SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich Harmonies.- Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performance. Each, 35c. ALL THREE FOR $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street . Los Angeles 13, Calif. CHRIST1AN ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ GREETINGCARDS Ourbox of 21 DeLuxe Christmas folders have appropriate Scripture Texts and meaningful sentiments that express TRUE CHRISTmas spirit. Add spiritual quality to the Christmas season. Designs are artisticalljr lithographed in seven beautifully tinted pastel colors. These Christ-honoring cards make people conscious that CHRISTmas is Christ’s birthday. Sell readily at 91. As Special Sample Offer we will mail these 21 folders plus box of beautiful all-occasion folders post-paid for $ 1 . Groups raise funds, agents make money, selling our complete Mne o f 20 Assortments. Profit up to \00%. Write today’ SHEPHERDSTOWN C A RD CO. Shepherdstown, Pa., Box 239 “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus”
October HOW CAN I GAIN Prov. 3:21-26;
3, 1948 SELF-CONFIDENCF 2 Cor. 12:7-10
Self-confidence is bu ilt up through conviction and knowledge. It is always easy to talk op a subject with which we are familiar. This is especially true if we are sure that those who listen know less about the subject than we do. To be thoroughly informed gives poise when one is talking on a subject. There is fear when we feel that we are not han dling the discussion well or making statements which cannot be proved. This is particularly true of matters pertain ing to the Christian life. Those who know how to answer questions are happy to answer those who ask questions about spiritual things. Self-Confidence Is Obtained by Knowledge. John 3:11. In m a tters concerning our blessed Lord there is no need for anyone to be ignorant. When once we trust the Sav iour and receive eternal life, we should apply ourselves to learn God’s Word. Especially should we seek to know the doctrin es concerning salva tion . We should know the value of Christ to the sinner as Saviour, Redeemer, Kinsman, Mediator, Advocate, High Priest, and Lord. The Scripture is very clear and plain in all of these delightful truths. Each Christian should determine in his
heart to be fully informed on the teach ing of the Word about these essentials of the Christian life. Self-Confidence Is Obtained from the Holy Spirit. Acts 4:29. The Spirit-filled man or woman will have boldness in speech, fearing nothing aind no one'. The Spirit will teach the believer what to say in the midst of friends and what reply to make to enemies. The Spirit will bring the Scrip tures seasonably to the mind and will give power in the message to overcome opposition. The Holy Spirit leads one to tell the truth and leave the conse quences with God. The Spirit will assure the heart of the Christian that he is on the right side, on God’s side, and that his message will prevail. Self-Confidence Is Obtained from Conviction. Acts 9:27. When one is convicted in his own heart and by his study of the Scripture that he is right in his faith, then there is boldness in his ministry and he is brave before" opponents. Conviction led the martyrs to die for the truth of God. Conviction enabled Martin Luther to face the wicked forces of Romanism and defy the pope. Conviction enabled Liv ingstone to penetrate Africa in untrodden fields. It was conviction that led Cruden to give his life in preparing his wonder ful concordance. We should have con viction in our faith. Self-Confidence Is Obtained Through Prayer. Eph. 6:20. Not only do we pray about our own needs and programs but also for those of others and’ they likewise pray with . and for us. Because prayer is offered at home, missionaries pursue their labors with confident trust. B e c a u s e the church prayed, Peter slept peacefully between two soldiers in prison. Because Elijah prayed, Ahab sped toward his palace to avoid the deluge. Prayer bless edly affects the soul. Because God an swers, we press forward. Because pray er is effective, we press the battle with confidence and pursue the enterprise. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
“Stories of i^pnins
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By Cecilia Margaret Rudln, M. A. I WHAT is America's most popu lar radio hymn? WHICH of blind Fanny Crosby's 8000 hymns is best known ? WHO was this writer: “His Pen was tipped with flame”? WHERE was “Onward Christian Soldiers” first sung? I Gives the inspiring story behind 400 years of hymnody.Authentic... vividly written.Ajoytoown—andtogive! Beau- | tiful printing and binding. Price $1.26.
Order from your ohureh supply house or write direct J O H N R U D I N & C O M P A N Y IN C . Publishers of “ The Book of Life” 1018 S. Wabash Ave. Dept. KB Chicago 5, Illinois
(Answers on Page 24) Choose the correct word 1. Euroclydon is a city, an island, a wind. 2. Paul was by occupation a farmer, a tentmaker, a fisherman. 3. Joseph was thrown into the sea, a dungeon, a pit. 4. Hezekiah was a king of Judah, a Roman soldier, a sculptor. 5. Haman was hanged, drowned, stoned to death. 6. Patmos is a tree, an island, a river. 7. Vashti was a weapon, a food, a queen. 8. The book of Psalms occurs before Judges, Isaiah, Joshua. 9. Acts was written by Luke, Paul, Mark. 10. When Daniel was unharmed in the lion’s den, King Darius was glad, angry, shocked. 11. The number of chapters in John is fourteen, nineteen, twenty-one. 12. Leah was the sister of Lois, Rachel, Priscilla. 13. Cummin is a plant, a fish, a metal. 14. The story of Balak and Balaam is found in Proverbs, Nehemiah, Numbers. 15. Mars Hill is in Berea, Athens, Jerusalem. —-From the book, Lively Bible Quizzes, by Vernon Howard.
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