October 2023

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PAGE 6B October 2023

Gadsden State Providing Top Notch Facilities and Training

Gadsden State Community College and The Chamber of Gadsden and Etowah County hosted a ribbon cutting on October 2, 2023 for the renovations of Helderman Hall and Bevill Hall on the Wallace Drive Campus. Helderman Hall houses Gadsden State’s Nursing Program and Emergency Medical Services while Bevill Hall is home to the Radiography Program and the Medical Laboratory Technology Program. Dr. Kathy Murphy, president of Gadsden State, was asked by the Alabama Ledger about a connection between breast cancer awareness and the renovated campus facilities. “Providing an environment that is conducive to learning is important at Gadsden State,” she said. “We want to provide the best facilities and the best equipment we can to train our students to be top-notch healthcare providers. We also teach our students to be compassionate nurses who embody the core values of empathy, kindness and genuine concern for the well-being of their patients. That’s especially important when dealing with men and women battling breast cancer.” Murphy said it is important for nurses to go beyond the technical aspects of their profession and truly connect with patients on a deeper level. “I’m confident that the students who choose to go into cancer care understand that their role is much more than medical care,” she said. “Their role encompasses emotional support, education and advocacy. Our nursing faculty reiterate throughout their education at Gadsden State the importance of having a compassionate bedside manner.” When it comes to Radiography, mammograms are an extension of a radiographer’s role. “Mammography is the best breast cancer screening test we have at this time,” she said. “Students who complete the Radiography Program at Gadsden State can continue their training by completing some educational and clinical hours that can take them to the role of a mammographer. This screening is an ideal method in detecting breast cancer before even signs or symptoms appear.” Renovations and upgrades to the Gadsden Facilities included over $1 million in new program equipment; replacement of the heating and cooling systems; new student study spaces; two new student lounges with new furniture; a new student practice lab for Nursing; new signage; new office spaces for medical directors and adjunct faculty; addition of mini-library spaces; a 96-person testing lab; a smaller 40-person testing lab; three testing spaces; new exterior lighting; and updated elevators and restrooms. It’s a great day for Gadsden State,” said Dr. Joey Battles, dean of Health Sciences at the ribbon cutting. “It’s always great to do things for our students. These renovations and upgrades are all about our students.” Battles added that another $400,000 in additional equipment is expected to be received by the end of the year. “I’m so appreciative to the administration of Gadsden State for investing in Health Sciences and its students,” he said. “It’s very expensive to purchase the necessary equipment to train our future healthcare workers. They are worth it.”

Gadsden State Community College hosted a ribbon cutting for the renovations made at Helderman Hall and Bevill Hall on the Wallace Drive Campus. Some of those attending the event were: (L-R) Kelley Pearce, Associate Dean of Student Services; Dr. Farrah Hayes, Dean of Academic Services; Alan Smith, Dean of Workforce Development; Ashley Crusey, Director of Radiography; Dr. Joey Battles, Dean of Health Sciences; Alan Wallace, Chief Information Officer; Dr. Kathy Murphy, President; Dr. Tera Simmons, Vice President; Pam Johnson, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness; Debbie Cole, Director of Medical Laboratory Technology; Dr. Cynthia Mullinax, Director of Nursing; Karen Tyree, Director of Dental Assisting; and John Hollingsworth, Director of Emergency Medical Services. Photos by Brandon K. Pierce, Alabama Ledger

Dr. Joey Battles, Dean of Health Sciences at Gadsden State Community College, gets ready to cut the ribbon in celebration of renovations at Helderman Hall and Bevill Hall on the Wallace Drive Campus. He was joined by Gadsden State President Dr. Kathy Murphy and other college officials.

Lorelei Chambers had a chance to see what was under the microscope while touring one of the classrooms at Gadsden State Community College.

Lynn's Ledger Devotional Column By Denise Lynn The Struggle Bus

Have you ever had a day where it feels like every thing is a struggle? Even worse are days that become weeks, and weeks that become years. I have to admit that I been there. I can walk in complete joy and happiness in certain areas of my life, but in other areas the tires are all flat. The bus is stuck and definitely not moving. We can buzz around and be a busy bee working hard and pushing through or we can lay down and cry and show complete defeat. So what do we do when the struggle bus comes? Go to God. Ask for a fresh anointing on your life, in your specific situation. Take some time to cry if you need to, but then get busy. Busy doing what? Working for the kingdom. We are here to be Gods soldiers. He equipped us with special gifts and talents to fulfill the task. You may say “I work in fast food, not a hospital”. That’s okay, that’s your calling and you can help spread and show Gods love to those around you, strangers in the form of customers and your work family too. Be generous with your

finances or your time and bless those who may have a need. We are blessed to be a blessing. It’s not our list of accomplishments and the quantity of our “toys” in the garage that will correct the struggle bus. God says in Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness: and all these things shall be added to you.” I read a wonderful example lately that a pastor wrote that explained how to seek the kingdom of God. It related it to the game of hide-n-seek we played as kids and he goes on to say “seeking God’s Kingdom with all we have, looking in every nook and cranny until our search results in us finding Him. “ That may seem strange, but I believe it’s accurate. He’s a polite Father patiently waiting for you to seek Him & His kingdom ways. Well, how do we do that? I would start with shaking off any sin through a prayer of salvation or rededication. Either way it's having a heart that says “I repent.” Repentance is a word we don’t hear every day. The dictionary defines it

as a deep sorrow for a past sin, and regret for a past action. I would also include the present definition. In the present it’s a turn in the right direction with a desire to repent and ask God to forgive you and make things right. Now that your slate is clean let’s go back to the struggle bus. Jesus is the engine that makes everything run. It’s our choice to crank the bus and go for a joy ride or struggle on. God won't stop the struggle, we just have to use the tools he has provided to turn the struggle into joy. We are learning and growing closer to him with every trial or trying day we have, as long as He remains the priority and the center of our day. We can “fix” the bus with getting into His word.

The Bible is the best instruction book to life you will ever find. It’s our manual, so to speak. If you only have a few minutes, Google can help you find a scripture on just about any subject. Praise and worship can usher you closer into the presence of God, on an intimate trip. I like to think of both praise and worship as the map that takes the bus from here to there. We can’t forget prayer. I think of prayer as the gasoline, it fuels everything. A prayer of repentance starts us on a path to heaven, a prayer of healing can restore, and daily prayers are wonderful conversations with the Heavenly Father that are intimate and draw you deeper into a relationship with him daily. So invite God into your daily struggles, let Him drive the bus!

Following the ribbon cutting, folks had the opportunity to tour both facilities. While on tour, several students and faculty members were on hand to help explain what some of the classroom equipment is used for. One group helping with the tour included: Liz Tucker of Piedmont, Sydney Brown of Oxford, Olivia McMichael of Anniston and Elvira Miguel of Collinsville.


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