A NEW KIND OF VOCATION By Theresa Gustafson
L A N T E R N S L I D E S Missionaries and Christian Workers: You can have your black and white snapshots or printed pictures turned into beautiful colored glass slides (2"x2* or 3}4"x4") at 75 cents each. (Discount on quan tity.) Over 15 progressive years at this address.
I F O. E. Balka said he would give his oath on a “ stack of Bibles,” it would not be a mere figure of speech! He really has an enormous assortment of Bibles—“ patients” sent for rejuvenation to his Binding and Bible Hospital in Dallas, Texas. Yellowed, stained and torn copies of the most enduring and best-selling vol ume in the world—the Bible—are sent to this shop from all over the world, for reinforcement of their dog-eared leaves, new bindings and leather covers. In one month alone more than 600 Bibles were repaired. This is not an easy task, for each one represents an indi vidual problem. For instance, not long ago a Bible came into the shop which had at least one tear on every page of the New Testament. All that takes time; it is not an assembly-line job. Mr. Balka gets Bibles to repair from all over the world, and in many lan guages, from such far-away points as Korea, Norway and Italy. Missionaries are among his best customers. The Bibles require an average of two or three hours of skilled attention from Mr. Balka or his wife and son who assist him. Re cently he received a Bible from Council, Alaska, especially valuable in that it bears the signature of Dr. C. I. Scofield, for whom the Scofield Bible and the Sco field Memorial Church in Dallas, Texas are named. Many of the old texts of the Holy Word contain a family’s names for gen erations. In the flyleaves and back pages of these Bibles are recorded weddings, deaths and births, and penciled notes placed there to facilitate finding special passages. People want to preserve these records. Such Bibles have a tremendous sentimental value. Probably the only man in the south who can restore thè familiar gilt edges to the Bible is Mr. Balka. Once he re ceived a special order for six white, leather-backed Bibles from an Eastern publisher. The Bibles were to be given to parents whose sons were lost in the war. This is most difficult work for the hands must be perfectly dry while one is working on these covers, to keep them spotless and white. Recently Mr. Balka repaired a dog-eared Bible submitted by an elderly woman who has no income for which, as is his custom, he made no charge. He considers this a part of his contribution to God’s service. Mr. Balka is a Missourian, born of immigrant German parents. After work ing in a Dallas book bindery for many years, in 1944, he decided that there was room for a specialist in the field of Bible restoration. “ I was working on an oil painting of the crucifixion in my garret studio When it suddenly dawned upon me that there should be a repair shop for the world’s best book seller, the Bible,” he relates.
C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CLeveland 66129
6176 Myosotis Street
Los Angeles 42, Calif.
FOREIGN MISSIONARIES We represent large and modem papermills and want to supply Newsprint, Magazine, Song-Book, Bible Paper, Mimeograph Ledger and Letter Paper to Protestant Foreign Mission Stations. Write today for samples and prices, stating quantity needed, and size of sheets. We can ship to nearly every country. Phone VA. 1804. HENRY RISING PAPER CO. 124 W. Fourth St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. W ANT BIBLE SLIDES OF QUALITY? “ Anything cheap is dear in the end.” Not just duplications, but re-photoed each time for depth. 65c per slide, genuine Kodachrome, all glassed for protection. Special, LIFE OF CHRIST, „ 79 slides—nothing like them any where. Biola missionary slide maker 7 years. PARSONS QUALITY SLIDE SERVICE 3310 Cherokee Ave. South Gate, Calif. JE 8092 GOSPEL SURPRISE OBJECTS Reach the child heart with visual aids where the truth stands out above the trick. Complete. 200 titles ready. 21 lessons for $3.00. Free Sample. Arnold Carl Westphal, Rt. 2, LaPorte, Indiana L INDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE CO LLEG E A N D SEM INARY Liberal Arts • Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS Dormitory Housing for Both Married and Single Students Available Immediately Catalog on Request £ j n E C to any evangelical Christian Min- I * E E ister, Sunday School or Missionary Superintendent, one copy of "O PEN W IN D O W S O F H EA VEN " for each family in his congregation providing he will agree to give a talk on TITHING before distribution. Write stating number of leaflets desired to SAN D IEG O II C A LIF O R N IA
Business came slowly at first. But as potential customers gradually learned that their Bibles, with their own cher ished notations, could be given a face lifting, his business grew. His oldest “patient” was a 270-year-old German Bible set in 24-point, (one-third inch) type. On the side Mr. Balka takes his relax ation in the form of painting, and of whittling out violins. His first two vio lins, which required six months each to make, are complete, and together are valued at several hundred dollars. From the time Mr. Balka arises each day at 4 :30 a.m. for a 45-minute violin prac tice session, until he retires late at night, he is a busy man. “ But you can’t work too. hard when you’re having fun,” he declares. It is evident that his vo cation of repairing the greatest Book in the world is a satisfying one to Mr. Balka.
TITHER, 417-K So. Hill St. Los Angeles 13# California Books for Reference and Study A ll Abou t the Sunday School By David J. Fant and Addie Marie French
New revised edition. Textbook for all engaged in Sunday-school work. Includes courses of study, methods of teaching, departmental grading, and literature. Relative values of graded and uniform les sons discussed. Should have a place in every Sunday-s’chool library.
Outline Studies in Christian Doctrine By George P . Pardington A manual covering sub jects such as Bibliology, Theology, Angelology, etc. $1.75.
The Wonders o f Prophecy By John Urquhart Portrays the remarkable way in which Bible predictions concerning the great nations of an tiquity, the advent of Christ, and history of Jew ish people have been fulfilled. $1.50.
Christian Publications, Inc.
Order front your dealer.
|507 N Th|rd stre8t
Harrisburg, Pa.
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