 3.50 "The Books of Ephesians" (Talbot) .............. . 5.50 "Th e Book of Revelation" (Talbot) .s..-.-vii. 6.50 "Th e C ults" (Talbot) ............. 6.50
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The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL I | 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. I Enroll me in Course -------------------— --------- I Find fee enclosed $.................................................... .......... * Send me free brochure of I all courses offered — .........— ............----- - . Name --------...--------------- -— —-— .......... ............ ■Address — -------------- ......----------------------------- I C ity __________________........._________ Zone ---------- | State ---------------------------------................ JC B -7 i
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