King's Business - 1948-09


which are not controlled by the Holy Spirit may lead to any kind of sinful expression and excess.

Matt. 7:1 No one lives to himself nor can he. We must always mingle with others even if others are not always as nice as we are. We must learn to be true yoke- fellows, working well with anyone with whom we are associated. Paul always addressed his epistles to all the saints. He did not choose certain ones. He was not partial; he welcomed ministry from all. The other person must be right at least half of the time. We must recog­ nize the gifts and abilities of others. We Get Along by a Proper Attitude. Luke 6:35. If we take the position that the ideas and thoughts of others may be better than ours, this will be conducive to fel­ lowship. If we consider that others may do the work better than we, this is help­ ful for friendship. If we have a desire to see others get ahead of us, this makes for peace. Let us always maintain that relationship with others which will make them admire our judgment and rejoice in our assistance. There will be no quarrel if this attitude is maintained. We Get Along by Humility. Col. 2:2. In the process of knitting, one thread is beneath and another is above fifty per cent of the time. No one thread is always on top and no one thread is al­ ways on the bottom. There must be an even exchange. If our hearts are like that in our relationships with one an­ other, then we, too, will get along in happy fellowship with those about us. We thank God for emotions. The cold- hearted, unemotional life is not attrac­ tive neither does it produce Christian graces in others. On the other hand, those whose emotions are not controlled dp not make profitable companions or de­ pendable servants. We should have the delightful combination of a meditative spirit and an enthusiastic heart. This is much to be desired. It may be ob­ tained by the grace of God through the ministry of the Spirit and the knowl­ edge of God’s Word. We Must Control Our Spirits. Prov. 25:28. God looks at His children as a city filled with valuable treasures. These treasures are the rich graces of love, joy, peace, zeal, vision, earnestness, devotion, et cetera. All around are friends and foes who would take these blessings from us. They would gossip to us, tell us tales misrepresenting other people and other­ wise seek to turn love into hatred and joy into mourning. They would destroy our zeal. We must fight against such intru­ sions. S E P T E M B E R , 1 9 4 8 October GROWING UP 1 Cor. 3:1-3; 13:!

5; 5:38-48 We must take the place of being a ser­ vant, a willing worker, and an eager learner. In this way, we increase our own a b ility w ithou t in ju r in g our friends. Others will soon notice our abil­ ity and give us the place we have earned. We Get Along by a Desire to Labor. Phil. 4:3. Some have the reputation for being “ a fiend for work.” Others are quite allergic to any kind of labor. It is the eager worker who gets along well with others. He not only does his own work well but if someone leaves a task un­ finished, he does that also. He watches for opportunities to help others in their ■work, or to do work which no one else has the foresight, skill, or willingness to do. The earnest worker has little com­ petition. He can get along with anyone for he desires to serve the Lord. We Get Along' by Manifesting Love. 1 Cor. 13:13. When love fills the heart, the whole attitude and action is bent toward pro­ moting the welfare and happiness of all with whom our lot is cast. “ Love seek- eth not her own” but is always after the welfare and the blessing of others. Love seeks to heap coals of fire in the way of kind acts and loving deeds on those who oppose and antagonize. Love does not seek to “get even” with another, but rather to pour blessings on the offender. It is love that fulfills the law. It is with the body that we live our life. It is with the lips and the tongue that we convey our messages. It is with the eyes that we express love or hate. The hands serve either for good or for evil.. The feet carry us in God’s path or in the path of the world. We must rule our bodies for the Lord. If we do not, then our emotions will be unbridled and will not bring glory to God. The lips that are praising our Lord will not be uttering evil words. We Must Control Our Thoughts. 2 Cor. 10:5. We may be exuberant without being reckless. The Christian who is medita­ ting on the Lord may cry “hallelujah” to good purpose. The one who is not thinking about the Lord may exclaim frequently but without purpose. The thoughts given to us by the Holy Spirit will keep us from being dull and unemo­ tional and will fill our souls with loving devotion and sweet earnestness which w ill express itself sanely. Thoughts 17, 1948 EMOTIONALLY 1-11; Eph. 4:11-15 We Must Control Our Bodies. 1 Cor. 9:27.

We Must Control Our Minds. Isa. 26:3.

Certain m a tters presented to our minds lead us to make definite decisions. If our minds are fixed on the Lord and His work, then we shall be filled with a deep desire to honor His Name, to serve His church, and to spread His gospel. We will be enthusiastic in service. We will be earnest and urgent in our zeal for His glory. Our emotions will be guided by our thoughtfulness in making decision s under the guidance of the Spirit. The mind of Christ will lead us into the ways of Christ so that our emo­ tions will be guided into godly channels. AGENTS-DEALERS CHURCH GROUPS comPlete, fast-selling:, religions line— SCRIPTURE TEXT CHRISTMAS CARDS, Every­ day Cards, Plaques, Calendars, Stationery, Lumi­ nous Items, Bibles, Books, Novelties, Gifts, etc. Good profit easily made. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write today for full information and liberal Wholesale Price List. C. W. BOYER CO., Dept. KB, Dayton 5, Ohio 50,000 SALESMEN WANTED Do you want a big-profit, dignified opportunity r i g h t n o w ? Bring „ . BIBLES, RELIGIOUS BOOKS, etc. i \ to hundreds of thousands of homes. \ \ Build good will in your community. Best proposition in U. S. Big com- missions if you act now. Write fo r ' WESTERN ART STUDIOS Dept. 81 R 257 So. Spring St., Los Angeles 12, Calif. M Y L I F E I N THE CONVENT A BOOK OF FACTS A detailed description of black nunnery in Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Margaret Shepherd, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible expe­ riences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded. OYER 6,000,000 COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print! Read this frightful, heart-breaking story and learn the truth concerning convent life. 258 burning pages. Post­ paid only $1.35. The edition is limited . . . so order at once. Gospel Art Shoppe, Dept. KB-8, Rowan, Iowa C/J//JCO(r catalog and details. m n m

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