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It’s hard to believe that “Forrest Gump” first hit big screens more than 25 years ago. The movie stars Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, a simple-minded but good- hearted individual who unintentionally influenced important historical events. The movie did phenomenally well and won six Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor. Now, 28 years later, the movie is still seen on television and even spawned a successful restaurant chain, Bubba Gump, with locations in major tourist destinations across the country. While the story of Forrest is incredibly touching and brilliantly performed, the film has maintained its relevance for 25-plus years because of its many life lessons, like these four memorable moments.

American Ping-Pong team as part of the Ping-Pong diplomacy program. We can all learn from this example and do our best to try new experiences, food, and activities. You never know where your true talents lie.


optimism. They were soon gifted with an abundance of shrimp after a hurricane. It’s an important reminder to always try to find the silver lining in any bad situation, no matter how dire it appears.

We’ve all heard that money does not bring happiness, but it’s a difficult concept for many of us to grasp. Throughout the course of the movie, Forrest earns a tremendous amount of money, but despite all that wealth, he still loses his mother and the love of his life, Jenny. When he faces these traumatic events, he’s completely grief-stricken, and no amount of money can bring back the people he loves.


To put it simply, tomorrow is never guaranteed. We can make all the plans in the world only for something to happen and our plans fall apart. When you open a box of chocolates, you get a variety of flavors but can’t tell what they are until you bite into them. Life is very similar. We don’t know what each day will necessarily bring us when we wake up. Sometimes we just have to dive in and be ready for whatever opportunity presents itself. Over the past 28 years, “Forrest Gump” has left a lasting impact on viewers from multiple generations. Each time you watch it, you may pick up yet another life lesson. By watching the movie with an open mind, you’ll learn the importance of compassion and optimism and the power of love. 1 423-267-6715 | HoustonAlexander.com



As humans, we are creatures of habit. We like to stick to regular schedules and do things that we find comfortable. When removed from our comfort zones, we can experience tremendous growth. In the movie, Forrest never backs away from trying something new. When he was recovering from a gunshot wound he sustained in Vietnam, he’s introduced to the game of Ping-Pong. He quickly discovered he was a natural and was eventually brought on board the All-

During the movie, Forrest never gets pessimistic, regardless of the situation. One of the greatest examples of Forrest’s intense optimism comes from his relationship with Lieutenant Dan. Dan was wounded in Vietnam but was saved by Forrest. Dan develops a pessimistic outlook on life because he did not die on the battlefield and became an amputee. Forrest continued to support him for years. When they went into the shrimping business together, things started to look grim, but Forrest never dropped his


When it comes to proper heart health, there is no shortage of advice. Getting regular exercise, eating fruits and vegetables daily, limiting alcohol intake, and avoiding smoking are just some of the heart-healthy directives doctors give their patients. But what if your home is hindering your cardiovascular health? It’s possible! Consider the following high-risk factors of an unhealthy home.

and lead to greater buildup in the heart’s arteries, which increases the chance for heart attack and stroke. To determine if the air in your home needs intervention, simply pay attention to your body’s signals. Signs of poor air quality may include regular headaches, nausea, frequent sneezing or sinus dryness, and coughing or breathing issues. Your house may also have unexplainable hot or cold spots, which could indicate poor air circulation and therefore poor air quality. This creates an environment where mold, mildew, and bacteria can linger and grow. You then breathe in these spores and spread these toxins throughout your body.

significant impact on this endeavor. For instance, neighborhoods that have poor “walkability” — like limited sidewalk access or dangerous infrastructure — may force residents to stay indoors. Furthermore, small spaces that don’t allow for at-home workouts don’t encourage exercise. You can combat these factors in a number of ways. For starters, contractors and professional organizers can help those with smaller homes install or design their space for better movement. Petitioning your city or neighborhood board to improve walking conditions can benefit the whole neighborhood. You can also search for “exercises for small spaces” on YouTube for more ideas on at-home workouts. To learn more about how you can improve your home to boost your health, speak with an HVAC or home repair expert.


We like to think of our home as a safe place to live, work, and play, but the very air you breathe in the home can be dangerous. A 2016 study published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that long-term exposure to toxins in the air can age blood vessels


Part of a heart-healthy lifestyle includes movement. Where you live can have a


as well as his children’s college tuition, he requested $3 million. He also asked for $2 million to support his needs during his 23- year prison sentence. Central to Brock’s claim was that, due to his drinking, “I caused myself to violate my religious beliefs. This was done by my going out and getting arrested, which caused me to be in prison.” And since he was a ward of the state, he explained that Virginia should pay the $5 million on his behalf. After all, he was incarcerated and unable to work, and the state was responsible for his care. Plus, he promised to pay the money back after his release. In a move that shocked no one (except, perhaps, Brock), Judge Rebecca Beach Smith dismissed his case. While she did call his claim “ludicrous,” she also praised his creativity, stating that he

“presented an innovative approach to civil rights litigation.”

Perhaps the lawsuit against himself wasn’t his first or last attempt at legal restitution. He once filed 29 complaints in a single year. Due to the repeated suits, the court removed his ability to file further litigation. “None of Brock’s allegations have ever been found by any court to have any merit,” the decision read. “Because Brock’s repeated, frivolous claims have placed a significant burden on this court, as well as on the district court ... we hereby impose sanctions upon Brock.” Brock’s case ranked No. 3 on Time Magazine’s list of Top 10 Outrageous Legal Battles. So, while he didn’t achieve wealth, he did gain fame. It was an impressive feat for a man who found a novel way to take personal responsibility for his actions.

On July 1, 1993, Robert Lee Brock made a mistake. By his own account, he had a few too many alcoholic beverages that evening, and in his drunken state, he committed breaking and entering, as well as grand larceny. Brock was arrested, and the court sentenced him to 23 years behind bars at the Indian Creek Correctional Center in Chesapeake, Virginia. In 1995, Brock decided he deserved restitution. Reasoning that he had violated his own civil rights, he sued himself for $5 million. For his family’s pain and suffering,


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Within the Articles of Confederation, Congress didn’t have the power to enforce laws and was only allowed to collect funds from each state. State governments held the majority, which made the federal government weaker. This led to states fighting over territory, war pensions, and taxation, all of which could potentially destroy the country. These issues led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which helped create the Constitution that we have today. You might be surprised to learn that a body of water — and other concerns — helped draft the document.

separate money. This separation made trade between states and other countries extremely difficult. Due to different currencies, Congress couldn’t print out money for the entire country to use. Fortunately, the Constitution established a common currency for all states and also allowed Congress to coin money and regulate its value.

could then use the canal as a form of transportation into the rest of the continent.


There was only one branch for Congress, and each state had one vote in order to get laws passed. If Congress wanted to pass any laws, they needed 9 out of 13 states in order to approve it. Requiring this high majority made it difficult to pass any legislation. The Constitution divided the government into branches and gave certain powers to each branch, known as checks and balances. The first attempt at a constitution — the Articles of Confederation — failed, but with some adjustments and ratifications, the Constitutional Convention created the document we still use today. “My fiancee and I got into an argument that resulted in a charge of felony domestic assault. A police officer friend referred me to Johnny Houston. Johnny was able to get my case into court early so that we could resume living together and taking care of our family. Ultimately, the charge was dismissed and will be removed from my record. Johnny and his staff made a difficult situation much easier to deal with.” –T.N. our clients say it best


Within the Articles of Confederation, each state managed the territory that lies within their state lines. George Washington wanted to use the Erie Canal as a form of transportation but couldn’t because the canal was in New York territory. He needed permission from New York in order to use the canal. But with the development of the Constitution, the Erie Canal was managed by the federal government. Washington


Unlike today, the Confederation Period didn’t have a common currency. The federal government and the states had

Dexter and Rita News! Dexter and Rita are doing well. Dexter is a bit gimpy with his bad hip, but we are keeping

him a svelte 85 pounds and that seems to help. Rita is healthy as can be. They recently had a bit of excitement. We had the roof on our house replaced and Dexter and Rita could not seem to understand why we were not more concerned about the herd of intruders stomping around overhead. Rita got loose and decided to chase the one roofer who was snacking in the yard. Dexter fell in behind her. The pursuit ended when the roofer threw his pieces of chicken in the air which proved to be more interesting than chasing him. Here is Rita sleeping off the day’s excitement.


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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Life Lessons to Learn From ‘Forrest Gump’ Your Home May Be Breaking Your Heart (Literally) The Man Who Sued Himself How the Erie Canal Helped Create the Constitution Dexter & Rita Update Client Testimonial Improve Your Health With Fitness Trackers PAGE 1 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 4


Over the past decade, wearable technology has seen an incredible boom. Wearables like Fitbits and the Apple Watch used to be nothing more than glorified step counters. Since their debut, though, fitness trackers and wearables have gone through various updates that have made them essential to the fitness community as a whole. This is because wearing a fitness tracker can add great benefits to your lifestyle and can even improve your daily life.

Many fitness trackers give you insight into your sleep routine and will even track your movements so you can find out if you were tossing and turning all night. Others go further by detecting your body temperature, heart rate, and energy expenditure. You can use this information to create a sleep schedule that works for you or make any adjustments to your sleeping conditions if they are preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep.



A built-in heart rate sensor is possibly the most vital feature available in almost every wearable device and fitness tracker. There are many exercise machines that track your heart rate, but those are only useful if you know your resting heart rate. With a fitness tracker — whether you’re sleeping, sitting, running, or exercising — you will know exactly what your heart rate is and what’s normal for you. This is important because it will help you notice irregularities so you can better understand your heart health.

Fitness trackers and wearable devices are still a relatively new technology. Tech companies are continually updating them and introducing additional features. For example, new wearables that are hitting the market can track blood sugar, which could be incredibly beneficial to those with diabetes. Wearable tech will continue to evolve — only time will tell what features and functions companies will unveil next.

Improve Your Health With Fitness Trackers


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