King's Business - 1948-09

The God-Sent (Continued from Page 8)


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shall ye do.” The other night I was speaking to a group of young people who were on their way to Hawaii to do mission work for the summer. I told them they would fail Christ if they did not work miracles for Him. A great Christian is just an ordinary person who suddenly discovers he has a great God. The apostle Paul reached the climax of his life when he wrote, “ I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.” Not “some things,” ALL THINGS. He knew that his .life was revolutionized by Christ and that he was now a new creation. He knew that the Holy Spirit had revealed the way for him and that He did not go in his own wisdom but under the direction of God. What mattered it if he were beaten and left for dead. He cried, “ Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark.” He knew that in Christ he was resource­ ful. In this atomic age we need a power greater than atomic power and we have it in prayer power. In this day of much learning, we need greater wisdom and we have it in the ministry of the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things. In this day of unashamed depravity, we need a solvent more potent than the weak moralities, and we have it in the blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanses from all sin. The world is crying out for God-sent servants of Christ who are God-bought, God-taught, God-called and God-empow­ ered. Will you be this kind of person? Let us, then, accept the providences of God as they come to us sometimes so disappointing—realizing that it is the worker more than the work that God now has in view. And at the same time let us look beyond to the coming age, in which, when we are fully conformed to God, we shall find our true sphere of service. Let us remember that we are coming again. Elijah did not turn his people from Baal worship, but he is com­ ing again to do what he did not do then. Jesus did not turn His people from their Pharisaism and unbelief, but He, is com­ ing again to do what He did not do at His first advent. We also may not have converted all our own generation at the time of our Home-call, but we are com­ ing again to do what we do not now do. The work is chiefly to be done then. The worker is being perfected now for that future ministry. Published in tract form by the Bible House of Los Angeles, 927 S. Westmore­ land, and used by permission. S E P T E M B E R , 1 9 4 8 The Worker More Than the Work (Continued from Page H ) may well be the means of leading the worker into personal union with God himself.

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