o f Hollywood is a sex deviate . . . sex deviates ate responsible for 60% o f the crime in Hollywood . . . sex deviates are all potential killers . . . sex deviates range from teen-agers to men in their seven ties; they know little fear, little shame and they are almost immune from prosecution . . . these individuals span every economic bracket and walk o f life. . . . The Hollywood Vice Detail arrests for sex deviation within the last two months have netted a high school English teacher, an acting principal o f an elementary school, an associate professor o f a college, a minister, a municipal court clerk, two state employees . . . sex deviates pose a greater threat to the community than do narcotic addicts in terms o f moral implications and total impact and the tragedy is that the greatest rise in the incidence o f venereal diseases in recent years has occurred in the fifteen-to-nineteen-year age bracket with records o f the Los An geles County Health Department indicating that nearly 70% is attributable to homosexual contacts. . . . It is the outspoken ob jective o f some groups in this field to secure legislation 'legalizing homosexual relationships, permitting homosexual marriages and es tablishing the same rights o f property which exist between man and wife’ .” What is happening in Hollywood is being duplicated to a greater or less degree in every metropolitan area o f the country today. And what is being done about it? It is encouraging to note that when these articles appeared in the Hollywood Citizen News, the Hollywood Chamber o f Commerce became greatly concerned over the situation and alerted their Citizens Committee on Public Decen cy. This organizaion has begun an active campaign to seek legisla tion which will give the forces o f law and order a far greater regulatory control over these sex perverts and their activities and influences. Congratulations to a great metropolitan newspaper and the local Chamber o f Commerce for taking a positive stand against this sin in their community! But where are the clergy o f Hollywood and Los Angeles? Are they raising their voices in protest and warning against the spread o f this hellish habit? Not one, to our knowledge, has voiced any concern regarding this condition. But, alas, this job has apparently been left for these secular organizations to try to alert people to this condition and to try to arouse them to the dangers that con front them at the very doorsteps o f their own homes. What is the matter with so many o f the clergy today? Have they become such weaklings that they are afraid o f offending the "finer sensibili ties” o f their parishioners? Could it be that all too many o f the ministers in Protestant pulpits today are themselves so imbued with worldliness that they dare not speak out against the sins that are to be found on every hand? Is it possible that there is so much sin o f various types found among church members that if the clergy lashed out too vigorously they would lose both their support and their audiences? Has this devilish notion o f "positive thinking” so permeated the pulpit that men are afraid to preach against sin in general and sins in particular because that is negative thinking and preaching? Perhaps we should remind ourselves that eight o f the (continued on page 46)
i i I appreciate STONY BROOK’S Full Athletic Program” says John Morris d a rk Stony BrOok, '62— Winchester (England), '63 Stony Brook offers excellent opportunities for outdoor sports. Teams in football, cross country, basketball, wrestling, baseball, tennis, golf, and track are maintained at varsity, junior varsity and freshman levels. There is a nine-school Ivy League athletic schedule as well as a regular program of intra-mural sports. The gymnasium and two field houses are used for indoor sports. Twelve acres of athletic fields include three gridirons, two baseball diamonds, and a new quarter-mile cinder track. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli gious, academic, and recreational activities,
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We have openings for two dedicated teach ers for the fall term. Please write to Mr. Lester F. Wendt, 2898 G Street, San Bernardino, California. WHEATON ACADEMY welcomes qualified applicants . . .
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JU L Y , 1963
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