24, 1948 FORWARD IN CHINA 8:14
weighed, and not counted. The work of the church should be judged by its depth in the heart rather than by the surface it covers. Some of the churches in Asia are manifesting the power of God in their midst. The Church Should Grow in Usefulness. 1 Thess. 1-8. It is not altogether the province of the church to open medical centers and to promote a social service program. That, of course, may be a part of the plan but only as bait is part of the equipment for fishing. It is the work of the church to spread the gospel and win hearts for Christ. Certainly the indigenous church in China is doing this very thing. Chi nese converts are being trained in Chi nese Bible institutes to work among their own people. This is God’s plan and purpose. The Church Should Grow in Holiness. 1 Pet. 2:1. A bald-headed man does not make a good salesman for hair tonic. No one would choose a crow to give singing lessons to the other birds. Those who preach Christ must live what they preach. We find this to be true in China as well as elsewhere. The Chinese Chris tian ceases from his idolatry, drops the opium, changes his manner of living and proves to those around him that his life has been transformed by the Lord Jesus Christ. He becomes a worshiper of the true God and his life shows it. 31. 1948 necessary to do manual labor for daily needs. Paul was a missionary of this type. He earned his own living and pro vided for the needs of all those who traveled with him and there were nine of them (Acts 20:34). It is no disgrace for a servant of God to earn his own living by manual labor. Paul did it for many years. Others have done so. In the midst of this labor, God’s will is accom plished. The Lord of the Harvest Places Us Where He Wants Us. Acts 8:26. We do not know the feeling Philip had when he was called away from the great revival in Samaria to preach to one man traveling on the Gaza road. The servant does not question why or how. He only bows. The soldier obeys without question the orders of his commanding officer. The Spirit knows where He wants us to serve and He knows where the need is greatest. It is our privilege to listen closely to His call and obey immediately. The Lord of the Harvest Records Our Activities. Acts 10:6. The Lord of the harvest knows wheth er we are in the drug business, or doing carpenter work, or farming or practic ing law. He is not unfamiliar with our life activities or our purpose and plans. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S IN CHINA 1 Cor. 9:16-22
The Church in China has had a most difficult career. There has been the ter rible persecution of the Boxers and the present persecution of the communists. There is always the pressure of local idolators, opium smokers, and enemies of every kind. The invasion by Japan with the destruction of many Christian centers has brought about a serious con dition accompanied by many difficulties. Missionaries have been forced to return home and have been hindered in return ing to the China field. The Church Should Grow in Numbers. Acts 2:47. Only the God of heaven knows when a soul has passed from darkness into light and from the family of Satan into the family of God. Certainly many Chi nese have professed to accept the Saviour in the last few years. God’s saints have been encouraged in preaching the gos pel. Some new churches have been form ed and old ones revived. Numerically, the church is probably stronger now then it was ten years ago. There is an open door for God’s gospel in China. The Church Should Grow in Power. Acts 4:33. It is not sufficient that the church have large numbers. The farmer is more interested in ten hens that lay eggs than in twenty hens that do not lay. The or chard which has ten fruit bearing trees is of more value than one which has twenty trees which bear no fruit. The members o f the church should be October NEW JOBS Luke 10:2; ! No Christian is his own master. Hav ing trusted the Savior, we become serv ants of the Holy Spirit. He is the Lord of the harvest. He plants us in His field according to our ability, characteristics, and disposition. He knows what we can do best. He knows what we are best fit ted to do for Him. He knows the cir cumstances under which we will thrive or wither. In the parable of the tares, the good seed are the children of the kingdom. The Master plants them where He wants them. The Master uses His children as He pleases. The Lord of the Harvest Equips for Service. Ex. 31:2-3. Bezaleel was a Spirit-filled man not for preaching, not for leading Israel, not for spiritual guidance, but for building the tabernacle. He was Spirit-filled for manual labor. This is needed in China and here and in many places. We should do the kitchen work filled with the Spirit of God. We should do the office work conscious of the presence of the Spirit. He enables His children to do wisely and well all the things that need to be done. They are done for the glory of God, for the spread of the gospel, and for the blessing of men. The Lord of the Harvest Enables Us to Labor. Acts 18:3. Those in foreign fields often find it
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