
A — April 27 - May 10, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal www.marejournal.com M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal A uctions 331-acre Meadow Event Park in Doswell, VA Motley’s Auction & Realty Group to conduct foreclosure auction


oswell, VA—Fore- closure auction of Meadow Event Park

Group, has high hopes of finding a buyer who will re- open the State Fair and con- tinue a tradition that dates back to 1854. “The owners did an ex- traordinary job developing this property into a terrific multi-use facility,” said Mot- ley. “The State Fair has a long history and holds lots of memories for so many Vir- ginians. Many organizations have recently been through difficult times and the Fair is no exception, our job is to make those transitions easi- er. Although I am a business- man and auctioneer, I am a Virginian first and am proud to be part of the process of finding a new owner who will keep this tradition alive” Meadow Event Park, pur- chased in 2003, was reno- vated and developed to be the new home of the State Fair after its move from the RIR complex in the City of Rich- mond. The nonprofit’s well- publicized financial struggles led to the group’s bankruptcy protection filing in December 2011. The 331-acre complex in- cludes a 76,130 s/f exhibit hall, a 9,700 s/f Expo Cen- ter. Within the complex are three residences including the Chenery Manor home, a renovated 12,85 s/f special event hall sitting on the foot- prints of the original manor house. In a nod to the property’s history as the former home of world-famous, Triple Crown winning racehorse Secretar- iat, the sale will also include an extensive equine facility, with a barn and stables com- prising 24,000 s/f. In conjunction with the real estate sale are numerous in- tellectual properties includ- ing name and websites for State Fair of Virginia, SFVA, Strawberry Hill Races (with design), Richmond Highland Games &Celtic Festival, and Meadow Highland Games & Celtic Festival. An online only auction of numerous support equipment begins May 15, 2012, and concludes May 24, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. The equipment includes trac- tors, industrial lawn equip- ment, animal pens, and shop equipment. n

in Doswell has been ordered by the secured creditor, end- ing a lengthy struggle by the State Fair of Virginia, LLC. to hold onto the home of the State Fair since 2009. The auction, to be held May 22, 2012 at the Park, will be con- ducted by Richmond based Motley’s Auction & Realty Group. Fortis Foreclosure Services will be coordinating the foreclosure process. Mark Motley, president of Motley’s Auction & Realty

Meadow Event Park


foreclosure caroline, co

331±ACMeAdowevent PArk Real Estate, Intellectual & Personal Property of the State Fair of Virginia 76,000± SF Exhibit Hall, 12,850± SF Manor House, 24,000± SF Barn/Stables, 4 Riding Rings, 9,700± SF Expo Center, 3 Residential Structures ON-sITe sAle: with Live & OnLine Bidding 13111 DAwN BlvD., DOswell, vA 23047

BID 5/14 ThrU 5/24 Bids Begin Closing: 5/24 @ 2PM online only –MAintenAnCe, CAtering, offiCe equiP. &More! Antiques & Collectibles, Furniture & Fixtures, Office Equipment, Food Service Equipment, Maintenance Equipment, Props, Signage, Portable Structures &More!

tues., 5/22 @ 2PM

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